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Republic loses just like in the trailers


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Two reasons:


For some strange reason republics have leveled a lot slower than imperials. 90% of the time I see a huge level disparity where all the republics are 15-25 and the imperials are 35-50. This matters somewhat. But should stop mattering in a month's time, especially if you play on a mostly full server so there's a lower noob influx. Just having gone from 20 to 25 I notice a meaningful increase in fighting power from talents.


Quite a few people would say that the iconic republic classes (jedi knight, jedi healer, smuggler) are pretty UP and the iconic empire classes (force lightning users, bounty hunters) are pretty OP. That's basically up to the designer's internal RNG. Naturally since classes are mirrors this should even out over time. Pissed off about inquisitors? Roll a Consular.


I have stopped going PvP for the time being in frustration over all the low lvls joining (lv10 consular, seriously?) and will mainly aim to level up.

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from my own personal experience it seems like empire wins most of alderaan matches but republic wins most voidstar matches. and not only wins voidstar, but obliterates voidstar. when empire is on defense, its just insta-lose, republic runs through like the doors dont exist. and then empire goes on attack and we rarely ever even get the first door open. blows my mind every time.
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Not on my server. I think I win 2/3-3/4 of all warzones. Just not hutball. Prolly only win 1/4 of that. Imperials are good at zerging.


It's not zerging. It's that the imperials get far more practice at Huttball than you do because of the population disparity.

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^ Ditto, come to Fatman Republic owns.


Now all the horrible Republic will end up rolling on Fatman :( Blah.


Really though, for the most part while there is a few Timmies running around Fatman on Republic side, a good amount actually go for the objectives and most games I play that are pug are 70 - 30% in favor of Republic.

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