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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Since its all out in the open, a request from the BioWare Devs on Companions


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PLEASE, at some point, reintroduce all the companions post level 60 to any of the classes, so that any of us can have any of the existing companions.


It would make for some truly fascinating dynamics - Imagine a Jedi Knight with Dark Jaesa, a Trooper with Kalyio, or hell, imagine any player being able to assemble an all-smart-arse team of Gault, Guss Tuno, HK-55, Kira Carsen, and Tanno Vik?


PLEASE consider this going forward.

Edited by ZionHalcyon
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It certainly would be nice hopefully more info on Monday's stream!!


I'm more hoping we can kill or refuse certain companions in the story similar to Mass Effect and Dragon Age. My current Dragon Age playthrough only has 4 companions as refused the rest :p

Edited by -Sullster-
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I would like a "role" token which replace their ai and abilities so I can have treek powers on my Xalek\Ashara\Khem skins instead.


In one of the beta versions every companion could be any of the 3 roles, you purchased packs. I'd've loved that, alongside killing companions.

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In one of the beta versions every companion could be any of the 3 roles, you purchased packs. I'd've loved that, alongside killing companions.


Hell yeah!


And I mean, they don't need to completely re-do all the existing companion content. This story seems like a clean break do over.


So everything can stay as is, and then reintroduce ALL the companions in some way or other again.


Let 60 be the new "Level 1"


Sure seems like they are going in that direction anyway.


I certainly have a dream where I have Guss Tuno and all his wit bantering with me and Gault on my Sith Warrior.

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please let me turn ashara to the dark side properly.


And please let Kira and Vette meet up. The chaos that would ensue...


THAT is what I hope for. AND given the now episodic release of content coming, even if they don't have plans like this currently, if it is what people want, it should be able to get into the pipeline and out to us more quickly.

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All I know is that if I can "betray" my character's ship droid to get Lana as a companion I'm going to legitimately 'squee' with joy.


Meanwhile, I'm over here just trying to figure out which of the annoying comps that I never use that I want to betray. Just the simple fact that I will be able to makes me thrilled, because some of the comps irritate the bejeezus out of me.


So *my* request would be very simple. Allow me to airlock the comps I can't stand. XD

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I'd love to see this! There are a couple of classes with playstyles I don't particularly like that have great companions, and I find some classes to be very blessed in the companion department while others are lacking. For example, Lord Scourge is one of my favorites, but I'm just not getting into the Knight. >.<


If they are going to go with a more unified, "factionless" story moving forward, it doesn't even seem that far fetched. And for me at least, it would help make up for the loss of unique class stories.

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For me, it's very simple: Ashara's never really lived up to my expectations, never embraced the Dark Side that's been shown her. Time to upgrade my Sorc's love interest to someone more fitting.


Skadge is out the door, as is Torian. I never really felt an attachment to the whole Mandalorian culture and Torian won't shut up about it.


Quinn? He's getting a one-way trip out the airlock. Traitorous bastard.


Bugboy's gonna get shown the door, too. So annoying. And Kaliyo better calm down or she's gone, too.

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agent with lokin mako andronikus hk51 treek lana ashara and dorne.... yeah thats the ticket and let me use more than one comp at a time.....would be happy with 2


marauder with khem broonmark hk 51 treek lana pierce scourge and hk 55 call it the monster squad


sorc with khem lana ashara scourge hk 51 treek dark jaesa xalek and temple

Edited by MWidowmaker
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going out on limb and say we dont get choose story companions, but be happy if we do. but i hope everyone else for chance to get rid of concern ones. but only i really be no brainer replace is vik for trooper. yeai know they could do va but i think it be fitting
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Ooh, Quinn and Vector for every alt! A girl can dream :D


Girl, I like the way you think. *fistbump*


*sings Mambo #5*


Jump up and down and move it all around

Shake your head to the sound, put your hand on the ground

Take one step left and one step right

One to the front and one to the side

Clap your hand once and clap your hands twice

And if it looks like this then you are doing it right


A little bit of Malavai in my life, a little bit of Vector Hyllis by my side

A little bit of Zenith is all I need, a little bit of Scourge is what I see

A little bit of Doc in the sun, a little bit of Theron all night long

A little bit of Darth Marr here I am, a little bit of you makes me your girl...la la la

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