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What are BioWare's Plans for Space in SWTOR?


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Has BioWare pretty much given up on the space side of Star Wars?


It seems like space has always taken a back seat in this game, and neither the on rails PvE space missions, nor the PvP oriented GSF has had any updates in a very long time.


I know, personally, part of the problem is the play styles for each are really designed like flight systems that would normally use a gamepad (on rails space) or a joystick (GSF) but instead BioWare's versions use complex and difficult to master keyboard controls, or difficult to use at all if you have repetitive stress injury issues with your hands, like I do. I like the gameplay, but WASD isn't happening for me anymore, not if I like having fully functioning fingers and grip. I was able to do the normal mode on rails pretty easy with just a mouse, but hard mode requires both mouse and WASD, and GSF also suffers from poor controls, and a steep learning/gear curve. Maybe if they addressed some of these issues I'd play more. I'd also love some PvE missions off rails, and to see more content/maps overall.


What do other players think? Do you want more space? What keeps you away from the current space options in the game? What would you like to see happen to make space more enticing?

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I still play the "old" space game. Its a nice break while waiting for a group to form, but not enough time to do a pvp match. Plus, the space parts are still a nice thing to sell (shh don't tell anyone!)


GSF, I absolutely love. Especially when I can play with friends. I think it was well done and a fun mini game pvp.


I hope they add more to both!


However, I understand if the old space game was a placeholder for GSF, but GSF has had zero updates in what a year?


I feel bad for the team who made it.


Would be nice to have more pvp, in all aspects (ground/space) that reflects the current state of affairs. AKA there is a galactic war still going on.

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umm GSF isn't designed for a joystick, it's a mouse driven game


It should have been, and still needs to be. Any game with 3 rotational axes (yes that is the proper plural spelling of axis) should have joystick support.

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If they would have designed it like an updated X-Wing vs TIE Fighter type of flight sim PvP, I guarantee it would still be successful. It had a great PvE raiding element to it as well. And yes it needs a joystick. Edited by btmart
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The space portion of this game is a painted, rotten carrot on the end of the stick and it will never change. The game revolves around solo story settings and will always do so. If you want a space sim, go try Elite Dangerous (which sucks) or Star Citizen (which won't be finished for at least another year or so). Stop trying to turn this into one.
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Star Wars or Ground Wars? I think there is a lot more happening on the ground then in the stars in my opinion :sul_frown:


Have you even seen any of the 6 movies? 95% of them take place on land....

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The space portion of this game is a painted, rotten carrot on the end of the stick and it will never change. The game revolves around solo story settings and will always do so. If you want a space sim, go try Elite Dangerous (which sucks) or Star Citizen (which won't be finished for at least another year or so). Stop trying to turn this into one.


Battlefront II. Perfect blend of space and land combat (although the space combat was vastly superior and is exactly what GSF should have been). Oh, and it used a joystick.

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umm GSF isn't designed for a joystick, it's a mouse driven game


Funny, it has all the maps that every joystick game has, directional looks, axis tilt, primary and secondary fire, throttle.


And funny that every mouse driven flight game I have played doesn't require you to use your keyboard to move the ship.


The point is, they said they would make it awesome with mouse/keyboard, and they didn't.

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I would like to see more space fights in this game, like taking my defender through an asteroid belt and/or outrunning/hiding from imperial dreadnaughts until I can get my hyperdrive coordinates set.


NOT doing slow attack runs in a ship that is dubiously designed for it. Yeah, the asteroid field in Empire Strikes Back is probably my favorite movie sequence ever, so I know my idea is derivative but they could do a lot worse imo.


Also, not too happy that strongholds seem to be replacing starships as a "home base," it's just not something I can get into aesthetically. I want my ship to be my home, thanks.


As for Galactic Starfighter, I'm not particularly gifted in that category of gameplay, so I don't really pay it any attention. If it was better integrated (pve missions, using your personal ship, etc) maybe I'd give it a try, but as it is I'm kind of meh.


Here's hoping one of the future expansions is a space overhaul! Just saying, I'd be so happy if they did anything at all with space travel.

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I am fine playing GSF with a mouse, but if some joystick support would get more players into GSF then I am all for that, as long I can continue playing with a mouse.


Anyway, I really hope to get more for GSF, like maps and new ships, sure I would like to have cross server queues or something like that, since it feels like not many games pop on my server these days.

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What do other players think? Do you want more space? What keeps you away from the current space options in the game? What would you like to see happen to make space more enticing?

I could not care less. Both space things hold no appeal whatsoever for me and there is nothing they could do to make them more appealing. GSF was a complete waste of a "free" expansion, IMO. I wonder how many players actually do GSF (maybe it's way more than I think: it certainly could not be less).

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Has BioWare pretty much given up on the space side of Star Wars?


It seems like space has always taken a back seat in this game, and neither the on rails PvE space missions, nor the PvP oriented GSF has had any updates in a very long time.


I know, personally, part of the problem is the play styles for each are really designed like flight systems that would normally use a gamepad (on rails space) or a joystick (GSF) but instead BioWare's versions use complex and difficult to master keyboard controls, or difficult to use at all if you have repetitive stress injury issues with your hands, like I do. I like the gameplay, but WASD isn't happening for me anymore, not if I like having fully functioning fingers and grip. I was able to do the normal mode on rails pretty easy with just a mouse, but hard mode requires both mouse and WASD, and GSF also suffers from poor controls, and a steep learning/gear curve. Maybe if they addressed some of these issues I'd play more. I'd also love some PvE missions off rails, and to see more content/maps overall.


What do other players think? Do you want more space? What keeps you away from the current space options in the game? What would you like to see happen to make space more enticing?

OMG stupid EA. Why haven't they added golf? How about team based bridge card game. How about every stupid little suggestion that anybody can make?????????????????


Dude, the game is what it is. Play it or quit.

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Dude, the game is what it is. Play it or quit.


Play it or quit.


Yeah, that's intelligent advice. I remember that being yelled quite a lot during the first few months of launch.


Then 11 months after launch, the population was so good for EA that they sent SWTOR into a F2P-Subscription hybrid mode with a focus on Cash Shop item development.


Yeah. Keep spouting that advice. :rolleyes:

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Play it or quit.


Yeah, that's intelligent advice. I remember that being yelled quite a lot during the first few months of launch.


Then 11 months after launch, the population was so good for EA that they sent SWTOR into a F2P-Subscription hybrid mode with a focus on Cash Shop item development.


Yeah. Keep spouting that advice. :rolleyes:

You say that like something bad will happen if people do follow that advice.

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Have you even seen any of the 6 movies? 95% of them take place on land....


Actually, pretty large (and important) parts of all the movies take place in space.


Sure, it may not all be space battles, but take Ep IV for example... they leave tatooine after less than half the movie. They then spend alot of time in the falcon (a spaceship) and on the death star (a space station) and attacking the death star in spaceships.

In Ep V they start off on hoth, then on bespin and dagobah, but alot of the time they are actually traveling through space. Or in space battles.

Ep VI takes place on endor for the most part... but a very large chunk of the movie takes place in space (on the death star, in the death star and around the death star).


Oh and then there's some senate discussions or something that lasts for almost 6 hours, but I don't watch those movies, and don't really consider them "star wars".

But I hear there's quite alot of space fighting there as well... albeit not as much as there is political discussions.


Maby we should start lobbying for the inclusion of many hours of political discussion and senate hearings in the game?

I mean... it was pretty common in those 3 movies.

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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I guess I am in the minority who finds GSF perfectly playable with KB/M. It is much more arcade-like than your garden variety space sim.

Also, if someone really wants to play GSF with joystick, there are ways to achieve that by mapping keyboard and mouse commands to a joystick via some piece of software.

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BW can't make money out of space-on-rails.

BW can't make much money out of GSF since the learning curve is steep ( view from the top is great) ,but it's easy enough to play without the need for Cartel-market ships.

Stats win over looks in PvP so not much incentive to buy outfits off the Cartel Market for PvP


RP and vanity is where the cash is. - Hence expansions for player housing, dyes, crystals and outfit designer. BW are doing what any business would do - targeting the people with the deepest pockets.


-So playing dolls-house and dress up is gonna get the lion's share of dev time. Anything else would be foolish money-wasting philanthropy on their part. - sad but true, I fear.

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Sad because the basis of Star Wars is the epic conflict between good and evil, law and chaos, Space opera on a galactic scale, the struggle to make moral choices, action, battle, spaceships, lasers and heroism.....Not who has the nicest house and plushest robes.
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What do other players think? Do you want more space? What keeps you away from the current space options in the game? What would you like to see happen to make space more enticing?

Personally, I'm not interested in space battles. They could remove all the space battle stuff and I wouldn't notice. :)


Sad because the basis of Star Wars is the epic conflict between good and evil, law and chaos, Space opera on a galactic scale, the struggle to make moral choices, action, battle, spaceships, lasers and heroism.....

But then again, 90% of Star Wars (the movies) takes place on planets. There's very few space battles - even the Death Star sequences are closer to planetary battles.

Edited by JediQuaker
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