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Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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About them responding, I honestly heard an interview once where one of them essentially said something like We'll do what we decide to do and then eat the lost subscribers and move on.



I think that a lot of these developers get a sort of fog of war going on with all the different people complaining and offering destructive criticism that they lose what are the real serious foundational problems amidst all the noise.


Something like this will lose a significantly large core group that really is the heart and soul of the MMO community. It touches on so much... the pvper the raider... the people that actually require the game to have a longevity and playability to it that keeps them going.

Edited by aureliastarr
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Just reposting to keep this updated.


Like I said in my post on page 30, this has something to do with off GCD abilities, which effects the melee classes the worst. I have leveled characters of every one of the 4 archtypes to 15 or above and in my experimenting they are all experiencing this issues with abilities that are off the GCD. Its harder to notice it on ranged classes though except smuggler because 'Take Cover' will actually have a long delay to active at times as well.


I'm pretty sure this is a fixable problem since its either a sync error (where the players cpu is out of sync with the server cpu which has also happened in WoW as well most recently after the 4.1 patch) or they need to tweak the animation speeds to match the GCD since that is possibly whats throwing it off too.


Some one else mentioned the way WoW deals with this issue is when you use an instant proc your character wont actually do the animation just the damage. I never paid that much attention to it and I let my WoW account expire in the summer.


But just for all the people that didnt actually read the thread and keep trolling in every so often with 'my games fine you all just suck' heres a re-post of a video showing a perfect example of the bug in action (originally posted by Neroe):



Also, this is a video of the 'double-clutch' I was talking about on my post on page 30:




Yea, this. I have no idea what the **** is wrong here but it has to be fixed. Happens all the time with the interrupt and Riposte. I'm constantly losing a GCD because of this. You think it worked, you see the animation, you see your bar going 'dark', but half way there the animation 'reset' and you lose a GCD.

Edited by sac-
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Actually wanted to dig a little deeper into some numbers when it comes to the forum, and how "hot" a specific subject like this really is...


After going through all the categories of the forum, it appears that out of 62,885 (and growing) THIS very thread and issue has become the 4th most replied on, and the 9th most viewed. The only threads that were more popular were regarding server queus, and Horrid FPS issues.


Still no response?

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Just reposting to keep this updated.


Like I said in my post on page 30, this has something to do with off GCD abilities, which effects the melee classes the worst. I have leveled characters of every one of the 4 archtypes to 15 or above and in my experimenting they are all experiencing this issues with abilities that are off the GCD. Its harder to notice it on ranged classes though except smuggler because 'Take Cover' will actually have a long delay to active at times as well.


I'm pretty sure this is a fixable problem since its either a sync error (where the players cpu is out of sync with the server cpu which has also happened in WoW as well most recently after the 4.1 patch) or they need to tweak the animation speeds to match the GCD since that is possibly whats throwing it off too.


Some one else mentioned the way WoW deals with this issue is when you use an instant proc your character wont actually do the animation just the damage. I never paid that much attention to it and I let my WoW account expire in the summer.


But just for all the people that didnt actually read the thread and keep trolling in every so often with 'my games fine you all just suck' heres a re-post of a video showing a perfect example of the bug in action (originally posted by Neroe):



Also, this is a video of the 'double-clutch' I was talking about on my post on page 30:





I have updated my video

in the OP to have a link to the first video there in your post. That way you can "compare" the 2 better.
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If we get enough people to voice it, we can effect a change.


I'm not holding my breath.


If this was something they cared about, it would have been fixed in Beta.


They clearly only care about the cutscenes and voice acting. Its obvious where all their dev money went.

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I'm not holding my breath.


If this was something they cared about, it would have been fixed in Beta.


They clearly only care about the cutscenes and voice acting. Its obvious where all their dev money went.


Well, don't hold your breath. You might pass out.


I'm going to stay positive though and try to get BW to realize that fixing this issue should be a high priority for them.

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See now my main is a Marauder and I am level 39...I never have this problem...Never


They force the completion of the animation for visual effect and I personally like it...It has slowed combat a little bit so its just not a bunch of people running around frantically spamming the same couple of keys over and over...This is also why players dont die as quick too in pvp...It allows for more strategy in what skills you need to execute in order to win...I find it more intense this way and when you sit back and see how BW does it, you adjust your game play for it...The other players are working with the same feature so it evens the battlefield..The only thing needing adjusting is your mindset and habits from playing WoW...The visual effect will be as awesome as the gameplay


I played a mage in wow for years and started playing all together in vanilla...I spammed a few keys over and over and over and occasionally mixed it up when the situation called for it..Even with my warrior...and every class come to think of it...In TOR, I use up to 13-15 abilities, no lower then like 9 all the damn time..for attacks, building hate or rage whatever it is, defense, a DoT, more defense, etc etc...More so then any other MMO in my honest opinion...


If abilities are bugged and not executing right or at all...Thats completely different...That needs to be fixed...But once you really get used to following the animation and realize the other player is dealing the same thing. and with some tweaking by BW to make it flawless, it will change your opinion


I dunno...Just my 2 cents...I am really enjoying the combat and dont really experience any problems and I want everyone else to enjoy it to


EDIT: It actually makes it a little more realistic also imho

Totally wrong. It takes away sooo much from the game and slows down combat considerably.


Say I want to use my stun to interrupt a healer, I can't catch him while he's healing because it takes 0.5 seconds for my grenade to get there. What if I wanted to stun some guy in the fire thing in huttball, that's tactical right? I can't because by the time my grenade gets there to stun him he's already gone. Even with interrupts it is the same issue. Combat is extremely clunky and is not as precise as it should be. In WoW I could use deathgrip to catch a healer mid cast. I have harpoon as a vanguard, but by the time the projectile actually reaches the player he is done his cast, or has already moved behind a wall making my cd useless.

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I am a long term MMO gamer been playing them since '99 and the one really big gripe I have is what this thread is about, the combat feels unresponsive.


Normally when I play an MMO I watch the fight, I enjoy the graphics and the animations but with SWTOR I seem to constantly watching my hotbar making sure abilities I am pressing have actually happened now initially I believed this was just me getting used to combat in a new game but the more I play the more it feels as though there is a problem and the OP seems to have described the problem better than I could.


There are lots of small things that I think need attention in SWTOR and since its still early in the games life I still have faith that BW will get to fixing them but they will be judged not only by those but by the time frame it takes them to fix the big things like this one.


I am not a "OMG FIX THIS OR ILL CANCEL MY SUBS" kind of player and I am enjoying the game very much at the moment but once the levelling is done and the storyline quests completed my atttention and many other gamers like myself will be much more analytical about the game than we are now and if significant progress is not being made on fixing stuff not to mention communication from BW to the community as a whole then I do believe they could potentially lose a big number of subscribers.


There is always a huge drop in subs after the first "free" month I do not believe that they have until March/April like the OP says I think they have until the end of January to at least show they are on top of the many fixes that need to happen.


Just my 2 cents.

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Like, for instance, needing to execute an interrupt before someone actually casts the ability you're trying to interrupt? Because if they cast it while your last ability's super sweet animation is playing, you're SOL?


Sounds legit!


Ummm just played a round of huttball where I forced leaped in, threw on cloak of shadow in mid air, landed and instantly threw a viscous swing, instantly popped a crippling slash or whatever the hell its called, accidentally hit ravage, broke the last swing of ravage to hit disruption to stop the heal or whatever was being cast, then smack wit a couple viscous slashes before downin the @#$%...I had no problems...Honestly


The only thing I noticed, which I fully acknowledge needs to be fixed asap is hittin the keys but no response...I did happen to me a couple times

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There is always a huge drop in subs after the first "free" month I do not believe that they have until March/April like the OP says I think they have until the end of January to at least show they are on top of the many fixes that need to happen.


Just my 2 cents.


Believe it or not, I was actually trying to be optimistic... :|

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Totally wrong. It takes away sooo much from the game and slows down combat considerably.


Say I want to use my stun to interrupt a healer, I can't catch him while he's healing because it takes 0.5 seconds for my grenade to get there. What if I wanted to stun some guy in the fire thing in huttball, that's tactical right? I can't because by the time my grenade gets there to stun him he's already gone. Even with interrupts it is the same issue. Combat is extremely clunky and is not as precise as it should be. In WoW I could use deathgrip to catch a healer mid cast. I have harpoon as a vanguard, but by the time the projectile actually reaches the player he is done his cast, or has already moved behind a wall making my cd useless.


And why is any of this wrong??? In a FPS game if he gets a shot off before your bullet his him, he get the bullet off regardless correct? Its more realistic in reality...Why should your grenade get to do damage before it actually gets over there??? How is that fair to the caster???

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And why is any of this wrong??? In a FPS game if he gets a shot off before your bullet his him, he get the bullet off regardless correct? Its more realistic in reality...Why should your grenade get to do damage before it actually gets over there??? How is that fair to the caster???


I'm playing a star wars game, I'm not in it for the realism. I want a tight combat system so that when I imput something, I get results. The GCD system in this game makes no sense if there's another cooldown happening at the same time, that being the animation sequence.

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About them responding, I honestly heard an interview once where one of them essentially said something like We'll do what we decide to do and then eat the lost subscribers and move on.



I think that a lot of these developers get a sort of fog of war going on with all the different people complaining and offering destructive criticism that they lose what are the real serious foundational problems amidst all the noise.


Something like this will lose a significantly large core group that really is the heart and soul of the MMO community. It touches on so much... the pvper the raider... the people that actually require the game to have a longevity and playability to it that keeps them going.


Real talk there ^^^^^^^^

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And why is any of this wrong??? In a FPS game if he gets a shot off before your bullet his him, he get the bullet off regardless correct? Its more realistic in reality...Why should your grenade get to do damage before it actually gets over there??? How is that fair to the caster???


To this I would say that the animation is starting too late then. If the grenade throw takes 1.5 seconds and the animation for the throw and hit is 1.5 second, then the animation should start right when I press the key. Otherwise BW should change the casting time value displayed, to equal cast time + animation completion.

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And why is any of this wrong??? In a FPS game if he gets a shot off before your bullet his him, he get the bullet off regardless correct? Its more realistic in reality...Why should your grenade get to do damage before it actually gets over there??? How is that fair to the caster???


First, can we debunk this "more realistic" ploy you're using to legitimize your claims? This is a GAME, not realistic at all.


Secondly, are you saying that I should be using interrupts pre-emptively? Say a full second, maybe even two before my enemy is even hitting that button himself?


We're not talking about the delay between when the ability was used and the damage/interrupt/ability effected, we're talking about the delay between when I press the button and my character actually takes the action.

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About them responding, I honestly heard an interview once where one of them essentially said something like We'll do what we decide to do and then eat the lost subscribers and move on.


Oh, I'd *love* to get a link to this.


A company that thinks like that clearly doesn't want my money.

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