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Your Sith/Jedi Mt. Rushmore


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Through Star Wars history there have been pivotal Characters on both sides of Force. Who in your mind makes the Jedi and the Sith Mt Rushmore?

For Myself:

JEDI Mount Rushmore



Obi-Wan Kenobi

Luke Skywalker


Honorable Mentions:

Kyle Katarn

Mace Windu

Qui-Gon Jinn


SITH Mount Rushmore:

Revan :cool:

Darth Vader

Darth Bane

Darth Sidious


Honorable Mentions:

Darth Malak

Darth Maul

Darth Nihilus


As someone who is very big on the expanded universe this is the list I put together.

Make a Non-Force using Mt. Rushmore as well!

Feel Free to Make your own or just Critique mine!

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For Jedi, I think it would be good to have a humble Jedi that wouldn't be considered a great warrior by non-Jedi standards. So I'd give Master Nemo from Dantooine in KotOR a spot.


Second, a convert or redeemed Jedi, such as Juhani, Yuthura Ban, or Lord Praven.


Third, one who sacrificed themself in the place of innocents, like Master Yaddle.


Fourth, a scholar, like Master Gnost-Dural.

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Through Star Wars history there have been pivotal Characters on both sides of Force. Who in your mind makes the Jedi and the Sith Mt Rushmore?


what? i am assuming this is american slang english?

honestly have no idea what the question is with this "mt rushmore".

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what? i am assuming this is american slang english?

honestly have no idea what the question is with this "mt rushmore".


5 seconds on Google will answer that just fine.


There are a lot of decently well known figures that would make it for either side. Though I highly doubt the Sith would ever do a Mt. Rushmore style monument. That'll imply that those Sith are equal to one-another, and that would cause all sorts of issues with their followers or ghosts.


Revan wouldn't really work, I think, for the Jedi. He was never "traditional" when he was a Jedi. Then he was corrupted and became Sith. Then he was redeemed. And now we have this whole thing going on again about Revan. It's definitely crazy. The man still deserves a statue SOMEWHERE, if just as a warning to both Jedi and Sith.


I'd definitely say something like the "best" Grand Masters of the Order who had to lead it through some trying times.

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My list:




Ulic Qel-Droma



I see this cat as the Ben Franklin of Jedi. A founding father BUT never being one to hold "real" power. He was cut off from the Force and still managed to become one with the force on his death.


As was said of him...


Ulic may not have been able to touch the force, but he understood it more than any of us. He ha the heart of a Jedi
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what? i am assuming this is american slang english?

honestly have no idea what the question is with this "mt rushmore".


Mount Rushmore is a mountain in the northern United States with the faces of Presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt carved into it. I'm American, and I've never really heard the term used this way, but I think the OP means if the Jedi and Sith were to create something similar, what four people would each side carve into the mountain?


In order of when they lived:


JEDI (The Valley of the Jedi actually has something like this, but for the sake of argument)


Meetra Surik


Luke Skywalker


First of all, I decided to leave out anyone who fell to the Dark Side. Sorry, Anakin. Also, Revan was a hero at one point, but as a Jedi, he was a mess. Falling to the Dark Side, attempted genocide, actual genocide. I figured Luke probably earned a spot by spearheading the end of the Empire. Meetra did something similar by rebuilding the order after the Triumvirate pretty much destroyed it. Odan-Urr wrote the current version of the Jedi Code, so he'd get a spot. Yoda just seemed like a good choice.



Ajunta Pall

Naga Sadow

Darth Bane

Darth Sidious


These are a bit more obvious. Ajunta Pall founded the Sith. Naga Sadow was their greatest leader. Darth Bane saved the Sith with the Rule of Two. Darth Sidious finally defeated the Republic and the Jedi. I left out anyone who was redeemed before they died. Sorry, Anakin. Note, "before they died." Thanks, Revan. I also tried to focus on the True Sith, and leave out anyone who opposed them at some point. Sorry, Revan, Nihilus, Traya, and Malgus. I think that about covers it.

Edited by JamagsAwesome
Typos and Formatting problems
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My list:



Obi-Wan Kenobi

Mara Jade Skywalker

Nomi Sunrider

Luke Skywalker

Siri Tachi

Ulic Qel-Droma

Tenel Ka Djo



Naga Sadow

Ajunta Pall

Marka Ragnos

Count Dooku

King Adas


Ullic Qel-Droma became Exar- Kuns apprentice and did some really crappy stuff as a sith.

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Yeah, he pretty much buried the old Sith Empire, they should have listened to Ludo Kreesh. Exar Kun was also better than Sadow.


There's a very simple reason:


I was tired and not thinking clearly. :p


Then I got onto TOR, started playing my inquisitor, and a certain companion reminded me that Great Tulak Hord was cooler than Sadow ever was. :p

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Odan-Urr (Creator of Jedi code)

Hoth (Was the one that ended the Sith threat almost single handedly for nearly a thousand years until the "Return" cinematic)


Honorable Mentions:

Satele Shan

Meetra Surik



Darth Nihilus (How's he not on your list? He drove the Jedi order to nigh extinction. Only one other Sith has done that, and you know who that is.)

Darth Sidious


Marka Ragnos


Honorable Mentions:

Naga Sadow

Exar Kun

Darth Revan (I would have put him on the Jedi list, but he doesn't deserve it. Honestly, he doesn't embody what a Jedi is supposed to be. The entirety of KOTOR is just him fixing his own mistake.)

Darth Bane

Sorzus Syn (Creator of Sith code)

Edited by Tankdoog
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Think you're a bit confused on the timeline for Hoth. He fought against the Brotherhood of Darkness during the New Sith Wars, almost 3000 years from "Return". A thousand year "peace" followed the Brotherhood's defeat but I wouldn't give Hoth the credit for it. Edited by Senrie
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Think you're a bit confused on the timeline for Hoth. He fought against the Brotherhood of Darkness during the New Sith Wars, almost 3000 years from "Return". A thousand year "peace" followed the Brotherhood's defeat but I wouldn't give Hoth the credit for it.


Why wouldn't you give him credit for it?

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Because of Bane. It was by his design that the Brotherhood(and the Army of Light/Hoth) were destroyed, and it was also by his design that the sith wouldn't reveal themselves for all those years.
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