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Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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I've already explained it countless times. The only reason it feels disconnected is because you are focusing on the GCD. I had the same problem the first 9 minutes of playing the game, so I understand.


Then you further proove why it's a flawed system.


I think it's obvious that not all the animations in the game that have the same cast time last the same duration, so that means some classes abilities will have an advantage over others because theirs finishes first. That's completely unacceptable.


The GCD is suppose to be the buffer between abilties, NOT the animations themselves.

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I recommend everyone in this thread to go on the preferences menu in game > controls > scroll down to combat skill delay and change it from 0.5 to 0.0.


It makes a huge difference and makes the issue everyone is talking about much less noticable. Overall the combat feels alot better. I just dont know why Bioware decided to leave that 0.5 sec delay as the default. Maybe they were trying to reduce the strain on the servers at launch.


either way, dont listen to anyone else, just go in-game change the option and try for yourself. Everyone who did it has noticed a considerable improvement.


The issue with animation reset is still there but it becomes alot less noticeble.


Less noticeable isn't the same as fixing it and making combat fluid. We want this game to succeed, not fool people until they seriously raid/pvp and start to notice this problem, the game then will be too far along by that time.

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Less noticeable isn't the same as fixing it and making combat fluid. We want this game to succeed, not fool people until they seriously raid/pvp and start to notice this problem, the game then will be too far along by that time.


What he said. It makes it less apparent but the problem is still there and still occurs. IT must be fixed.

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Then you further proove why it's a flawed system.


I think it's obvious that not all the animations in the game that have the same cast time last the same duration, so that means some classes abilities will have an advantage over others because theirs finishes first. That's completely unacceptable.


The GCD is suppose to be the buffer between abilties, NOT the animations themselves.



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Less noticeable isn't the same as fixing it and making combat fluid. We want this game to succeed, not fool people until they seriously raid/pvp and start to notice this problem, the game then will be too far along by that time.


Ok, i know you want to make a huge drama about it, but i want to actually inform people.


Changing the setting DOES make the combat alot more fluid. Its an option that should be in by default but isnt. The issue of the animation reset is a minor issue once you do this. It does need fixing, but for those playing the game this is an imediate fix to most of their problems.


I dunno if you havent done that yet, or if you care, but the combat is in fact alot more fluid and responsive once you set the ability delay to 0.0

Edited by Nemmar
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Then you further proove why it's a flawed system.


I think it's obvious that not all the animations in the game that have the same cast time last the same duration, so that means some classes abilities will have an advantage over others because theirs finishes first. That's completely unacceptable.


The GCD is suppose to be the buffer between abilties, NOT the animations themselves.


Wrong, I didn't prove that at all. Nor did you prove that, either. There are a lot of variables you have to take into account to make that argument stick.

Edited by Nanotech
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Wrong and wrong. There's nothing unresponsive about the gameplay, you just don't get it. You only think it's unresponsive because you sit there spamming buttons waiting for the GCD. That's now how this game works -- for ANYONE. Stop fixating on your own personal bias and what WoW did, then maybe you could get this concept through your thick skull.


I never played WOW, will never play WOW. But I did and do still play DDO. In that MMO one of the few things they got right was combat. It is quick and smooth AND has animations to match. It wasn't voted best combat of any MMO for nothing. I noticed what the OP is talking about day one minute 5 on the 13th of december. This is NOT a matter of us adapting to the game. The combat mechanics are not smooth, they are clunky, bugged, delayed and do NOT match the animations. I have played 4 classes now and each one has the same issues with combat responsivness. Let me state clearly. I am a huge bioware fan. I am a huge star wars fan. I DO NOT want this game to fail. I DO NOT want people to leave. I want a long lasting vibrant community of millions of people. This will not happen how ever if combat continues to suck....

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I recommend everyone in this thread to go on the preferences menu in game > controls > scroll down to combat skill delay and change it from 0.5 to 0.0.


It makes a huge difference and makes the issue everyone is talking about much less noticable. Overall the combat feels alot better. I just dont know why Bioware decided to leave that 0.5 sec delay as the default. Maybe they were trying to reduce the strain on the servers at launch.


either way, dont listen to anyone else, just go in-game change the option and try for yourself. Everyone who did it has noticed a considerable improvement.


The issue with animation reset is still there but it becomes alot less noticeble.


Did that days ago, did not solve the problem for me. I am going to try something crazy mind you and increase it just to see if that has any affect on it at all.

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I've already explained it countless times. The only reason it feels disconnected is because you are focusing on the GCD. I had the same problem the first 9 minutes of playing the game, so I understand.


If the GCD completes, that means I should be able to do something. However, there's an additional half second of *something* that prevents a second ability from activating even when the UI tells me its available.


Light goes green, trap is clean.


Except here, light goes green, the trap may be clean, but you have to wait another half a second or so to activate your ability. I've played with the queue on, queue off, spamming buttons, waiting till the UI shows me that its ready... etc.


It still doesn't change the fact that there's a half a second or so of *something* somewhere that's preventing abilities from firing smoothly.

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Ok, i know you want to make a huge drama about it, but i want to actually inform people.


Changing the setting DOES make the combat alot more fluid. Its an option that should be in by default but isnt. The issue of the animation reset is a minor issue once you do this. It does need fixing, but for those playing the game this is an imediate fix to most of their problems.


I dunno if you havent done that yet, or if you care, but the combat is in fact alot more fluid and responsive once you set the ability delay to 0.0


Yes, I have. Considering I played the latest beta of the game, before it launched, it had that option under the options. It still doesn't change what is wrong with the animations and the GCD, or whatever that half second or so is, even if it makes it slightly better. And I can't even tell honestly if it does.


Truth be told though, has anyone increased the number to see what happens? It's probably like the Medium/High texture settings, it doesn't change anything. I'm sure that whole setting is like that.

Edited by LastOrisan
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Wrong, I didn't prove that at all. Nor did you prove that, either. There are a lot of variables you have to take into account to make that argument stick.


That is exactly what is happening it doesnt matter what you or I think its there in the game and it's a serious issue for anyone who plays competitively.

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This seriously needs acknowledging by BioWare as an issue. I won't be continuing my sub past the 30days if this is still being ignored by then.


Even a "we are aware of people's concerns are a looking into it."

Let's us know they hear us but admits no fault.....

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I'm sorry but it does. Has i said, the issue of resetting animations is still there but become less aparant. The combat is definitly more responsive once you do that.


No it did not. Glad it worked for you but do not for me and a lot of others.

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That is exactly what is happening it doesnt matter what you or I think its there in the game and it's a serious issue for anyone who plays competitively.


I play "competitively" and I destroy people. Like most, you just refuse to learn and adapt. People like to throw around words like "competitively" and "professional" when it comes to PvP, but i've never seen a "pro" whine like the people in this thread do. That's because "pros" learn, adapt, and then post what they learn so automatons like yourself can finally figure it out. That just happened.

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Your initial post hurt my eyes, you're practically shouting 'hear me hear me, i am the only one who knows the truth.'.


Anyhow, after reading some replies i figured out what you meant. And while i have seen games that had this problem, i do not notice this in swtor. I click (mostly on my naga buttons) and immediately i start casting. There's no delay on my end, then again, maybe its a class specific thing? Only played sage till now.


Anyway, if everyone has this extra ability delay, wouldn't it be more skillfull & challenging to adapt to this? Using ability x might not give me enough time to use ability y when i really need it, so i'll use ability z? I really don't see the big 'make' or 'break' problem here.


Do I find it frustrating that when i press space, my character first bends its knees and then jumps, making it sometimes a bit harder to execute certain jumps when exploring? Yes. Is it a game breaking thing that can't be overcome? No.

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It worked for me and everyone else in my guild who tried it, so it definitly helps.


Helped you guys. Did not help my guild, or me or lots of others.



Hmmm, I wonder if it's server specific. It seems that folks that have the problem play with lots of others that do and the same goes for people that were able to fix it or don't have it at all.



What server are you on? I want it make an alt and try it on yours just to see.

Edited by Halacs
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You know how lightsabers move to block attacks and also hit other lightsaber etc? Could it be a client server issue related to computing these rendered synergies between user commands and AI reaction? One would think the global cool down would be sufficient. But as a former wow hunter I remember there was a hidden .5 + to the global on our steady shot.


I am sure to some extent it is intentional. Not saying it's good or bad but would be nice to get dev feedback.

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