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Knights of the Fallen Empire: The Death of Endgame?


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MMO's are a multi-faceted beast. Each player group is just one little bubble in the grand scheme of the game bathtub. However, each little bubble loves to blame the other bubbles when a game begins to fail, because all they see is the other bubbles popping. The bubbles are blind to the fact that there is a giant hand (the devs) that is smashing down on them left and right, until finally there are no bubbles left.


So my point is, it is unfair and pointless to try and single a single group of bubbles for the demise of the game, because whether those bubbles pop, or not, there is still soap in the water. It's how many new bubbles that giant hand can make that will decide the real fate.


Except that not all bubbles are the same size or produce the same return/yields. Just as how a person's investments don't all produce the same returns on the dollar.


The devs work for a company that uses plenty of research metrics and market studies and try their best to approximate what sorts of content would sell best or keep the franchise in business most effectively. It is not some random The Force Told Me to Focus on Bioware Storytelling that the latest news of new content happens to be very narrative/character/plot driven. It didn't say it won't include PvP or Raiding stuff, but I'm sure it has some.


They are working with imperfect information and when dealing with imperfect information, it is better to be approximately right than absolutely wrong. We'll see what happens after the full release and some time to settle.

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So... what happens if they announce new operations as part of Fallen Empire?


Like those people who say the world is going to end this year, disregard, as they will just say they miscalculated and its really next year :)

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Well my personal opinion is many MMO devs are learning that raiders and PvPers are not this massive audience no matter how loud they are. They seem to be learning that casuals is where the money is. That also includes soloers. I for one fully support this.


And before some nimrod says it, no there isn't a better single player game out there and there are other benefits to a multiplayer world than forced group content.


I kind of agree, and it is the reason that takeaway from SWG should have been, the more rich and complex systems that we offer the players in addition to typical combat the more it does an amazing job in fostering communities and making them profit. Everything from forced interaction, to crafting, social systems, to housing etc., and it helps to give those players more reasons to stick around, and it would work well with the content rich theme-park that is swtor.


Imagine swtor with mini-games, swoop racing, purposeful housing, expanded and complex crafting, dynamic npc's, bounty hunter systems, creature handling/taming, etc. etc. All those things did cater to a casual player, but it was complex and rewarding enough that it appealed to all types, and it certainly had the effect of getting players sticking around. The devs could design systems around multiple types of players, and tweak certain aspects for the biggest money return.

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There you have it:

With the launch of Knights of the Fallen Empire, all of the original eight Class stories will be enhanced, allowing for a faster and more engaging playthrough for new and veteran players. Additionally, many of our existing Flashpoints and Operations are being scaled to 60+, giving you many more Elder Game options at Level 65. [/Quote]



No new endgame content, otherwise they wouldnt bother to scale everything to 65.

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One of the new companions will be Mace Windu. After getting his hand chopped off by Anakin and thrown out the window by a laughing Palpatine...


The former jedi master had to survive by eating out of trash cans and sleeping in boxes in the filthy alleyways of Coruscant. Sometimes he could be seen standing at Speeder Freeway Exits holding a sign asking for credits-


Until one day the Force told him to do things that set in motion his time transcending encounter with the main character player. Missions will include getting Mace Windu a worthy robot hand to replace his lost one, and a shower.


and a bottle of MD2020

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In retrospect, wasn't this always destined to be an MMO for primarily for RPers much like LOTRO? All the emphasis on story and voice acting, meanwhile PvP broken from the start, raids limited. Shouldn't we have expected this? As a "story player", it's fine with me. For people looking for PvP or raiding, there's quite simply better games for that, and this one will probably never satisfy. If they were going to make those aspects of the game strong, wouldn't they have done it by now, especially with as much clamor as there as has been recently for endgame content.? Bioware is doing what it does best, storytelling. The other parts, they just don't see to know what to do about.
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could you be anymore 'Chicken Little'? We have nothing more than a blurb about focusing on story more and you're running around, talking about the 'death of endgame!'



Didn't Chicken Little end up being right?

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In retrospect, wasn't this always destined to be an MMO for primarily for RPers much like LOTRO? All the emphasis on story and voice acting, meanwhile PvP broken from the start, raids limited. Shouldn't we have expected this? As a "story player", it's fine with me. For people looking for PvP or raiding, there's quite simply better games for that, and this one will probably never satisfy. If they were going to make those aspects of the game strong, wouldn't they have done it by now, especially with as much clamor as there as has been recently for endgame content.? Bioware is doing what it does best, storytelling. The other parts, they just don't see to know what to do about.


They can do them well, they just need to produce them at a more acceptable rate. The game is only missing a couple of things that stop it from excelling at PvP, cross server and class balance.


The raids are very good but come out very very slowly. Could use some QOL features like Dual Spec, but the biggest hindrance is the performance especially in 16 man.

Edited by MorgenBlue
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No new endgame content, otherwise they wouldnt bother to scale everything to 65.


This is faulty logic. The issue is that nobody would do the current content in the future UNLESS it was scaled to max level. People would quickly level past it on their way to max level.

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There you have it:




No new endgame content, otherwise they wouldnt bother to scale everything to 65.


Disagree. I think they've seen people want more things to do at max level, so this is done to expand endgame.


With a completely new storyline and setting basically, clearly there will have to be new endgame stuff as well. Not sure if it will come right away in October but I am convinced new ops are coming just the same.

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"I want to be really clear to our fans out there who are deep MMO fans. We're not forgetting about that part of the game either," said Hickman. "We just have a focus right now on the story. We're doing lots of stuff around flashpoints and operations and raid bosses and PvP and that stuff. But it's all about story this year.


So come back next year? Okay.

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This announcement does sound interesting but I took a step back and looked at my characters and achievements earlier on and I realised there are whole swathes of the game I haven’t touched especially with the 12xp on. With that in mind I’m kinda just ignoring all this for now as well relatively little information at this point anyway and just getting on playing the game.


I had a quick look through the thread and I find it hard to believe people are having disagreements when we don't actually know a whole lot just yet. We don't know what exactly is going to happen with class and world story arcs, we don't know how daily areas, flashpoints, ops, the current expansions and old endgame content are all going to fit together.


One thing this does explain is some of the dev silence recently guess they were kinda busy huh

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Since it wasn't mentioned before, check out the Polygon interview:

Look, if you want to go and play the standard MMO game — PvP, doing a flashpoint, operation raiding — we have that. We've always had that. We continue to expand on that. But we also heard, loud and clear, this scream for story, for personal custom story.


We just have a focus right now on the story. We're doing lots of stuff around flashpoints and operations and raid bosses and PvP and that stuff. But it's all about story this year.

So endgame content has not been abandoned at all! New operations may not arrive in October yet (he is a little unclear about that) but he confirmed that new operations will be coming.

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Since it wasn't mentioned before, check out the Polygon interview:


So endgame content has not been abandoned at all! New operations may not arrive in October yet (he is a little unclear about that) but he confirmed that new operations will be coming.


I read that earlier (and posted earlier in the thread). Not getting any Operations or PvP content this year isn't really acceptable. They said we wouldn't go the same amount of time between new raids as we did with DF DP but it seems that we will go even longer this time around.


Old raids don't count as new progression content.

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