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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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Hey guys, HEY GUYS. I just got a warning for being rude to other people on the forum from BW. Have they replied to this thread yet? Nope!


Good priorities guys!


They don't need to reply. A 100 page thread will catch their attention though and while they may not directly reply to it an ongoing thread about this subject will definitely get them to look into it especially since this is a legitimate issue.

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Just to add my comment to the swarm of posts here, I completely agree with the OP. I've played just about all the MMOs since Everquest and Ultima Online and part of why I stayed with WoW as long as I did was the smoothness and flow of combat and animation. Playing TOR, which I stress I'm enjoying immensely, still nonetheless feels like slogging through a river of brick. Especially when tanking, when I'm actually counting on those sub-seconds in order to successfully hold aggro off the 6 things when I only have one AOE ability.
I'm level 41 and I have 3 AOE abilities (Jedi Shadow tank specced). Maybe you should level up a bit before judging this game?
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They don't need to reply. A 100 page thread will catch their attention though and while they may not directly reply to it an ongoing thread about this subject will definitely get them to look into it especially since this is a legitimate issue.


But they sure feel the need to tell me not to tell other people that they're wrong.

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@jeinasindorei: the literal problem here is that abilities are not activating per their advertised cast time. End of story. This further devalues haste (alacrity) and related talents (First Responder for Troopers).


So wait until Bioware says something about it then, no point reiterating the same problem seven million times.


They're not going to acknowledge this thread until they have something concrete to say about it. I promise you they are aware of it even if they don't say anything.


Absolutely *nothing* they say other than "We're fixing this tomorrow." will placate the people on the forums. If they say "We understand your concerns.", you'll start seeing people say "What are you doing?" and "Well, when are you going to fix it?" Until they can answer all these questions, they're probably not going to say anything. Having 15,000 people all say "I, too, don't like this!" doesn't help anything.


Send in a bug report, move on. Whipping people up into a frenzy on the forums only results in arguments and suspensions.

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Hey guys, HEY GUYS. I just got a warning for being rude to other people on the forum from BW. Have they replied to this thread yet? Nope!


Good priorities guys!


Because forum moderators working at 4 AM and the development team who might actually have something to say are the same people, right?

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But they sure feel the need to tell me not to tell other people that they're wrong.


That is because there are moderators that read the forums. Their job is to simply police them and they aren't the "voice" of the company so they aren't allowed to represent them on issues they most likely know nothing about.


You'll see a response to this by a community manager or a head developer who are the ones that more or less deal with these kinds of issues. I'm sure forum mods simply send this kind of information through the proper channels so it reaches people who can decide on these issues.

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So wait until Bioware says something about it then, no point reiterating the same problem seven million times.


They're not going to acknowledge this thread until they have something concrete to say about it. I promise you they are aware of it even if they don't say anything.


Absolutely *nothing* they say other than "We're fixing this tomorrow." will placate the people on the forums. If they say "We understand your concerns.", you'll start seeing people say "What are you doing?" and "Well, when are you going to fix it?" Until they can answer all these questions, they're probably not going to say anything. Having 15,000 people all say "I, too, don't like this!" doesn't help anything.


Send in a bug report, move on. Whipping people up into a frenzy on the forums only results in arguments and suspensions.




What more do you need for this issue to be concrete?

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I haven't played many MMOs but I've noticed the abilities are really choppy. The mount thing is especially annoying because even though it has a 0.5 second cast time, if I try to move after that but before the mount shows up, it puts me on the speeder then kicks me right back off and I have to cast it again because I "moved" during the activation time. That's ridiculous.
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What are those 3 aoe's worth if they don't go off when you need them to? That's the whole point of this thread....
And you judge a game as complex as a MMO on 10 or even 14 levels. You don't make much sense.


BTW I'm tanking just fine, my skills (and notably the AOE) fires just when it needs to.

Edited by Korrigan
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If this isn't addressed before I make my next subscription payment I will probably stop paying. I'm not expecting it to be completely fixed but at least addressed or band-aided because it's ruining the game for me.
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Excellent job by the OP.


I set my ability delay to 0.0s and did the same thing as the wow video cited. I did a 2s cast and then fired and instant on another mob as soon as my cast ended. Not sure what you're all complaining about.

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I set my ability delay to 0.0s and did the same thing as the wow video cited. I did a 2s cast and then fired and instant on another mob as soon as my cast ended. Not sure what you're all complaining about.
There's no real problem. Some dude "felt" there was a problem in beta, and it has become an urban legend.
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I'm not a game designer, nor do i have the slightest clue how fixing this would work.

Somehow i do fear that this is going to be a very tough nut to crack for them, seeing its kinda like a "core" mechanic or so, and its really hard to make changes reaching that deep, right?(correct me if im wrong)


I do definately feel that they should try their best to smooth it over, it's like the only issue that's been bugging me and some of my friends sofar.

Felt like i had to voice it aswell, having great hopes for this game!

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There's no real problem. Some dude "felt" there was a problem in beta, and it has become an urban legend.


What class do you play? I notice a lot of caster classes are saying everything is ok, its not.


Try playing a Scoundrel in PvP and you will notice it, I guarantee it. It can be crippling.

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One thing people need to realize is; this game has only been out for 1 week. Yes the bugs are annoying, but I think we all know Bioware will fix these over time. I'm sure they all have a massive workload in front of them. Give them time, things will get even better. ;)
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One thing people need to realize is; this game has only been out for 1 week. Yes the bugs are annoying, but I think we all know Bioware will fix these over time. I'm sure they all have a massive workload in front of them. Give them time, things will get even better. ;)


But this is not a bug but a bad game design choice. This will make or break the game for me in the long run and atm I'm not seeing myself playing much long with this sort of a limiting combat this game has now.

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