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Underworld Trooper Armor Set


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They are craftable, but the only way to learn the schematic is to RE the Underworld (token) armor shells.


Did they honestly expect people to run the operations specifically on their crafting character, and win enough tokens to RE the pieces to actually crit and get the schematics? And not only that but do that for every piece in every look? That would take a colossal amount of time. It made much more sense when they sold the schematics separately.

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Time sink. Think of it like a carrot on a stick. It is juuust out of reach, but you keep reaching for that carrot. And every so often, your fingers will brush it. It keeps you going. That hope that some day you will get a hold of that carrot and... well... you will do whatever you want with it. All MMOs have things like that. Rep grinds, gear grinds. It is all about getting people to stay subscribed until the next expac. If they did not have these kinds of things around, to appeal to those that want stuff to do, the game would quickly become a ghost town, and be shut down due to lack of interest. If you want something, work towards it.
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Time sink. Think of it like a carrot on a stick. It is juuust out of reach, but you keep reaching for that carrot. And every so often, your fingers will brush it. It keeps you going. That hope that some day you will get a hold of that carrot and... well... you will do whatever you want with it. All MMOs have things like that. Rep grinds, gear grinds. It is all about getting people to stay subscribed until the next expac. If they did not have these kinds of things around, to appeal to those that want stuff to do, the game would quickly become a ghost town, and be shut down due to lack of interest. If you want something, work towards it.


If you're referring to my post, the problem with that line of thinking is that the goal has to be worth the effort. It's not though. There's very little reward for getting the crafting schematic RE'd for this gear, since it's so much easier to just get the original gear itself, and very few people are going to be buying them. I can't even find any crafted Arkanian or Underworld gear listed on the GTN.

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I didn't think these were craftable. I know the mods are, or can be, but I've never seen the shells themselves crafted and I've definitely never seen them on the GTN.


I have seen them, and even own the underworld trooper belt that was crafted on the Bastion. You can't RE verpine from what I have heard, but underworld armor that was bought from a vendor via an ops token can be RE'ed with a CHANCE to learn the schematic. Finding a crafter who has learned the schematic you want and still plays the game is slim to none I have found. If someone on the Bastion can craft the agent/smuggler chest, please contact me.

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