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Some of the most visible F2P restrictions need to go before Exp launch


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In my time as F2P, I played the game for six months before subscribing. One of the first purchases with a paycheck I had went to buying a timecard, because I really enjoyed playing this game, and I wanted to play more than two characters per server.


Did hide head Slot bother me? Sure, but most of the helmets made sense, or I bought a tiara-thing.


Did Unify Colors bother me? Sure. But most of the armors went well enough together that it didn't bother for long. Maybe Havoc Squad went through a bunch of colors because the bosses wanted to see how stuff looked on the books.


Did chat restrictions bother me? Meh. Only if I was on DK/Coruscant and in a discussion. But I also got tired of reading goldspammers and being unable to ignore them for whatever reason that's there for, so I turned off GenChat.


Did the quickbars issue bother me? Only now that I've been subbing and use five of the six. But before, I was a button masher who was using the wrong skills for my ACs and didn't have my bars organized like I do now (one quickbar is nothing but class buff, travels, stealth, vehicles, stances/cells, and specie ability, another is heals for Healers and buffs for everything else.)


^- - - But that's only an issue now that I know what I was missing.


Did the lack of specie choices bother me? Sure, but specie doesn't change much of anything, so it was more a matter of looking cool.


Crafting slots? Nah, had Slicing.


Mailing? Nah, didn't mail anything. Still don't.


Two characters per server? Yes. That's why I subbed.


The credit cap? Nah, with Slicing I was almost at it on one alt at Taris, but there wasn't anything I needed at the cap costs.


PvP/OPs/FP/Space Missions passes? No, I didn't do PvP, group, and only tried the space missions once before getting bored with them (didn't even reach weekly limit).


Level cap? Meh, I got 1-50, that's more than WoW was advertising. And I could roll new characters to keep playing until I found a job that was willing to hire a one-year HS graduate who still didn't have much of any paid work experience (but five years of volunteer service, two of those years at a nationally recognized award for having 100+ hours in a year starting the first year that award was issued).


So there isn't anything F2P -needs- to play the game, enjoy the game, and decide to subscribe. Unless that person is playing for the PvP and dungeon/raids.


Prefs could use a couple of boosts, but not enough to make unsubbing look better than subbing. Maybe more passes for stuff?


Edit: I know I'm being anecdotal, but still, not everyone F2P plays for the raids/FPs and PvP.

Edited by LyraineAlei
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Actually those restrictions made me not want to resub, only reason I'm temporarily subbed now, is to get the new companion, then unsubbing until late October for the swoop.


SWTOR has way too restrictive F2P / Preferred options. I mean, hell, STO has been F2P for awhile, and there are virtually no restrictions there - definitely no game-breaking / limiting ones.


so you dont like the restrictions on F2P /preferred

so your answer to that is to play F2P/Preferred most of the time.


Yeah, somehow I doubt you are reflective of most people


So I guess because you hate a certain food,

That means you eat that food willingly every week?



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Color Unify, Hide helmet. Thes do nothing but off-put new F2P players. Clearly your goal is to keep them playing till they reach they point they feel they HAVE to sub (operations or Fallen Empire chapters). That's effective, but not if they drop from the game shortly after starting with nonsensical ugly & off-putting restrictions like unifying the colors/hiding helmet.


No.. F2P dont pay so no gain..

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Hide head slot can be fixed by playing a Twi'lek or Togruta. As for Unify color? Nah, if they removed that what would BioWare give to those who already spent the cartel coins to unlock it?


One of the biggest restrictions that should be looked at is chat. In a new MMO you're going to have multiple questions about the game and what to do, but jokes on you, you can't chat till level 10, but good luck getting there with only our terrible tutorial to help you. I can get the restriction to prevent gold spammers from starting at level 1, but it's not like BioWare is doing anything about them now anyway?


But anyway, hide head slot and unify color would be stupid, chat should be what's looked at, for both F2P and Pref status. I think they should give a little more to Preferred tbd, unlimited unranked war zones with 3-5 ranked ques a week, 1-2 Ops a week. Everything else can stay the same.


Yeah the chat restriction is the logical thing to remove if you are concerned with detriment to new players trying out the game.

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Fine as is

Hell better yet make it more restrictive even


If things were even more restricted when I was trying the game out to see if I liked it, know what I would have done instead of subbing? Left. So how exactly would driving me away have made the game money?

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I love when people mention queue times in F2P vs Sub argue...

Seriously? Queue time is actually some sort of indication for you?

Long queue times means only one thing - stop making DPS and start playing as tanks and healers. Yep. We have a lack of them.

And no. Its doesn't count as "sign of death" for the game. It means people are lame in taking responsibility.


This and give some better rewards for doing FP's..I said it earlier with the 12x and ease of comm gear there is no logical reason other then content experience to do a fp

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You really want the game to die, don't you?


Making f2pers NOT feel welcomed is bad for business, it's that simple. Being spiteful over it doesn't change the facts.


If you want to put words into other peoples mouths feel free, it still doesn't mean that they said that or implied that. If you don't like the answer or suggestion given, then instead of rolling out the "waaaah" response like you have, perhaps you should explain yourself in a more mature manner (if that's possible, just saying...)

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just cause the old days are past dont mean things are better now though


It's a good thing that they are, regardless. The gaming industry is more profitable than ever - we see a continuous influx of new developers, ideas, and games for every platform. Of course, like anything else, there will be good products and terrible products, but that by no means is a reflection on the industry - that's just life, in any industry. The MMO genre has grown, matured, and become a staple of the industry and of gamers world-wide instead of the footnote in the annals of history had the "good ole days" remained unchanged. I have been a part of the industry and the community since the time that some young lad read a bit of text on his computer screen and typed the words "Slay the Evil Wizard".


Things are much, much better now in all aspects of the industry and the genre than they ever have been before.

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If you want to put words into other peoples mouths feel free, it still doesn't mean that they said that or implied that. If you don't like the answer or suggestion given, then instead of rolling out the "waaaah" response like you have, perhaps you should explain yourself in a more mature manner (if that's possible, just saying...)


It isn't putting words in your mouth when you literally made a spiteful suggestion of punishing f2pers in a different way in exchange for other things. Thus you want f2pers to quit as you don't want them to feel welcomed and want to constantly remind them that they don't belong in your ideal play pen.


Your suggestion is bad, my feedback made note of that fact.


It's indeed very immature of you to even suggest such a thing and shows you lack any business sense at all.


I bet you're the type that would rage at say Wendy's giving away free Frosty's to stir up interest because you paid for one the day earlier.

Edited by Sardorim
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It isn't putting words in your mouth when you literally made a spiteful suggestion of punishing f2pers in a different way in exchange for other things. Thus you want f2pers to quit as you don't want them to feel welcomed and want to constantly remind them that they don't belong in your ideal play pen.


Your suggestion is bad, my feedback made note of that fact.


It's indeed very immature of you to even suggest such a thing and shows you lack any business sense at all.


I bet you're the type that would rage at say Wendy's giving away free Frosty's to stir up interest because you paid for one the day earlier.


And I bet you are the type that would tell Wendy's they are causing those that come for the free frosty to leave because they don't give them two.

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It's a good thing that they are, regardless. The gaming industry is more profitable than ever - we see a continuous influx of new developers, ideas, and games for every platform. Of course, like anything else, there will be good products and terrible products, but that by no means is a reflection on the industry - that's just life, in any industry. The MMO genre has grown, matured, and become a staple of the industry and of gamers world-wide instead of the footnote in the annals of history had the "good ole days" remained unchanged. I have been a part of the industry and the community since the time that some young lad read a bit of text on his computer screen and typed the words "Slay the Evil Wizard".


Things are much, much better now in all aspects of the industry and the genre than they ever have been before.


I can agree with part of your statement...it's good that there are a lot of new devs and new ideas and yes the MMO genre has grown a lot better but with that growth has brought a lot of players who imho don't want to work for their rewards.


I understand that not everyone can devote a ton of time to a game but I also think that there has been a lean to far to appease everyone and not enough keeping to the core of games.


By no means am I trying to sound elitist and if it came out that way I didnt mean it. I know that the games need everyone from the part-time players to the hardcore people to thrive. I just think devs (while they should listen to players) keep the core parts of MMOs in the games.


So while yes as a whole the industry is better off I also think that in some ways its not. But I also understand that finding a balance between being to easy and to hard is a very hard thing to work out.

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I think the only change really needed may be to increase the credit cap. The current cap was fine with the GTN pricing when the game moved to ftp, but prices have gone up quite a bit. Nothing big maybe just to 500k.


The thing to tone down a bit would be the subscribe now pop ups. You leveled up, subscribe now. You board your ship, subscribe now. You walk into a bathroom, in order to flush you must subscribe now.

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My problem is that there's not enough incentive normally to sub. I started playing with the package offer a few months back that had the expansion a couple of months sub and some Cartel Coins. Then when that ended, I didn't bother re-upping, as there wasn't enough incentive. About the only thing a sub offers me that I want is the removal of the credit cap, and that's certainly not worth paying for month in, month out.


I re-upped yesterday (Using a time card I bought in 2013 - I was going to sub back then after a free weekend trial, bought a couple of time cards, a CE... But then a change in circumstances meant I wouldn't have time to play, so...) because of the offer of an additional companion, along with what you normally get. If I hadn't already bought the time card, I may not have bothered. Then when my time runs out once more, I'll almost certainly let it slide once more.


But! With the new expansion being a sub benefit, that will be enough to get me to sub again after - Admittedly, it'll probably be into the new year before that happens, as I expect I'll be too busy with other things for it to be worth wandering back by again this year.

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There is also a third group of players which won't spend $15 a month no matter what but they will go to ESO or Wildstar or any other MMO where you can play for free or just play without restrictions in the base game after making one-time purchase.


So what's that 'one time purchase'? $50 for the full game? Something similar?


How many cartel coins could you buy for the same price, and not only have those coins to spend, but instantly become preferred, and get many of the unlocks anyway.


I'll agree with the comments about what else would you get for the money. My month's subscription wouldn't buy three pints in my local pub anymore, and strangely there's far more entertainment value in a month's access to SWTOR. I'll also agree with the people asking about why those who own the hardware and internet access needed to play the game at all find the sub a challenge.


Ok, that last bit's maybe pushing it, the pc may be old, the connection may be limited and cheap, circumstances change, but I find the idea that ignoring the tiny cost to move to preferred, and having the gall to argue ftp needs more given to be ridiculous. But then to me, this game has no 'free to play' mode. What it offers is the most extensive, immersive and complete TRIAL ever offered by a game. There are more hours of fun and enjoyment to be had for absolutely no cash at all than anything else I've encountered in a game. Compare it to any single player rpg, and you have as much if not more available, for nothing. And that's ignoring the limited group stuff.


If you want it to be a full MMO, with pvp, gsf, ops, all the typical group content, then contribute to the game. Servers may look healthier when full of ftp players, and those people are no different to the rest of us in themselves, but they are not helping to cover the costs of the game, update the content, and ensure the future of it as a viable financial concern. I don't understand why people might throw abuse at someone for it, instead we should be trying to encourage them to become full members of the community for the long term. But I mostly see 'entitled' in the posts screaming for more.


Preferred might actually need more, they have dipped their toe into the concept of paying their way or even been a former full contributor, the suggestions of different levels to reward extra purchases makes sense. But ftp to me is a trial, not something that's meant to last. And if someone is put off a game because they have to wear an odd hat, or mismatched colours... well, sorry, but that's incomprehensible to me. I spent months in WoW imitating a banana with smaller bananas sticking out everywhere in my paladin's Molten Core gear, it didn't drive me away...

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I think the only change really needed may be to increase the credit cap. The current cap was fine with the GTN pricing when the game moved to ftp, but prices have gone up quite a bit. Nothing big maybe just to 500k.


The thing to tone down a bit would be the subscribe now pop ups. You leveled up, subscribe now. You board your ship, subscribe now. You walk into a bathroom, in order to flush you must subscribe now.


Hold on. You found a bathroom in the galaxy?

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Color Unify, Hide helmet... blah, blah, blah.

This is a useless subject. The bottom line is that BW needs (and/or wants) to make money to keep going. The f2p model needs to be a balance between encouraging people to pay and filling the servers with more people to make the game more active. If f2p have fewer restrictions, they will continue to not contribute any money. Meanwhile, subs and preferred are more apt to stop paying, since there's less incentive to.


F2P need to stop ************ and just be thankful they can play at all, and thankful that someone else (subs) cover the cost for them, instead of being a bunch of entitled ******es. :D

Edited by JediQuaker
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