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[SUGGESTION] Hide companion head slot option!


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I agree 100%, make it possible to hide companions head slott!


I've actually walked around with my companions head slotts in the bag for a very long time because of this.


Another thing one should implement is making it possible to keep the hood down, but if I am allowed to be egosentric on the mather the ability to remove your companions head slott comes first. Seriously with some companions looking fabolus and been put so much work into, it's a total fail to not allow these people to remove their gas masks during conversation, etc. it ruins their character and makes them look like psycopaths or complete *******...

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I would like to suggest that in the "social" tab of the "preferences" menu we be given the option to hide our companions head slot. This option could be listed right under the existing option to hide our own head slots.


I know the artists worked hard on creating the graphics for this game but some of the headgear is silly and breaks immersion.


Personally I miss seeing Corso in all my voice overs... now I feel like some nameless clone soldier is following me around and the storyline is broken. I know my husband groans and shakes his head each time his companion, Kira, gets a new silly hat. He can't take her seriously anymore


All aesthetics or personal opinions aside, for the story part of this game, a part I feel is very important, it's nice to be able to see a characters face and their facial expressions.


Also since this would be only an option, it would not effect other players who like to see the helmets on their characters and therefore this feature would not negatively effect anyone's experience. It would only positively effect the experience for some.


Thank you for your time, please have a nice day. :)


Yes. The current helm on my companion makes him look like a G.I.Joe toy.


It is Corso as well. I like his dreads look and wish I could keep that.

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I agree 100%, make it possible to hide companions head slott!


I've actually walked around with my companions head slotts in the bag for a very long time because of this.


Another thing one should implement is making it possible to keep the hood down, but if I am allowed to be egosentric on the mather the ability to remove your companions head slott comes first. Seriously with some companions looking fabolus and been put so much work into, it's a total fail to not allow these people to remove their gas masks during conversation, etc. it ruins their character and makes them look like psycopaths or complete *******...

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I would like to suggest that in the "social" tab of the "preferences" menu we be given the option to hide our companions head slot. This option could be listed right under the existing option to hide our own head slots.


I know the artists worked hard on creating the graphics for this game but some of the headgear is silly and breaks immersion.


Personally I miss seeing Corso in all my voice overs... now I feel like some nameless clone soldier is following me around and the storyline is broken. I know my husband groans and shakes his head each time his companion, Kira, gets a new silly hat. He can't take her seriously anymore


All aesthetics or personal opinions aside, for the story part of this game, a part I feel is very important, it's nice to be able to see a characters face and their facial expressions.


Also since this would be only an option, it would not effect other players who like to see the helmets on their characters and therefore this feature would not negatively effect anyone's experience. It would only positively effect the experience for some.


Thank you for your time, please have a nice day. :)


Yes please.

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This thread has my support!


Love the colour! :)


Is this hard to do btw? Does it require alot of work?


It would not require a lot of work because it is just expanding on a feature that already exists in the game. And really hiding a headslot probably only involves setting a flag that changes 1 variable.


I always wondered why Corso Riggs has 7 customization kits yet you never see his face because he's been wearing a helm from level 23 to 50.


Yet, some hatless companions like Guss Tuno seem to have no customization kits at all.


I know. He could have contracted some terrible skin disease that turned him green and purple and we wouldn't even know it. :D

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Some of Kira's hats look like huge guitar picks. Dont need to see that. Plus when you try to kiss her with that thing on i think it pierces your skull.


try kissing kaliyo and you don't need to THINK that happens; she'll shoot you in the face

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