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Taken lvl 57 Sniper off the Shelf


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So I decided to dust off and take my LvL 57 sniper off the shelf for some pvp... Keep in mind this is the only one of my classes I haven't played in PVP since 3.0


I have a question I am hoping someone can answer... Covered escape... Can it be greyed out, not available while you aren't stunned and it's not on CD by another player... ie, Merc Electronet?... Or any others class ability... I've nvr heard of anything before... But it is happening, not often, but it is happening... Would like to know what it is so I can counter it

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Another sniper's Diversion seems to prevent it on top of what others mentioned.


Weird... Seems strange that another snipers ability would effect yours... Is this a known bug... Ie, do Bio know or is it new


Got the Gun Slinger LvL 57 out too... I thought the dirty trickster utility might be handy... Any one else think that surrender doesn't purge movement impairing effects when you choose this utility?

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Weird... Seems strange that another snipers ability would effect yours... Is this a known bug... Ie, do Bio know or is it new


Not a bug. In fact, one of the worst things Snipers/GS can see in WZ's is another Sniper/GS who actively uses it against them. I know I do when I'm up against one because they automatically loose their only quick escape, plus I get a lot of leaper love from my team.

Edited by CaptMurphy
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Weird... Seems strange that another snipers ability would effect yours... Is this a known bug... Ie, do Bio know or is it new


Got the Gun Slinger LvL 57 out too... I thought the dirty trickster utility might be handy... Any one else think that surrender doesn't purge movement impairing effects when you choose this utility?


Never found reason to take that utility.

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The reason Diversion stops you from using Covered Escape is because it stops you from using cover and it makes sense (sort of) that you can't role into cover when you have a debuff stopping you from using cover. Also remember that Marksman Snipers have a buff to Diversion that makes its effect last for a few seconds after you leave the area of the ability, so watch out for that.


Also, E-net isn't the only thing that hinders you. If I remember correctly Sorc healer knockbacks (or maybe it's now a utility) can also hinder you (stops leaps, mobility/escape abilities etc). And all the other things people have mentioned such as roots also stop you from rolling. You're worst nightmare as a Sniper is another Sniper who uses Diversion on you on cd especially when you have Entrench up.


And although I totally understand Cryyc's frustration with the class, I don't recommend just giving up on the Sniper. It has extremely good burst when played right and is very scary to go up against. It's just a shame it sucks in Solo Ranked. Perfectly fine for regs and Group Ranked.

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Ive been seeing a few snipers lately, not sure why. My VG/PT and sin enjoys killing them while they try to charge snipe and ambush. If entrench/hunker down is not active. Its pretty much over at the start. If it is active, you just move behind something or go out of range..


for regs, they can help hold a node but thats like their only use.

Edited by Smuglebunny
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Ive been seeing a few snipers lately, not sure why. My VG/PT and sin enjoys killing them while they try to charge snipe and ambush. If entrench/hunker down is not active. Its pretty much over at the start. If it is active, you just move behind something or go out of range..


for regs, they can help hold a node but thats like their only use.


For regs we held the off node with double MM + tank and healer for 90% of the match. If you can get 2 MM snipers to coordinate in a wz their wrecking power is insane, hence why they are the favored hard swap comp atm in ranked.


You've obviously gone up against bad snipers. Good snipers will wait out your Deflection, blow CD's etc but not use hunker down until they are ready to line up their burst. Then well you're in light armor with no real way to avoid white damage unless you stealth out. I've caught so many sins with their pants down thinking I was an easy kill

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For regs we held the off node with double MM + tank and healer for 90% of the match. If you can get 2 MM snipers to coordinate in a wz their wrecking power is insane, hence why they are the favored hard swap comp atm in ranked.


You've obviously gone up against bad snipers. Good snipers will wait out your Deflection, blow CD's etc but not use hunker down until they are ready to line up their burst. Then well you're in light armor with no real way to avoid white damage unless you stealth out. I've caught so many sins with their pants down thinking I was an easy kill


^^^^^^This... Why do people keep saying they are bad in regs? I can keep up with sorc damage on mine.

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Good snipers will wait out your Deflection, blow CD's etc but not use hunker down until they are ready to line up their burst. Then well you're in light armor with no real way to avoid white damage unless you stealth out. I've caught so many sins with their pants down thinking I was an easy kill


It blows my mind how many sins I see pop shroud and then yolo charge me while i am dialing up an ambush. There needs to be some sort of fotm training academy for these people.

Edited by Jimmajamma
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It blows my mind how many sins I see pop shroud and then yolo charge me while i am dialing up an ambush. There needs to be some sort of fotm training academy for these people.


Definitely no training... If all they can do is roll FOTM toons... Then they either learn them or get punished for thinking fotm will allow them to dominate other classes

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So how are you liking your sniper? I keep trying with mine after dusting it off with my account being active again and I honestly think I really need to move on. Just not as fun as it used to be.


Might try focusing on my Jug/Gaurdians. Or even a marauder/Sentinel. I just want to play a jedi melee character to change it up but man will I have to learn to play entirely different compared to snipe/sling

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I don't know what the situation is like in PvP on your servers but on ToFN it is pretty much horrendous, so many Sins and Ops in PvP. Getting stunned and stunned and stunned again and again and again, all the time. Not to forget the roots.

It wouldn't be such a problem if it was only one of them but it's hardly ever just one who is coming for you. I'm getting focused all the time, it doesn't matter if it is regs or not - always the same picture and I can't blame them since Sniper is so easy to kill or to avoid. Just gang up on every Sniper you see, he won't be able to survive it, he maybe kills one but the others will definetly finish him off because he won't have any DCDs left to deal with the situation.

Also 99% of the time, no one is helping a Sniper, you're usually left alone against multiple enemies.

Just yesterday I got obliterated by 2 OPs, they killed me before I even could use my Shield Probe, I died like a real *****r there and there was nothing I could have done. But well yeah, apparently Sniper is doing really well in PvP according to BioFugg.


I can imagine tho that the situation is probably way more easier on other servers.

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I don't know what the situation is like in PvP on your servers but on ToFN it is pretty much horrendous, so many Sins and Ops in PvP. Getting stunned and stunned and stunned again and again and again, all the time. Not to forget the roots.

It wouldn't be such a problem if it was only one of them but it's hardly ever just one who is coming for you. I'm getting focused all the time, it doesn't matter if it is regs or not - always the same picture and I can't blame them since Sniper is so easy to kill or to avoid. Just gang up on every Sniper you see, he won't be able to survive it, he maybe kills one but the others will definetly finish him off because he won't have any DCDs left to deal with the situation.

Also 99% of the time, no one is helping a Sniper, you're usually left alone against multiple enemies.

Just yesterday I got obliterated by 2 OPs, they killed me before I even could use my Shield Probe, I died like a real *****r there and there was nothing I could have done. But well yeah, apparently Sniper is doing really well in PvP according to BioFugg.


I can imagine tho that the situation is probably way more easier on other servers.



It's not but like I said in your other post snipers and mercs are in the same boat. Only thing is at least they focus snipers over mercs cuZ you can do damage in such short time compared to mercs it's pretty ridiculous. Buffing snipers would make them gods in regs. Look at ops. They have God roll plus stuns and a move unlike anything else in the game that stops you from turning. Which is a huge deal since it's another root added to those tiny stuns.

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So how are you liking your sniper? I keep trying with mine after dusting it off with my account being active again and I honestly think I really need to move on. Just not as fun as it used to be.


Might try focusing on my Jug/Gaurdians. Or even a marauder/Sentinel. I just want to play a jedi melee character to change it up but man will I have to learn to play entirely different compared to snipe/sling


You definitely need to move a bit more than before... Certainly with some of the changes to other classes being more mobile... I am enjoying it though...

Although I'm still trying to work out my role in Quesh Hutt Ball...on all my other toons I play the ball, not the players... Wether it's supporting the ball carrier... Carrying the ball... Healing... Tanking etc... But with the sniper being the least mobile of all the classes... It's not viable to run with the ball

I see lots of snipers trying to guard the line and have never really seen this used effectively... I've seen snipers camp and hit their respawn, but it feels like they arent contributing to scoring... Lastly I see snipers running around playing the players and not the ball in anyway... I'm one of those players who will play the role needed for my class in Hutt Ball.. Normal Hutt Ball is fine... But Quesh is a bit different...

Any advice would be welcome

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You definitely need to move a bit more than before... Certainly with some of the changes to other classes being more mobile... I am enjoying it though...

Although I'm still trying to work out my role in Quesh Hutt Ball...on all my other toons I play the ball, not the players... Wether it's supporting the ball carrier... Carrying the ball... Healing... Tanking etc... But with the sniper being the least mobile of all the classes... It's not viable to run with the ball

I see lots of snipers trying to guard the line and have never really seen this used effectively... I've seen snipers camp and hit their respawn, but it feels like they arent contributing to scoring... Lastly I see snipers running around playing the players and not the ball in anyway... I'm one of those players who will play the role needed for my class in Hutt Ball.. Normal Hutt Ball is fine... But Quesh is a bit different...

Any advice would be welcome


I'd be interested in how snipers play Quesh Hutt Ball myself. Only played it a few times due to sub being mostly inactive much of the time its been around.


In regular Hutt Ball, you can control the mid, drop down to grab the ball if its uncontested to pass it up, and from the same spot, move to eliminate ball carriers, knock them back or generally slow them down to not make it past the fire traps; or kill and harrass forward passing options of the enemy, as well as move ahead if your team is pushing to clear a patch and can reach with legshot to do some peeling for the ball carrier. I've even scored several times just by seeing the enemy get sucked to the ball carrier and getting ahead, for a pass, throwing up entrench to keep from being CCed then if you spec for it, you get a speed boost from that with movement impairing effect immunity.


Quesh seems to require too much movement for that.

Edited by Technohic
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