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EA E3 press release is talking about an expansion called Knights of the Fallen Empire


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Well, sorry to jump to conclusions about the agenda, but you're still wrong to list it as something that "went wrong". Just because some people didn't like it doesn't mean it was a failing of WoD. If most people disliked it then sure, but that's not at all clear. It may well be the opposite.


Yeah, I bet people were just ecstatic about not being able to fly anymore.

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Yeah, I bet people were just ecstatic about not being able to fly anymore.


Indeed. It was the most dominant opinion for weeks that no flying breathed a sense of exploration and adventure into the world that had been missing.


Since they announced that they're reintroducing flying in a way that still retains those qualities I've still seen that opinion held.

Edited by Senrie
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This is the danger of assumptions. You assume that everything made in Star Wars now MUST happen in between 6 and 7. While this new expansion will have some very important ties to the new movies, time travel will NOT, i repeat NOT be involved. Just because JJ Abrams is directing 7 doesn't mean the whole thing will be a time travel story. As far as I know, none of Bioware's games have had time travel. In fact, all the new canon will be more Fantasy as opposed to Sci-fi.
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I will be so thrilled if they add 5 more levels that I have to grind through, I will love and cherish those additional 5 levels and... potentially more companion gearing work to do in the form of new com grinding/new weeklies/new work. Oh this is so exciting, I feel elated.


Nah, ---- that.

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Indeed.. It was the most dominant opinion for weeks that no flying breathed a sense of exploration and adventure into the world that had been missing.


You mean from the Internet Community that is a fraction of a fraction of the playerbase?


Yep, that's totally going to be a non-biased perspective. Nope, purely and truly a microcosm of the WoW playerbase.


Here's a tip: If you take something away from a group after they've had it for years, they're not going to be happy, aside from a few ideologues and masochists.


but, enough about the fail-train that is WoW.

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I will be so thrilled if they add 5 more levels that I have to grind through, I will love and cherish those additional 5 levels and... potentially more companion gearing work to do in the form of new com grinding/new weeklies/new work. Oh this is so exciting, I feel elated.


Nah, ---- that.


Did they mention a level increase?

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You mean from the Internet Community that is a fraction of a fraction of the playerbase?


Yep, that's totally going to be a non-biased perspective. Nope, purely and truly a microcosm of the WoW playerbase.


Well, it's that same community that started to largely whine about the lack of flying. There's no real way of knowing if the opinion changed or if malcontents simply took over the tone of the debate, as will happen.


That's why I said it's not clear. I'm glad you're done arguing with me for no reason.

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Did they mention a level increase?


Not specifically, but I had a Force vision and it was horrifying. I better find myself a creepy dishonest old senator and tell him of my visions so he can make claims about saving the one I love through him or some ----

Edited by RoboArthurDayne
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There's already a bunk ready, and waiting, for Theron on my smuggler's ship. If that happens. I'm trying really, really hard not to get too excited.



Now please, for the love of the force, let me kick Corso out!!!


Indeed! Let me have Lana, and finally use Quinn as a sparring dummy! :D


With new companions, they REALLY should let us kill companions again.

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Also, Homeless Mace Windu with no hand could potentially be a new companion.


I wouldn't give a **** if he's just a head in a jar. As long as I could hear one-liners in the voice of Samuel L. Jackson I would exclusively use him, and start recording my game play like some of you nerds do.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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I wouldn't give a **** if he's just a head in a jar. As long as I could hear one-liners in the voice of Samuel L. Jackson I would exclusively use him, and start recording my game play like some of you nerds do.


That's the spirit.


There will be Solo Flashpoints where you restore Mace Windu's dignity by giving him a shower, new hand and purple lightsaber. And even shopping for a new outfit because rags and ---- stained pants don't inspire confidence.


There will even be a way to save Yoda from that disgusting swamp ----hole he lives on before the little troll completely loses his mind.

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Well, particularly, I am happy from the little I read, that's definetly more than I was expecting for.


However, I am all against any lvl cap increasing... please don't! Because lvl increasing means new items/armor rating, which means new augments, which means much more money to get a properly gear, which means I will need to waste toons of hours in all my dozens of characters... - CHEERS, LOL.:eek:


I am dreaming now with the return of class story. Also, I would love to get Theron or Lana as companions and plus, class-specific one's...


Let's wait the conference now.:cool:

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Sorry, but I have to agree with the other poster... I really don't see them suddenly throwing the game timeline around. Star Wars is, generally speaking, based on a linear series of events. Time travel and alternate realities aren't one of the staples of this science-fantasy genre.


Planting easter eggs or tie-ins to the films? Can definitely see that.


*Cough cough* Jakku as a planet *cough cough*

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So excited about this, so many possibilities and maybe even new races like Wookies, Rodians, Trandosians. Anything is possible. Maybe even a third adv class. Let the speculations begin.


They have already stated No Non Basic Speaking species as playable races. So Trandosians and wookies are out. Rodians are the closest of the three but even they have slim to none chance of being added.

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I have a feeling it's going to be something really big that has nothing but fully voiced acting in everything and a ton of stuff. New mechanics, new ways to play, more things to do and on and on.


That probably explains the content drought ;)

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