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Group ranked kickball night.


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Hey guys, so i've seen a lot of people posting that group ranked is just a farm fest to one team and some others saying they don't have a team or experience at all, so im making an attempt to try and organize a server kickball night.


Ranked kickball would work something like this:

At a set time, people log in, form a large ops group or form up in comms (I have a mumble server we can use), and we pick team captains or randomly assign players to each team, then all the "pug" teams queue team ranked and play against each other, if for example, Team A loses to Team B, and Team A wants to make a trade to make things more balanced, they could trade one of their players for a player from Team B of the same role (No swapping healer for tank or dps for healer ect) sticking to the comp of 1 tank 2 dps and 1 healer.


"Why not just have everyone queue solo ranked?" one might ask, and thats b/c lets be honest, solo ranked in comparison to team ranked is meh, and we want to promote the growth of team ranked in this game, and most solo ranked games are just dps races of 4 dps vs 4 dps and there isnt a whole lot of strategy involved besides "tunnel the merc" or what have you. Also we can put one experienced guy in a team that doesn't have much experience and have him call the shots, give tips and point out mistakes and stuff helping newcomers learn tactics instead of just farming dps/heheals and hope for the best.


Having kickball nights allows players who dont have teams of their own to come out and try out team ranked in an environment that is meant to create some resemblance of fairness/balance, and allowing those players who already play team ranked, to A. meet new pvpers interested in team ranked and B. to play classes they wouldnt necesarily get to play on their current try-hard teams, for example merc heals or engineering sniper or what have you.


I have already spoken to some of the people I play with on pubside, and they expressed interest in the idea, is there people on this server that would be interested in doing something like this maybe once a week or once every other week, having one night where the try-hard guild teams dont queue and everyone comes out for a fun night of non-serious pvp and networking to try and promote the growth of the small ranked population on our server?


TL; DR: Interested in kickball for group ranked?

Edited by gokussjdios
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I'd be interested in this depending on what night it's scheduled.


I'll repost on the Alpha forums and see if anyone else is interested.


It depends on when can the most people participate so it's up to everyone, personally i'm ok almost any day but fridays and saturdays are the most sure.

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Since I reposted to Alpha last night, we have at least three people so far that are interested. Probably more as they get time to respond. Of the ones who have answered so far Friday/Saturday are best for us as well.


We usually have events between 6:00 PM and 10:00 PM EST on those nights so either before or after. Or if you just go all night then Alpha would drop out sometime in the middle and then come back later on..

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What time are we aiming for to get this going tonight?


Should we meet in outlaws den to see how many people we have on both sides? Or, If timing is a problem, maybe we try to get solos going until there are at least 2 matches going at one time?


What Mumble should most try to connect to?

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What time are we aiming for to get this going tonight?


Should we meet in outlaws den to see how many people we have on both sides? Or, If timing is a problem, maybe we try to get solos going until there are at least 2 matches going at one time?


What Mumble should most try to connect to?


I'd recommend someones Stronghold, quick load times and a central location with all amenities. Tatooine or Nar Shaddaa.


There was a Jung Ma ranked mumble set up by someone in Remnants of Hope, i can't remember the details but i'm sure aravail still has them. Its pretty much perfect.

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