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Story and MMOs don't mix. ToR the most underwhelming game ever made.


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After following ToR for a while and being a huge Star Wars fun as well as a MMO fan I help but feel hugely underwhelmed.


There is no community...

Bioware seems to be playing this "play it safe" game. No server forums, keeping both factions apart so even my full server BloodworthEU feels empty. No chat bubbles and boring emots means a souless game.


PVP is the worst out of any MMO

Seriously, I found the battlegrounds to be boring and underwhelming. There is like a 0.5 second delay in all abilities. My kalto injection has a cast time of 2seconds but a hidden delay of 0.5 seconds. 1.5 second GCD is stupid. Combat feels very clunky and my feelings have been echoed accross all class forums.



Story is meh. Yes Agent is fun it s ure adds something new but I felt way more immersed in games like Fallout and other such single player games where they do it best. The idea of an MMO is that it's MULTIPLAYER! players make the content and make the game feel specail. Bioware seems to have designed there game to keep people apart.



Was the biggest disappointment I've had. Once I hit the dune sea I though "ok now for some fun" I saw no one of the other faction and 3/4 easy quests later I was done. Who ever designed Tatooine should be fired IMO


Ok, I'm having fun but that's because it's shiny and new, however I can see this game growing old very fast. I really hope it works out as I'm willing to invest my money and time into it. I'm going to keep on marching on but there needs to be some improvments and fast.

Edited by Esresro
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I am really sick of this. I have heard nothing for days before getting the game.


whining, griping, complaining. I got the full game and played it for 40 minates now and the beta and i can say i think the addition of the story makes it MORE of one of the most interesting MMOs ever made


because its not just about quests and the grind now its about the story and no offence but if you were following the Old Republic they stated from day one that its about the story mainly.


Quit griping and just enjoy the game.

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How much did blizzard pay you for this post??


I'd like to know the same, with all the retarded threads on this forum right now, i'm certain that Blizzard is paying people to try to sway people's opinions, it seems like the kind of thing ACTIVISION Blizzard would do... (Damn you Bobby Kotick you greedy bastard!)

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i agree


sharding has made it feel empty when it is not


world design favours story play not mmo


and this delay in activating abilitys or abilitys not even working is a big problem


apart from that its a cool game hope these things can be fixed ill stay around for a long time, but if they are not i will try other games and find one i like.

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How much did blizzard pay you for this post??


I used to play wow like manyothers but quit two years ago. I understan you're feeling defencive but that sort of come back is really poor show and adds nothing. I would love to see this game do well, honestly I would but I would also like to see some counter points to what I made other than "How much did blizzard pay you for this post" which TBH is rather weak

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After following ToR for a while and being a huge Star Wars fun as well as a MMO fan I help but feel hugely underwhelmed.


There is no community...

Bioware seems to be playing this "play it safe" game. No server forums, keeping both factions apart so even my full server BloodworthEU feels empty. No chat bubbles and boring emots means a souless game.


PVP is the worst out of any MMO

Seriously, I found the battlegrounds to be boring and underwhelming. There is like a 0.5 second delay in all abilities. My kalto injection has a cast time of 2seconds but a hidden delay of 0.5 seconds. 1.5 second GCD is stupid. Combat feels very clunky and my feelings have been echoed accross all class forums.



Story is meh. Yes Agent is fun it s ure adds something new but I felt way more immersed in games like Fallout and other such single player games where they do it best. The idea of an MMO is that it's MULTIPLAYER! players make the content and make the game feel specail. Bioware seems to have designed there game to keep people apart.



Was the biggest disappointment I've had. Once I hit the dune sea I though "ok now for some fun" I saw no one of the other faction and 3/4 easy quests later I was done. Who ever designed Tatooine should be fired IMO


Ok, I'm having fun but that's because it's shiny and new, however I can see this game growing old very fast. I really hope it works out as I'm willing to invest my money and time into it. I'm going to keep on marching on but there needs to be some improvments and fast.


community is born, not made. the game has been out for less the 2 weeks. give it more time.


not a pvper, so haven't tried the battlezones yet, but from what I'm reading, setups are pretty creative. ability delay IS an issue and hopefully, it will be fixed (my interrupts hitting too late annoys me in pve as well)


the story IMO is fantastic. I got attached to my characters from the moment I had my first conversation. and there are multiple stories that can be played in variety of ways. I currently have 16 characters planned. I don't know when I'll managed to get to them all, as in all this time, I've only really been playing one.


haven't been to Tatooine yet. I'm a slow leveler in general and this game makes it even slower. between having to play strategically whether I'm soloing or grouping and the fact that pretty much every quest and conversation I came across so far sound interesting - I'm not even 25 yet. but I see myself enjoying these stories as much as I have enjoyed replaying Mass effect, possibly more so since unlike Mass effect, each class gets their own unique personal story.


I'm having fun. but its not just becasue its shiny and new (though it certainly helps. sometimes feeling like a noob is fantastic) I'm having fun because I find the game fun. and voiced customizable story is HUGE part of that


edited to add. I find sharding to be a genius idea. I was actually able to level comfortably at release. I remember trying to create a troll druid back when blizzard introduced their pre cata patch. I gave up after half an hour of being unable to complete quests, becasue there wasn't enough mobs to go around.


you can still group with people on other shards, you know. the general chat covers all of them. now, we just need official global channels and we'd be set

Edited by Jeweledleah
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A big problem is they put so much into the voice acting and individual stories that once you hit 50 and that story ends there is going to be quite a let down. A lot of people that are praising the game for what it does right while leveling are going to be bored to tears when it comes to same old MMO mechanics later. Mechanics that, at the moment, are clunky at best.
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community is born, not made. the game has been out for less the 2 weeks. give it more time.


not a pvper, so haven't tried the battlezones yet, but from what I'm reading, setups are pretty creative. ability delay IS an issue and hopefully, it will be fixed (my interrupts hitting too late annoys me in pve as well)


the story IMO is fantastic. I got attached to my characters from the moment I had my first conversation. and there are multiple stories that can be played in variety of ways. I currently have 16 characters planned. I don't know when I'll managed to get to them all, as in all this time, I've only really been playing one.


haven't been to Tatooine yet. I'm a slow leveler in general and this game makes it even slower. between having to play strategically whether I'm soloing or grouping and the fact that pretty much every quest and conversation I came across so far sound interesting - I'm not even 25 yet. but I see myself enjoying these stories as much as I have enjoyed replaying Mass effect, possibly more so since unlike Mass effect, each class gets their own unique personal story.


I'm having fun. but its not just becasue its shiny and new (though it certainly helps. sometimes feeling like a noob is fantastic) I'm having fun because I find the game fun. and voiced customizable story is HUGE part of that


edited to add. I find sharding to be a genius idea. I was actually able to level comfortably at release. I remember trying to create a troll druid back when blizzard introduced their pre cata patch. I gave up after half an hour of being unable to complete quests, becasue there wasn't enough mobs to go around.


you can still group with people on other shards, you know. the general chat covers all of them. now, we just need official global channels and we'd be set


I mean no offence what so ever but I thing the game was desgined for you. People who are going to take it very slow and without a competitive edge. I can see ToR making money but holding no more than 1/2million subs world wide at its peek. I think anyone else who desires a smooth combat MMO will play GW2 / wow / titen or what ever is out at the time.

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A big problem is they put so much into the voice acting and individual stories that once you hit 50 and that story ends there is going to be quite a let down. A lot of people that are praising the game for what it does right while leveling are going to be bored to tears when it comes to same old MMO mechanics later. Mechanics that, at the moment, are clunky at best.


I agree. The word CLUNKY is getting used a lot and unless BioWare do something fast it's a word that will forever be stuck to there brand of gaming.

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I agree


So many people in this forum are deluded and will defend this game with their lives


Yeah, that's not hyperbole is it. How about all the deluded people that can't accept this game is popular, and that it's not for them, and then move on. Instead they hang around telling everyone that they must hate it. Why can't you just go find a game that suits you?

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I mean no offence what so ever but I thing the game was desgined for you. People who are going to take it very slow and without a competitive edge. I can see ToR making money but holding no more than 1/2million subs world wide at its peek. I think anyone else who desires a smooth combat MMO will play GW2 / wow / titen or what ever is out at the time.


no offense taken. I feel the same way and its lovely. I don't know how many subscriptions SWTOR will sustain. I know I'm not the only person who plays this way. Heck, I'm guilded with people who play that way. I just hope its going to be enough of us to sustain the game for a long while and that bioware does what CCP does and sticks to their original intended audience instead of trying to make this game fit all and instead making it fit none.


sure, some of the mechanics could use improvement. but its fun even with "clunkiness" at least for me. I play healers. a lot. and I'm actually having fun healing, despite not having mouseover capability or comprehensive, customizable raid frames.


I've done semi hardcore and relatively competitive. for me it stopped being fun very very quickly and became stressful instead. this here? this is quite lovely.


that said, I plan on playing guild wars 2 for sure. don't know about Titan yet, but Blizzard lost a lot of shine for me lately. used to be a huge fan of both diablo and star craft.. tried wings of liberty and didn't enjoy it. diablo 3 looks pretty, especially cinematics wise, but all blizzard games do, that part still hasn't changed. gameplay wise? I'll be going for Torchlight 2 instead :)

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The fact that you had to bump it means nobody cares about your opiion. I don't believe you would like to hear others' opinions. If you hate the game, adios.


EDIT: I love Tatooine. It is wonderfully crafted. I don't know how you think you can make a desert planet any better, unless you want more dune sea.


of course, the classic dont like it, dont play it approach. thats new!


maybe no one saw his thread in the front page? you dont know, bu t thanks for bumping his thread haha

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Anyone expecting anything other than exactly what BioWare said they were targeting in this MMO is fooling themselves and assuming others play these games for the same reasons that they do.


I've seen little that's "clunky". Sure, it's not perfect, but it's not nearly the failboat that the vocal minority are claiming it to be or that it will be upon level-cap.


It's merely not what has come before for better or worse, but that does nothing to indicate it's fullest reality or possibility. Different isn't bad by rote.

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I mean no offence what so ever but I thing the game was desgined for you. People who are going to take it very slow and without a competitive edge. I can see ToR making money but holding no more than 1/2million subs world wide at its peek. I think anyone else who desires a smooth combat MMO will play GW2 / wow / titen or what ever is out at the time.


Combat in this game is much more fun than in WoW. There are plenty of competitive people playing this game, stop trying to make it seem like there isn't. It's just a really dumb argument.

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Are the people who attack this game with their lives also deluded, such as people who make a thread calling for nerfs because they cant win 1v1?


I see you have nothing else to say against me, and so bring other things from other threads into this one. nice try.


plus I never said i couldnt win a 1 v 1, so i dont know what the hell youre on about

Edited by DarthWoad
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You can't expect a community to form overnight on every server, give it time.


Don't PvP, but agree that the ability delay needs to be dealt with.


I like the story, but you are entitled to your opinion ofc.


Tatooine sucked imo. The city (Mos Ila i think) felt lifeless, and the rest of the planet just felt too flat. I felt like the only times I actually saw some variety in the terrain I was trapped at the bottom of a canyon. But I loved Nar Shaddaa while most of my friends hated it so my opinion regarding planets is probably only shared by a small minority of tor players.

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