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My Thoughts on Knights of the Fallen Empire or RIP SWTOR


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Your confused bro, when I said RIP SWTOR I was bemoaning the death of the story, not the game. I am under no illusion that Knights of the Fallen Empire fail to rake in a truckload of profit, hence why its being made.


But what I'm seeing right now is bad storytelling, and I think I'm well within my rights to criticise it.

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Your confused bro, when I said RIP SWTOR I was bemoaning the death of the story, not the game. I am under no illusion that Knights of the Fallen Empire fail to rake in a truckload of profit, hence why its being made.


But what I'm seeing right now is bad storytelling, and I think I'm well within my rights to criticise it.


What you are seeing is barebones teasing. Neither you nor I know anything about the damn story so claiming this "the death of the story" is preposterous.

A few things:

-You seem to have decided that Bioware is abandonning Vitiate's storyline with KOTFE. How do you know that? Did you play it? For all we know, Vitiate will be a prominent figure in the expansion and they simply don't want to spoil it.

-Next you complain about "abandonning plot threads from KOTOR 1 and 2". I disagree. The story is over. Most characters from that era are now as dead as possible (Revan, the Exile...) and you seem to forget that Kreia's prophecy were filled with lies and half-truth (Plus they were written by Chris Avellone who went on record several time to say he really disliked the Star Wars EU, so why continue his story since he probably didn't left notes. That and the dark presence in the Unknown Regions IS Vitiate and we are dealing with him now.). Revan is dead, his story is over. So is the Exile. KOTFE will NOT undermine their stories (Especially since they both died failures, if you remember.).


You say yourself "Maybe it's too early to make judgement on the expansion...". YES, YES IT FU***** IS! We know nothing of the storyline!

All we know is that there is a new antagonist, that they have a powerful army (Which, from my theory, originates from a Rakata factory station, linking it to KOTOR), that the main bad guy's name is Valkorion (We don't know if he has any ties to Vitiate, if he is him or not, anything!) and his sons inflicted a severe defeat to both current factions but said factions are still here and it will be our character's task to rebuild them.


So yes, you are judging KOTFE far too early. And that's coming from someone who, before context was given by the official reveal, thought the leak was badly written fan fiction. The difference is that instead of climbing on my roof to shout doom and gloom to everyone, I fished around for information instead of making an uninformed judgement. Sorry if that seems harsh, but that's what your first post was: Bad comparison, gross missinformation and missunderstandings of both the reveal and previous story elements.

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Your confused bro, when I said RIP SWTOR I was bemoaning the death of the story, not the game. I am under no illusion that Knights of the Fallen Empire fail to rake in a truckload of profit, hence why its being made.


But what I'm seeing right now is bad storytelling, and I think I'm well within my rights to criticize it.


You keep criticizing what it isn't here to defend itself, namely you criticize the SW:TOR;KotFE Expansion which is a project to be delivered after four months!...


You don't like to criticize scenarios regarding the connection between Vitiate and Valkoryon (not only my post but numerous posts at this thread with the very same guesses) and I tend to believe that you don't like to participate in conversations regarding things of the future... :rolleyes:

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All we know is that there is a new antagonist, that they have a powerful army (Which, from my theory, originates from a Rakata factory station, linking it to KOTOR), that the main bad guy's name is Valkorion (We don't know if he has any ties to Vitiate, if he is him or not, anything!) and his sons inflicted a severe defeat to both current factions but said factions are still here and it will be our character's task to rebuild them..


So - the writings on the pillars when we loaded the holodata into the projector thingy, any thoughts!? You know in the mission(can't for the life of me remember the quest name) on the the burnt down Ziost!?


Oh on that note; I think Valkorian, Valkorion, well the 'new' emperor dude, is Vitiate, taken the form of his liking as well as planet, there's something about the Koth Vortena backstory as in the Senya one that makes me lean hard toward this conclusion . . . whit a great deal of wishful thinking;)

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So - the writings on the pillars when we loaded the holodata into the projector thingy, any thoughts!? You know in the mission(can't for the life of me remember the quest name) on the the burnt down Ziost!?


Oh on that note; I think Valkorian, Valkorion, well the 'new' emperor dude, is Vitiate, taken the form of his liking as well as planet, there's something about the Koth Vortena backstory as in the Senya one that makes me lean hard toward this conclusion . . . whit a great deal of wishful thinking;)


While likely, there is the issue of Arcann and Thexan. Was Vitiate switching back and forth from his role as their father to his "Eldritch Abomination trying to devour the galaxy"?

Plus the fact that Valkorion is visibly aging in the trailer makes it a bit curious if he is Vitiate. Why bother making himself look older if he is immortal.

Last point, Valkorion, in his quote, is offering power to a character, whom I assume is ours, in exchange for his allegiance. It just strikes me as odd that Vitiate would do this. He never seem keen on ruling over your character on Ziost, he just seemed amused at your desperate attempts to stop him.

I think Vitiate is taking the Eternal Empire into account in his plans ("Something else has caught my interest" I think he says in the People's Tower) but he isn't controlling them, only profiting from the chaos and death they cause(d).

If I were to be right, I'd expect Vitiate to pull a glorious "I'm back mofos!" near the end of KOTFE or at the very end of it to announce the next story arc.

Granted, I may be completely wrong and he IS Valkorion. Or he will die prior to KOTFE/at the start of it.

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Plus the fact that Valkorion is visibly aging in the trailer makes it a bit curious if he is Vitiate. Why bother making himself look older if he is immortal?


Why bother? Well, He had -since ages- the tendency to create a family of His Own and He became completely ready for that, He desires to completely "enter", immerse HImself at every role and particularly that one... He doesn't like to present Himself as a teenager to His teenager children...


Of course, all that is just speculations...

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Why bother? Well, He had -since ages- the tendency to create a family of His Own and He became completely ready for that, He desires to completely "enter", immerse HImself at every role and particularly that one... He doesn't like to present Himself as a teenager to His teenager children...


Of course, all that is just speculations...


Not sayin you are wrong but when did he ever create a family?

He had servants, sure! The Hand, the Dark Council when they weren't plotting against him, the Empire itself, but he never had a family proper.

Even in "Revan" he is shown as a very solitary person, reaching him on Dromund Kaas requires the help of Lord Scourge who eliminates every member of the Dark Council of that time just to be granted an audience.

I'd be curious to know where it was stated he was trying to get a family of his own.

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To give a quick summary of what BioWare plans: your character is frozen in carbonite for an indefinite amount of time, upon awakening they find that the Sith Empire and the Republic been all but destroyed and a new galaxy threatening threat is here to mess stuff up headed by none other than an Immortal All Powerful Emperor.


But the fact that this is a stupidly unoriginal concept is not the primary issue here, the primary issue is that BioWare with this new expansion are literally trampling over the current era, the story and indeed the universe they have thus far built. The events of this game represented a culmination of the TOR era as a whole, and all the characters and stories in it. Everything that has come to pass, the Mandalorian Wars, the subsequent fall of Revan and Malak and Jedi Civil War, Revan's disappearance, the Exile's reemegence and disappearance, Traya's prophecies about the Unknown Regions, first Great Galactic War, Vitiate's growing power, all climax in the events of this game.


They've constructed a deep and developed narrative, and a good one, for all its flaws. But instead of completing this story, of giving us the final act and resolution, of concluding arcs surrounding Saresh, Vitiate, the Mandalorians, Lana & Theron, Revan, Jadus etc. and all eight player stories and their characters, BioWare has instead decided on a none too subtle apocalypse in which all those characters and stories are thrown in the trash in favour completely new and unrelated ones, an essential overhaul of everything about the TOR era we have come to know and love.


Imagine for a moment that the same had happened to the original movies, assume for a moment the Prequels were released first, leading all the way up to the ESB. But instead of getting Return of the Jedi, the culmination and conclusion of everything that has come to pass, we get Rise of the Vong, in which just as the Second Death Star is about to become fully armed and operation, an extra galactic race of spiky bug people invade the galaxy and destroy the Empire and the Rebellion as we know it, Palpatine dies, Vader dies, and Han, Luke and Leia are frozen in carbonite, only to emerge several decades later to a galaxy in ruins, ruled over by the Evil Emperor 2.0.


Would that be a satisfying film? Would you cry out with joy and excitement as Luke, forgetting that whole business about Vader being his Father and his destiny to destroy the Emperor, goes off to topple Emperor Zorg instead?


Or would you come out of the cinema feeling as if the narrative you'd come to know and love had just been ripped to pieces and thrown in the proverbial fire? Well, thank the Maker BioWare aren't involved in the new movies. :rolleyes:


And that's the issue, Knights of the Fallen Empire is set not only to destroy, but completely undermine the TOR era as a whole. All that story, all those characters, and all that struggle, has been for nought. Revan, the Exile, and indeed the galaxy's struggle against the Emperor? Waste of time, they've been fighting the wrong guy. Traya's predictions about a threat waiting in the dark, lingering in the Unknown Regions? Sorry love, you were looking the wrong way. The galaxy spanning war between Jedi & Sith, Empire and Republic? Decades, no centuries in the making? A mere backdrop to this oh so much more awesome and threatening force, with its stronger, shiny new Emperor. An Emperor and his Empire who have come out of nowhere, with no build up, no culmination, no rhyme or reason.


But maybe it's too early to make judgement on this expansion, maybe by some miracle of storytelling BioWare will give us a concrete and satisfying conclusion to the story arcs of the current era, and indeed make this Fallen Empire the essential and inevitable conclusion to TOR as we know it. But as it stands, and no doubt far too late, I'm beginning to realise that the main pillar of BioWare they now claim to be returning to is not "Story", but Money. TOR has become a cash cow, and in the wake of the new movies they've decided bigger, better and flashier is the way to go.


I watched Jurassic World the other day (great film), and now I think about it the plot to build a bigger and badder dinosaur is uncanny in similarity. Suffice to say most of the people involved ended up getting eaten, so fingers crossed that the same fate will befall the beloved developers behind this "new and exciting chapter" in stupidity.


Couldn't agree with you more! Amen! This new expansion is like a kick in the balls and a slap in the face by Bioware. So instead of continueing the anti-climactic failure of an ending on Ziost with the return of the Emporer (he really needs to learn to STAY DEAD), they'll just freeze our character in Carbonite for years and years and years. Then he/she wakes up, finds the Republic/Empire has fallen and the galaxy needs saving AGAIN. Why not continue with the old storyline, Bioware? Why not FINISH what you've started?! Isn't part of the Jedi Knight storyline about killing the Emporer and being the only one who can do it?! Oh no, my character will be frozen in Carbonite for decades or more cause you don't care about the CHOICES we players have ALREADY MADE! Our characters have already saved the Republic/Empire but all that time has been wasted because our choices DON'T matter.


Our choices matter huh? If that were true, you wouldn't be wiping the slate clean in a lame attempt to give us something new! Dropping old storylines (the return of the Emporer) for something new! What about all the hard work we players have already done? You don't care because all you have is dollar signs for eyeballs. All you care about is MONEY!!


Some may accuse me of overreacting, I don't know enough to make a judgement, who knows what they are planning, etc. I know enough to know that our choices don't matter. I know enough to know that even IF the Return of the Emporer will FINALLY be addressed (and that's a pretty big IF), our choices still don't matter. I've put hundreds of hours into my characters only to lose all that hard work, all that galaxy saving, all the worlds my characters have saved...all for NOTHING because my characters will be frozen in carbonite for who knows how long. Longt enough for all that hard work to come crumbling down. Because Bioware DOESN"T CARE.


Well, I ain't gonna be a Sub anymore for this game in October and I certainly won't be touching this new Expansion with a ten foot pole.

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Couldn't agree with you more! Amen! This new expansion is like a kick in the balls and a slap in the face by Bioware. So instead of continueing the anti-climactic failure of an ending on Ziost with the return of the Emporer (he really needs to learn to STAY DEAD), they'll just freeze our character in Carbonite for years and years and years. Then he/she wakes up, finds the Republic/Empire has fallen and the galaxy needs saving AGAIN. Why not continue with the old storyline, Bioware? Why not FINISH what you've started?! Isn't part of the Jedi Knight storyline about killing the Emporer and being the only one who can do it?! Oh no, my character will be frozen in Carbonite for decades or more cause you don't care about the CHOICES we players have ALREADY MADE! Our characters have already saved the Rpublic/Empire but all that time has been wasted because our choices DON'T matter.


Our choices matter huh? If that were true, you wouldn't be wiping the slate clean in a lame attempt to give us something new! Dropping old storylines (the return of the Emporer) for something new! What about all the hard work we players have already done? You don't care because all you have is dollar signs for eyeballs. All you care about is MONEY!!


Because the story of Vitiate might not be over?

Do you even think before you go around ranting like a madman?

Plus, they are not "wiping the slate clean", they are moving the status quo around. Having the Empire and Republic nearly defeated only means that this time YOU will have to rebuild them, instead of being a good dog doing missions for them and getting a pat on the head in reward.

I've tried time and again to understand your logic but I can't. Did Mass Effect 2, which open on Shepard *********** DYING wiped the slate clean? Dis Baldur's Gate 2, which opened with you imprisoned by Irenicus wiped the slate clean? HELL NO!

This is a CONTINUATION! The follow-up, what comes after! And for now, we don't now A *********** THING about what comes after except tidbits about the antagonists and the presence of a timeskip.

As for the importance of past choices, all previous character won't have died magically. That means that if you meet them in the KOTFE storyline, they will remember how you dealt with them! That's what they mean by "Honoring past choices".

The way to progress is not an idiotic stand-still. Nor is vomiting your bile based on what you decided were facts like the abrupt end of Vitiate's story (Nothing of the sort is implied in the reveal), the complete erasure of past player choice (Once again, they never said Republic and Empire had dissapeared, simply that they had been severely weakened and were at a disadvantage and you needed to build an alliance yourself).

But I digress. You are not really trying to see this logically, are you?

I mean, reading you, it's clear you already know what KOTFE will bring and there is no way either you or the OP will be wrong.

And, seriously, do you really think they decided to **** out KOTFE after releasing Rise of the Emperor or even Shadow of Revan? Are you really that stupid? If they really were so driven by money only (Not denying the fact the money is a big factor) do you think they'd have bothered to release Ziost at all? Or Shadow of Revan for that matter? I don't think you are that limited but if you are, then please, by all mean, join the OP on his roof to preach the doom of TOR. There must still be some room there.


EDIT: By the way, the Knight isn't DESTINED to defeat the Emperor. Scourge had a vision of the Knight confronting Vitiate on Dromund Kaas and defeating him there. So it almost happenened. Now, since you know your lore well enough to claim Bioware ruined SWTOR, you probably KNOW that force visions are unreliable and rarely true. They show potential futures. Scourge saw a future where the Hero of Tython killed Vitiate on Dromund Kaas. Well that didn't happened exactly as he saw it because visions are not the truth. Plus he was a dark sider and visions come clearer to people who are light sided.

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Not sayin you are wrong but when did he ever create a family?

He had servants, sure! The Hand, the Dark Council when they weren't plotting against him, the Empire itself, but he never had a family proper.

Even in "Revan" he is shown as a very solitary person, reaching him on Dromund Kaas requires the help of Lord Scourge who eliminates every member of the Dark Council of that time just to be granted an audience.

I'd be curious to know where it was stated he was trying to get a family of his own.


Well, all that is either speculations or -according to someone, much wiser than me...- "tinfoil hat" theories ... but you had it ;) coming!!

I gave a reference link in a previous post of mine (at this very thread) and I'm doing it again ... BUT ... it's a lot of study and homework, particularly for potentially "tinfoil hat" theories... :cool:


Here is the link: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=817884

... and here some short introduction:

I have speculated that this person had been simultaneously The Emperor of TWO different Empires: He had been The Sith Emperor (via the Emperor's Voices) and simultaneously The (also "weakly" immortal") Emperor of the Empire of Zakuul and I have also speculated that He had founded both these Empires (almost) simultaneously!

After Ziost's "Force Cataclysm" He became not only "strongly" immortal (He had achieved that before Ziost, during the Yavin IV battle) but "enough" strong in the Force too and now He is -at last!!- ready to present Himself in the SW Galaxy as The Emperor of the Empire of Zakuul etc. etc. etc.



Compare with these lines of The Immortal Emperor Valkorion:

"EVERYTHING UNTIL NOW HAS BEEN the means to an end." The Dromund Kaas Sith Empire?!

"I forged the Empire of Zakuul to surmount all of my previous works."

When did He that?

His previous works? Everything until now? What is all that?

What's His end, His intention?!?

Take also under consideration that both Vitiate and Valkorion came to be immortal: The ex-Emperor (and Founder!) of the "True" Sith Empire (of Dromund Kaas) and simultaneously The current Emperor -AND also Founder- of the Empire of Zakuul!

What a coincidence (...) but ...

... the guys of the Empire of Zakuul know already too much about both the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire ... but neither the Pubs nor the Imps know anything about the Zakuul Empire!...

Well, can you believe that not even Vitiate has any clue ... though Valkorion knows everything?!?


:rak_angelic: Bah, buy it or wait until :sy_galaxy: SW:TOR;KotFE's launch! :wea_03:

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What you are seeing is barebones teasing. Neither you nor I know anything about the damn story so claiming this "the death of the story" is preposterous.
Bare bones teasing that as conveyed we are dealing with an all new and more powerful threat in the wake of a practical apocalypse. Its a pretty strong indication that BioWare are aiming for a clean slate.
-You seem to have decided that Bioware is abandonning Vitiate's storyline with KOTFE. How do you know that? Did you play it? For all we know, Vitiate will be a prominent figure in the expansion and they simply don't want to spoil it.
This is more than just about Vitiate, I have little doubt that in the next few months they will at least attempt to give the Sith Emperor's story some kind of closure. But that won't prevent the struggle surrounding him being overshadowed and undermined by this even more powerful and darker Emperor who emerges just after.


But again, this isn't just about Vitiate, their are countless other stories to be told and that are in the process of telling, plenty of living characters that populate this era that are evidently going to be swept away with the annihilation of the Empire and the Republic. Those are the stories that concern me and they are the ones that I shall miss.

Next you complain about "abandonning plot threads from KOTOR 1 and 2". I disagree. The story is over. Most characters from that era are now as dead as possible (Revan, the Exile...)
Your not getting it, yes their stories are over, from from their stories new ones have sprouted, again, this period is a culmination of everything prior. That is what makes the narrative of Star Wars good, because it is a continual story with new happenings building on the old ones.


This Empire of Zakuul has come from nowhere, their has been no build up whatsoever to this new plot, other than what BioWare may attempt to shoe horn in later.

and you seem to forget that Kreia's prophecy were filled with lies and half-truth (Plus they were written by Chris Avellone who went on record several time to say he really disliked the Star Wars EU, so why continue his story since he probably didn't left notes. That and the dark presence in the Unknown Regions IS Vitiate and we are dealing with him now.). Revan is dead, his story is over. So is the Exile. KOTFE will NOT undermine their stories (Especially since they both died failures, if you remember.).
Please, spare me the "Kreia is a pathological liar rant", I've heard it to many times and its long since grown tiresome.


And Chis Avellone doesn't care about the EU? Well that's nice but it doesn't change the fact that KOTOR 2 was an excellent story that built on the events of KOTOR 2 and helped lay the foundations for the narrative of SWTOR.


And again, this isn't about Revan or the Exile, its about those their stories have led to.

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Bare bones teasing that as conveyed we are dealing with an all new and more powerful threat in the wake of a practical apocalypse. Its a pretty strong indication that BioWare are aiming for a clean slate.This is more than just about Vitiate, I have little doubt that in the next few months they will at least attempt to give the Sith Emperor's story some kind of closure. But that won't prevent the struggle surrounding him being overshadowed and undermined by this even more powerful and darker Emperor who emerges just after.


But again, this isn't just about Vitiate, their are countless other stories to be told and that are in the process of telling, plenty of living characters that populate this era that are evidently going to be swept away with the annihilation of the Empire and the Republic. Those are the stories that concern me and they are the ones that I shall miss.Your not getting it, yes their stories are over, from from their stories new ones have sprouted, again, this period is a culmination of everything prior. That is what makes the narrative of Star Wars good, because it is a continual story with new happenings building on the old ones.


This Empire of Zakuul has come from nowhere, their has been no build up whatsoever to this new plot, other than what BioWare may attempt to shoe horn in later.Please, spare me the "Kreia is a pathological liar rant", I've heard it to many times and its long since grown tiresome.


And Chis Avellone doesn't care about the EU? Well that's nice but it doesn't change the fact that KOTOR 2 was an excellent story that built on the events of KOTOR 2 and helped lay the foundations for the narrative of SWTOR.


And again, this isn't about Revan or the Exile, its about those their stories have led to.


And say what you will but to me those stories are either over or have long overstayed their welcome.

And once again, you assume Vitiate will not be part of KOTFE in any form, you have no proof of that.

And once again you have DECIDED that current stories will be dropped completely, without any confirmation or denial by the writers.



You are entitled to dislike the idea of the new expansion but you cannot expect to present your suppositions as fact and get a proper response from me or pretty much anyone who ends up more or less disrespectful (I was, I'm sorry I was but I hate people rushing to conclusion and trying to declare what they think will happen the absolute truth.)


And my comment about Avellone was not trying to claim his story was bad, it was awesome. But the guy stated more than once he hated the EU and how it often evolved. If he didn't left any notes as to how he wanted the stories to continue, I'm all for Bioware to leave them as is because they will never write something thematically appropriate to conclude Avellone's stories. And yes, Traya is a pathological liar. Her name itself is comes from "Betrayer", why do you expect her word to be correct at all turn?

That is leaving aside the fact that those stories are either over (The return of the Jedi Order post Kotor 2, Revan's journey, Meetra Surik, maybe Vitiate but don't count on it) or dormant (The Mandalorians and clan Ordo who were a mere backdrop in TOR, and probably a few other.).

In fact, if you could, please make a proper list of "dropped" stories that you know for sure will not be continued in any form. I'd be really curious.


EDIT: Plus they NEVER said that both Empire and Republic were gone. They suffered a setback, they didn't all die during your character's cryosleep. So once again, who's to say their stories will be cut short and not continued? Judging too soon, once more.


EDIT 2: All things considered, scrap that thought. You know what, I think we'll never agree with each other. You'll never convince me to adopt your point of view and I will probably never make you reconsider your Doom & Gloom speech. So let's just stop here. I don't like talking for nothing. You have DECIDED these stories will be droped and you have already DECIDED Knights of the Fallen Empire will suck. So, you know what? All the power to you. Do so. I won't contradict you because I don't see the point in talking. We are stuck on our ideas (You = SWTOR dead, me = Wait & see, it might suck it might not) so discussing will not lead anywhere. And I'll leave it at that.

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Not sayin you are wrong but when did he ever create a family?


'The emperor's children'?!



When he posseses Kira, just after we have defeated Tarnis and our Hero coaches Kira to resist him and he is finally beaten when he possesed Kira "This one is flaw, I most go about this in another way"! or something to that effect.



I'll still pitch it as Valkorion is Vitiate . . . and thus a continuation of our SWTOR story . . . and

This Empire of Zakuul has come from nowhere,

I kinda think thats the whole point


Oh - oh:eek:


Well, I ain't gonna be a Sub anymore for this game in October and I certainly won't be touching this new Expansion with a ten foot pole.

Can I have your stuff . . . ?

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The new expansion makes me think that the Empire vs Republic is little more than the CIS vs Republic. Welcome to the original trilogy with the big bad Empire and our band of plucky rebels trying to restore order.
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I personally think this will be a great addition to the game! But I hate the way they made the new cinematic trailer, You see, I had a twin and it died. (gender not confirmed, died too early in the womb) I was fine with this because I thought they were brothers, then I found out they were twins... I had a mental breakdown and I personally again I will say I'm very mad at the developers for doing that. They could've just injured the black clothed one instead! :mad:
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I wish I had seen this thread earlier, but you pretty much summed up my thought as well. Though I think neither faction is completely wiped out, because then there wouldn't be that many people to rally against the new threat and I also think we are going to be seeing lot of Vitiate even after defeating the new Eternal Empire. :rak_03:
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Think about the following observations -and the corresponding question- of mine:



4. Valcorion should be (almost) the same person with Darth Vitiate; period!! Valcorion comes to the scene only when Vitiate had achieved "strong immortality" (regarding the events on Yavin IV) and even gained more powerful abilities regarding the "Force Cataclysm" on Ziost!!


Otherwise we should accept that BioWare created the "strongly immortal" ex-Sith Emperor Vitiate in order just to somehow terminate (!!) Him and just after that to sell us -out of nowhere- another "Immortal" (!!) Emperor, someone with another name who runs an Empire that also came out of nowhere!!... :eek:

Do you really consider BioWare's people so irrational?!? :p


If Valcorion is Vitiate, then He has created the Empire of Zakuul the same way He had created the Empire of the True Sith...


The main differences between Vitiate and Valcorion are:

i) Vitiate was only "weakly immortal" and therefore He was too anxious and pretty dark; when Vitiate became "strongly immortal" at last, He was able to present His Valcorion persona in the SW:TOR galaxy!!

ii) Vitiate actually was (imho) bantha-fodder in terms of artistic significance, Valcorion should be -at last- ART within this very MMORPG!!




I mean of course that BioWare made use of Vitiate as the MMORPG's bantha-fodder; Vitiate's character obviously is of greatest artistic importance for many reasons!!...


For more, you should pay a visit to this very thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=817884

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  • 1 month later...

I agree and I am worried that this way they just want to simplify the game so that they can easily add more unoriginal "content" to feed players with it and get their money. No more bothering with choices for each class, now they can just add very quickly something that "will do" and expect players to accept that and be ready for more. This happened to many projects, including "you all know which MMORPG".

I am really concerned. All Sith and Jedi stories seem to be gone in KOTFE and the setting looks very weird for Star Wars. I hope I am wrong, time will tell.

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The Galaxy being shattered and our protagonist running around exploring and doing stuff is an attempt to copy the kotor 1 and 2 general concept. This is now truly gonna be KOTOR with multiplayer. I don't know how the faction vs faction mmo thing is gonna work in the expansion.


The Sith vs Jedi thing is spent and they were out of ideas it seems. Also this expansion is a way to shatter the empire without the republic being involved which means there won't be any qq by the imp players.

Aaaaand after the next expansion obviously the Republic is gonna rebuilt save and sound and the Empire is finished. After which we proceed to Darth Ruin timeline wise. I am not sure to what extent are the imperial protagonists gonna revive/help what remains of the Empire.


Let's hope that's not the last SWTOR expansion. I hope there is gonna be be a new expansion after that, that continues the imp vs rep war.

* * *

Does any1 else notice the similarities between the beginning of the movie 300 and the trailer? The kids training mainly and their concept art.

Edited by Kaedusz
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What I hate is the lack of creativity why could they not find a way for the heroes to be active and still fail to defend their faction and make sense. Not being frozen in carbonite because I lack creativity, I really hate when there is such a lack of creativity there is no limit to what you can imagine find a *********** way.
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I watched Jurassic World the other day (great film), and now I think about it the plot to build a bigger and badder dinosaur is uncanny in similarity.


You think Jurassic World was a great film? I can't believe I read your entire rant. Next time, please LEAD with the comments that will make me dismiss you as a raving lunatic.


- Arcada

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What I hate is the lack of creativity why could they not find a way for the heroes to be active and still fail to defend their faction and make sense. Not being frozen in carbonite because I lack creativity, I really hate when there is such a lack of creativity there is no limit to what you can imagine find a *********** way.


Eh, I figure the frozen in carbonite bit has more to do with "Starving Emp Vitty" than a lack of creativity.

I mean, ye the one who was spared acts as bait somewhere to get Vitty to go... and trap him on a planet wherein he can't consume life. You, the bait, carbon freeze yourself, so Vitty dies out.


It could easily take five years for him to drain dry.

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