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Lana Beniko... Unfit to run Sith Intelligence


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It's just a discussion point by it's a serious loophole when observed from the Agent's POV. Lana, a sith with no experience with command and no powerbase, is simply made head of Sith Intelligence. She's a good operative but that does not make her able to head Imperial Intelligence. She even let a rather "obvious" double agent aka "Kovach" to enter Sith Intelligence. His accent have him away the moment I met him on Ziost. Lana seems rather incompetent as Intelligence Head. This is IMO. Feel free to challenge it.
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by default in head canon, my agent Karajan has no use for sith of any kind. so the first chance he can get to dispose or eliminate any sith he will take.


but as far as lana is concerned, like nox, both are put into positions of power by darth marr, he is the one figure within the empire that is keeping the dark council in line and making the choices. nox has no real powerbase but was made a member of the dark council and nox has thrived as a darth, on the other hand lana was given that same honor by marr and for the most part lana has been right on the money. kovach not only deceived sis but he also deceived sith intelligence as well, and spies are meant to deceive those around them to get the advantage of whoever their handler is. in this case sarash is getting a little to complacent and cocky in her position asserting herself too much in places she has no business wasting time and resources in, she needs to be less secure in her position and more cautious in bear baiting incase it hits home, hard..


in any event, lana did alright and she is like many other sentient lifeform, imperfect but thats alright, no one is perfect. marr wants a loyal empire, a stable empire and the likes of lana who is a lot more senisble then most sith with a more level thinking point is exactly what the empire needs. besides the former keeper/former minister of intelligence, even he made mistakes including the castellan restraints on cypher nine.

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Having played the IA storyline, I can say that while I felt betrayed at Marr's choice (I even told him so) the fact is Marr knows she isn't the best choice merely the one he chose, and essentially assigns the Agent to watch over her and guide her. She has a lot of respect for the Agent from the way I view it, so he/she is still running the show despite Lana technically having more power.


Also Lana doesn't seem like a very powerful Sith... I'd hesitate to say it, but I think the Agent or BH could take her down much less the force-using classes, if they wanted to. The Agent is probably capable of manipulating her as well...

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It's just a discussion point by it's a serious loophole when observed from the Agent's POV. Lana, a sith with no experience with command and no powerbase, is simply made head of Sith Intelligence. She's a good operative but that does not make her able to head Imperial Intelligence. She even let a rather "obvious" double agent aka "Kovach" to enter Sith Intelligence. His accent have him away the moment I met him on Ziost. Lana seems rather incompetent as Intelligence Head. This is IMO. Feel free to challenge it.


She's still new to the great "Game" of Intelligence, so she's not learnt the first rule quite yet, which while quoted regularly is never really recognised until learnt through betrayal: "Trust No One". She thought that she could trust them due to their common enemy, the Ziost Liberation Front, and yet she failed to realise this might have been an attempt to win her trust. She's new to it.


The Imperial Agent is assigned to help her with this, but the Imperial Agent is also running around doing other things, being part of the strike team with Kalig, Wrath and the Champion of the Great Hunt, and as such he can't be expected to also help out with paper work and with reorganising a section of the Sith ministry that was effectively unceremoniously ripped apart by Sith Lords like Lord Razer.


However, I am also annoyed she hasn't actually sent us regular updates. I mean, Marr said she would, but I haven't even received a letter explaining her plans for structure or anything like that...

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She's still new to the great "Game" of Intelligence, so she's not learnt the first rule quite yet, which while quoted regularly is never really recognised until learnt through betrayal: "Trust No One". She thought that she could trust them due to their common enemy, the Ziost Liberation Front, and yet she failed to realise this might have been an attempt to win her trust. She's new to it.


The Imperial Agent is assigned to help her with this, but the Imperial Agent is also running around doing other things, being part of the strike team with Kalig, Wrath and the Champion of the Great Hunt, and as such he can't be expected to also help out with paper work and with reorganising a section of the Sith ministry that was effectively unceremoniously ripped apart by Sith Lords like Lord Razer..


On my Agent I told her to resign and I even got to mention that I've worked with Ministers of Intelligence and she isn't one. And I meant it. She'd be a great Keeper, but she is just too inexperienced for the BIG job. Marr should have made her 2nd in command for a year or two and then bumped her up. She skipped too many levels in the hierarchy, you need to learn to manage 1000 people before you manage 10,000.

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Still, Marr could have at least pulled a Jadus and blankly state that agent is in charge and Lana is just a figure head to appease the other sith. She makes a better field Operative. Her undercover skills are great but she's **** and management. Hell, even the SI makes a better choice for intelligence leader, them being inquisitorius and all.
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Honestly, I think that Darth Marr would refuse her resignation, telling her that he chose her for a reason, and that ultimately it was not so much as a failure as a slip, just as there was a slip on Makeb.


However, I would not complain if Darth Marr did in fact demote her to be Keeper and place the Agent in charge of Sith Intelligence. Hell, I'd be happy to see my agent report directly to the Dark Council. Hell, I want to see what reporting to the Dark Council would actually be like. Do I go into the council chambers? Do I go into a holo room where the Dark Councillors stand before me? I'd kind of like to just occasionally glance to where Jadus would have sat whenever Ravage started to badmouth me or something, to remind them what happened the last time a Dark Councillor dried to assert power over me.


Yeah, I wouldn't mind Lana being demoted if it meant the Agent took her place, as he should have done, but if it were anyone else who would take her place, I say keep her where she is.

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I'd kind of like to just occasionally glance to where Jadus would have sat whenever Ravage started to badmouth me or something, to remind them what happened the last time a Dark Councillor dried to assert power over me.


And then the Dark Council will happily remind you of what happened to you the last time a member tried to assert power over you. :p

Edited by Diviciacus
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And then the Dark Council will happily remind you of what happened to you the last time a member tried to assert power over you. :p


They feared me enough to put on Castellan restraints? How could I forget? And look how that worked out, now they're relying on the fact that I have overlooked that to use me for their plans. :p

Edited by Branosaros
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They feared me enough to put on Castellan restraints? How could I forget? And look how that worked out, now they're relying on the fact that I have overlooked that to use me for their plans. :p


do remember the Catellan restraits where them being MERCYFUL. it was literally that or "kill the agent" the Agent really shouldn't push the dark council too hard.


it's also an example of WHY Lana is minister. Her actions in the Revanite plot proved that she's loyal to the Empire, she has essentially been trained in intelligence by well... the enemy (and thus is familer with the republic's methods) also the minister shouldn't be involved in day to days. they're essentially management (remember she was aide to darth Arkous)



and at the end of the day she's also a Sith. I imagine the Sith got tired of the old Ministers subtle anti-sith additude

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Satele Shan is more Sith than Lana.


Lana seems too easy to manipulate. And too softhearted.

Either this girl is hinding a LOT, or the Sith have changed too much in this war xD



Satele Shan would just allow a companion to be captured and tortured, without informing them, so that they could get intell on the enemy?


Lana may come off nice, but she's clearly willing to do bad things if she has too

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  • 4 months later...

At first I thought I should have her resign and wanted some input about her and if their are any major consequences (that's how I landed here).

I also told Marr that I should be in charge of Intelligence, but he just said that the point of Sith Intelligence is to be run by Sith, meaning that as long as it is SI the Agent will never have any direct and official power (although you influence Lana a lot). But that is kind of the point, she worked with you, she respects you so much that you can tell her to resign and she will trust your judgment. What would come after her? A Sith that thinks he is superior to everyone else and will kill you just for suggesting he is wrong? You can never know. As far as I'm concerned from the POV of the Agent it is better to keep her, because you can guide her (like some others here suggested).


But I love the idea of reporting to the Dark Council, of doing some work and maybe even making choices about certain operations. That is my problem with SW: ToR atm. You have so much power, storywise speaking, but you never experience it. You don't attend Dark Council meetings as a Sith, which would be nice because besides Marr and Jadus non of the Dark Council members is established at all. Show us some Sith politics, have us use subordinates like we were used when we still were Apprentices. Something like that. Of course the same goes for the BH (doing some Mando businuess) and the Agent.


Oh well, maybe in the future.

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She may be unfit to run Intelligence...but she's more than fit to run my galactic-savior, Darth Imperius! ;)


Ok, innuendos aside...intelligence work is not easy, and takes time to get used to. She's a good Intelligence agent, and definitely earned a promotion. But she's rather new to her job as Minister, gotta give her a little time to settle in. People don't just move into a seat and suddenly becomes great at it.

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It's just a discussion point by it's a serious loophole when observed from the Agent's POV. Lana, a sith with no experience with command and no powerbase, is simply made head of Sith Intelligence.


How do you know she has no experience with command and no powerbase exactly?

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