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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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Wrong, I didn't prove that at all. Nor did you prove that, either. There are a lot of variables you have to take into account to make that argument stick.


There really aren't a lot of variables to consider. When a character is off the GCD, any instant-cast abilities that are available and are used have to be instantly cast, or the game is broken.


That is the definition of instant cast.

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I hate when I use an ability and the animation occurs in addition to my GCD going through, but the damage doesn't occur and the ability is still usable despite having a cooldown (i.e. it DIDN'T happen and didn't indicate such). This happens all the time with Sith Warrior's Retaliate, Force Choke, Pommel Strike, and Ravage.
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I actually think this game feels every bit as responsive as WoW... except for in warzones. I agree that there is a very noticeable delay in the warzones, but I was actually extremely impressed by the combat responsiveness in PVE.
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Pretty much explains why you're seeing no problem, the majority of gamers will NOT wait until an animation finishes to prep an ability.


I've played plenty of games that punished you for jumping the gun.... but all of them were by design, this game actually shows you both through the UI and animations that it's TRYING to take your commands.... it just doesn't.



Okay well... isn't this the player's fault then?


I mean, my god, by lvl 48 I've done my moves and rotations how many thousands, tens-of-thousands of times...?



HOW DO PEOPLE NOT HAVE THE FRIGGEN TIMING DOWN YET? How are they interrupting their own moves? What am I missing?




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I was always a late starter to the dreaded WoW, never played any other MMOs, have been playing SWTOR for a few days only, am super excited about it. What cracks me up is that I was so un-interested in over analysing playing WoW despite doing some seriousish raiding, I could still tell there was a problem with SWTOR


I just can't do what I expect to be able to do. :(


Thanks to this thread I now know what is wrong!!!! LOL.

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Couldn't agree more. Anyone who thinks this is just the norm thing is most likely a Fanboi or has come from MMO's where crap like this is acceptable. Or has some terrible hand/eye coordination and is just to simple minded to notice it happening.


Animations in an MMO need to feel smooth with no delay, this game is amazing no doubt.


But as a player I can FEEL my avatar having delays with my keyboard input to what happens on the screen, as much as everyone will hate WoW and flame anyone who mentions it. This game has it 100% accurate.


Me hitting a key and what happens on screen HAPPENS there is no delay there is no animation hitch.


Hopefully bioware fix this :)

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I have a BH Powertech at level 13 and the problem is not as noticeable but the lag is still there. My friend who is a lvl 40 BG merc, when i asked him, also said he did notice lag between skills.


However on my Level 39 sorcerer lighting spec, the lag between skills is really noticeable. I can ofcourse work around that by getting used to the system...but then thats like im going back like 10 years ago.


Ok, well maybe that is the issue. Cause I really haven't experienced what so many are citing in this thread, and I refuse to believe that all of these people are up in arms just cause they're not able to mindlessly button-mash spam.



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Okay well... isn't this the player's fault then?


I mean, my god, by lvl 48 I've done my moves and rotations how many thousands, tens-of-thousands of times...?



HOW DO PEOPLE NOT HAVE THE FRIGGEN TIMING DOWN YET? How are they interrupting their own moves? What am I missing?





Some classes experience it far worse than others. I run into the issue on my JK and my trooper. Its especially bad when I'm trying to heal more than one person.

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Check this video out if you don't know what we mean when we say WoW has a tight system.


All I know is it has seemed clunky and not fluid since September, and I never thought it was because there was no autoattack. Other games, like City of Heros, have made combat enjoyable without an autoattack. I have guessed combat is so off because Bioware put form over function, as shown in that video--this is actually a problem found on MMO forums for many games.

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I agree that there is a delay...and I PvP quite a bit. What I don't understand is why this constitutes anything other than a change in timing, a mental change. Maybe things are less hair-trigger than WoW, you can't cast two abilities at the same time, or mount before the mount fully appears, but you should be able to compensate for it. Whatever refinement they need to make to the system, such as more fluid animations, or tweaked cast time numbers, is fine, but the idea that this is game-breaking is baffling to me. You just have to realize that it isn't WoW, that you have to base your timing off animations rather than numbers or cast bars. For me, I always watched the animation rather than the cast bar when it came to timing abilities, even in WoW. In tight PvP situtations the delay can be frustrating, but the fact remains that it is, as far as I've seen, a relatively constant delay.


While it may be something that need to be improved, I can't understand the uproar about this beyond the dislike for change in play style.

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