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Bioware, of all the **** you do, and believe me there is alot of it...seriously-like elephant size *****. why would you not add in legacy GSF hangers?


GSF is cool, I like to play it, unfortunately you missed the mark in capturing a large audience and so we are left with a small community. I hate hopping toons to randomly get a GSF pop and get farmed by my copilots on my none ace toons, like for reals stock fighters suck. I'm surpirsed I even stayed with it the first time, enough is enough I've done it twice now, dont make me have to do it like 6 more times just to enjoy GSF with the 12xp

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I'd really like faction wide hangars as well.I guess they would have to make the dailies /weeklies faction wide as well or we'd get tons of requisition.I mainly play GSF on one republic main and starting to lvl ships on an imp main as well Edited by NUTMANIAC
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I think the ability to legacy move ships around would be neat. The little lowbie/alt would still gain the req, but on their ships and not the ones being moved around. However, the ship/s being moved around would no longer gain the req until they would be back on the original toon.

A player can legacy across wearable gear and gain comms on the toon they are playing on so that toon can also get the gear they are moving. Why not do that gsf as well? I think that is a wonderful idea.

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The weeklies are no longer a viable excuse. They have shown via conquest that they have the ability to track objectives across multiple characters. This is just another instance of Bioware not listening to their players.
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Because the way gsf makes money is being a source for people to spend cartel coins on. The subscriber benefits are very minimal so if you're only going to play swtor for gsf then there's no point in subbing. it's frustrating sure but papa's gotta eat.
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It's not a cash grab.


I don't think most players pop cartel coins across different servers and characters. Those that do would be pretty easy to get cartel coins out of- you could, for instance, release a color module for cartel coins. Maybe even like, TWO color modules. I mean, gosh, I know it's a lot of dev time to select two colors off a wheel- rocket surgery for sure- but if they were trying to get cartel coins of GSF, this would be a good start point.


No, I'm totally sure that this stated design decision is one part exactly that ("your ships are something your character has, not your account") and there parts technical ("uh, what would it take to make this account level? Ok, that's out of scope, moving on...").


The danger of accusing game companies of cash grabbing is that it makes everyone just pretend that it's super common. If your opinion is that game companies will blend you up and sift you out to see if there's any gold in your toenails, and you still play games, then in creates a community where that is tacitly accepted. We should only call companies out for greed when they are actually being greedy.

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I don't think most players pop cartel coins across different servers and characters. Those that do would be pretty easy to get cartel coins out of- you could, for instance, release a color module for cartel coins. Maybe even like, TWO color modules. I mean, gosh, I know it's a lot of dev time to select two colors off a wheel- rocket surgery for sure- but if they were trying to get cartel coins of GSF, this would be a good start point.


But when the vast majority of paint jobs, color kits, blaster gas, and engine reactants are paid for at some point by some one with cartel coins, in a game that, in my opinion, would benefit from more incentivized participation, that's a problem. As I mentioned in that rewards thread, its sad when even Artificers have it better in terms of dye module options obtainable purely through in game methods compared to GSF.

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