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Since its all out in the open, a request from the BioWare Devs on Companions


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Girl, I like the way you think. *fistbump*


*sings Mambo #5*


Jump up and down and move it all around

Shake your head to the sound, put your hand on the ground

Take one step left and one step right

One to the front and one to the side

Clap your hand once and clap your hands twice

And if it looks like this then you are doing it right


A little bit of Malavai in my life, a little bit of Vector Hyllis by my side

A little bit of Zenith is all I need, a little bit of Scourge is what I see

A little bit of Doc in the sun, a little bit of Theron all night long

A little bit of Darth Marr here I am, a little bit of you makes me your girl...la la la


Oh you crazy kids.

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This is the dumbest request.... it's the weekend. And the reveal and press conference with additional details is tomorrow.


Impatience at its worst. Let's see what's *actually* happening before we start demanding that what they have done isn't sufficient.

Edited by azudelphi
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I agree that it's rather silly to be making requests like this without even knowing more than a few tidbits about the expac, but i would really like some abilities to actually play my character the way i want, or even the way standard lore and behavior in this very game, say they should be played.


When Quinn betrayed me i kept looking for the option to murder him... that's what a sith would do, especially a sith who never once chose a light side option, and the second any option popped up to murder someone, i took it. Attack me? Murder... Threaten Sith empire? Murder... Look at me crosseyed? Murder... Betray me after all i did for you? ....Forgive? ***? Seriously?


And those characters like I think it was Skadge, that's like "I'm coming with you"

"no you're not"

"yes i am"

"no you're not"

"yes i am"

"no you're not"

"no i'm not"

"yes you are!"


Is this bugs bunny and daffy duck here?


hell probably 50% of the companions i've been saddled with i woulda shot right out the airlock if i had the choice. I really hope the betrayal of these schmucks has some real depth to it and i'm allowed to assemble the team i want instead of the B Team i'm forced to settle with

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I can't see Guss and Ashara getting along very well... she's still got a little too much of that Jedi stick up her butt.


What's the line from Mass Effect 2? "Garrus seems to have gotten the stick out of his ***, only now he's beating people to death with it."


Is that right?



Anyway, I wanna see the bromance between the smuggler and Nico Okarr ensue. Oh, and maybe laugh my *** off at what happens when Khem meets the Jedi.

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please let me turn ashara to the dark side properly.


And please let Kira and Vette meet up. The chaos that would ensue...


Vette and Risha were childhood friends but we never get to see them acknowledge it...

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It's pretty dark side of me, but my first thought was, "Who can I kill?" And the second was, "How many times can I make a Consular, get Theran & kill him?" Once just wouldn't be enough.


Then I think I'd just fire Kaliyo for her constant -1s, tell her I prefer Treek, & then pitch her as far as I can throw. Quinn - is there a 'divorce' option? I don't want to go all murderous, but I can't help feeling my Sith lady can do better. Vector - I still don't understand why I didn't get the heroic woman option of *saving* him. Everyone *else* gets to save someone - and I know I'm supposed to love the Joiner thing, but I didn't. So my favorite female character has to accept her man & all his bugs, however sentient. I remade her & kept her single after that. But I'd have to do something with Temple! Other than Cedrax, she's the one who annoys me most. Her story with her icky sweetsy voice - UGH! If I can only off one per character, I'd have to keep Kailyo & rid myself of the cloying Temple forever.

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"How many times can I make a Consular, get Theran & kill him?" Once just wouldn't be enough.


I'd keep Holiday, though. Consular doesn't get any other useful slicers >->


Her story with her icky sweetsy voice - UGH! If I can only off one per character, I'd have to keep Kailyo & rid myself of the cloying Temple forever.


The saddest thing is: I feel like Kaliyo has more emotional depth under all her surface psychopathic b*tchiness than Raina has with the obvious emotional depth that gets thrown in your face.

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I'd rather have the companion alternate looks be customizable at the start of a character's story. Before that companion joins your party.


with this character creator? NOOOOO because I only use 2 skins as faces, so I will doom my self having lots of clones.. lol HORRIBLE character creator.

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I'd rather have the companion alternate looks be customizable at the start of a character's story. Before that companion joins your party.

Agreed, except for ones like "Xalek without the hood" that still look like the same individual, I don't use any of the customizations just because their features were already established in the story.

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Time to upgrade my Sorc's love interest to someone more fitting.


My "love interest" is Force-choking people to death when they displease me.


Or, for that matter, even if they haven't displeased me. Pre-reinforcement training is always good for one's servants.



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