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WHy all the complaining


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Sents topping Dps, medals etc in WZ....You guys seem to want to be more OP like you were before 3.0....This is the problem with leaving one class fotm for so long (2 years) and now this will happen with shadows and assas Dps specs they are right there with sents.....BW you created your own monsters letting them stay at the top for so long.....The numbers in pvp just don't show me that you guys are hurting as bad as you state!!!! IF BW makes you guys like you were before, the pop numbers will drop off even more... No one knows more than me about having crappy self heals they completely took them from shadow tanks which I play and gave us a crappy DEf buff that your class shreds right through as well as the hatred assas..... I really hope they stay strong with there stance because they have stated that their algorithms show you guys competing very well... And watching you buzz saw through everything with my own eyes proves my point too me. Edited by Jiminison
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If you have so many sent/mara at the top of the leaderboards in WZ, it's just because players let them alone for the whole WZ.


Because the majority of the sent/mara players still on their char in PvP are good players doesn't mean we are fine, just that these players know how to deal with all the controls, and bad players give us the ability to use our full potential.

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The only time I see sents/maras on top of the dps chart is when they have a healer, and the the enemy is too busy focusing that healer to spend time shutting down the mara.


Contrast this with juggernauts, who I regularly see with huge dps numbers AND hundreds of thousands in healing numbers.

Edited by Svarthrafn
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It's clear you have never played a marauder/sentinel. The class wasn't ever OP. Rage spec was powerful, but the only time it was really considered OP was when you had multiple marauders or juggernauts syncing their smashes together. And btw that spec was for both marauders and juggernauts.
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Wasn't enough to post it in the PvP thread huh?


Here you go, again:




Leader board top ratings per AC as of 5/12/2015, listed from greatest to least:


#1 Shadow / Assassin - 2191

#1 Sage / Sorc - 2114

#1 Vanguard / PT - 2086

#1 Scoundrel / Op - 1850

#1 Commando / Merc - 1671

#1 Guardian / Jugg - 1645

#1 Gunslinger / Sniper - 1596

#1 Sentinel / Marauder - 1589


The #2 Sent/ Mara is only 1499.


You can hit 1500 if you simply win 10 games in a row on your first 10. The devs have stated that Mara / Sent is simply a "learn2play" issue (kind of like they told sorcs... before massively buffing them. "HEAL2FULL AND MAKE THEM PAY!!")


Do you see the trend here? The gap will only widen further. It will be the same last season, with sents / maras topping out at 1800 at very most, and that will be with queue syncing and gaming the system, with Assassins/Shadows, Vanguard/Powertech, and Sorc/Sages topping out at 2800-3200 rating. Snipers and Mercs don't fair much better.


And BioWare will tell us to learn to play. Clearly there just aren't any good sents / maras to lead the way and get those high ratings.


Those high numbers that you see from a mara or sent is because anyone that plays the class still is probably a 3 year veteran of the class. Far more experienced and better at the game than you can ever dream of being. So yeah, they out perform you and a lot of other players just because they're that damn good. But it doesn't mean that they are in any way viable for solo ranked pvp, or anywhere near close to being on par with the top 3 classes.

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Leader board top ratings per AC as of 5/12/2015, listed from greatest to least:


#1 Shadow / Assassin - 2191

#1 Sage / Sorc - 2114

#1 Vanguard / PT - 2086

#1 Scoundrel / Op - 1850

#1 Commando / Merc - 1671

#1 Guardian / Jugg - 1645

#1 Gunslinger / Sniper - 1596

#1 Sentinel / Marauder - 1589


The #2 Sent/ Mara is only 1499.


You can hit 1500 if you simply win 10 games in a row on your first 10. The devs have stated that Mara / Sent is simply a "learn2play" issue (kind of like they told sorcs... before massively buffing them. "HEAL2FULL AND MAKE THEM PAY!!")


Do you see the trend here? The gap will only widen further. It will be the same last season, with sents / maras topping out at 1800 at very most, and that will be with queue syncing and gaming the system, with Assassins/Shadows, Vanguard/Powertech, and Sorc/Sages topping out at 2800-3200 rating. Snipers and Mercs don't fair much better.


And BioWare will tell us to learn to play. Clearly there just aren't any good sents / maras to lead the way and get those high ratings.


Those high numbers that you see from a mara or sent is because anyone that plays the class still is probably a 3 year veteran of the class. Far more experienced and better at the game than you can ever dream of being. So yeah, they out perform you and a lot of other players just because they're that damn good. But it doesn't mean that they are in any way viable for solo ranked pvp, or anywhere near close to being on par with the top 3 classes.


If you actually looked at the leaderboards in-depth, you'd also find out that a large part of that difference is because the highest number of wins in the top five is 207 in solos, and three of them don't even break 100... The top sentinels apparently didn't play the class very much last season, and as such, couldn't go as high as people getting like 500-600 wins. Whether they had a lower win/loss ratio is beyond me, but when people aren't playing enough to hit the high numbers, of course there's going to be a huge difference between classes.


I personally think that no, mara isn't anywhere near as good as other classes in solo ranked unless you know the class well and get good match ups, and that's the reason nobody wants to play it, which eliminates competition, driving people to not have to play as many games to get the top spots. The whole point of this post is to say how pointless it is to go by the leaderboards when talking about viability in pvp.

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To the OP.


This is just hilarious. you obviously have never competitively played a mara or sent. I will use my own experience to help educate you.... I have played mara since launch and in Pre Season ranked 8v8 (SIDE NOTE: *LONGEST PRESEASON EVER *** HAHAH*) , arguably the highest level of pvp this game as seen with all things taken into account (player base,player population, talented players, # of teams), Maras were not overpowered. 4-5 Smashers in 1 game was pretty miserable i agree. however, how do games with 4-5 Ap/4-5 Hatred sins stack up? its more over powered than smash actually. For the record i rarely played smash, i have primarily played combat/carnage. To note, i played it before gore/PS was off the global CD. i have a feeling you weren't around for those days.


So just because i top damage in warzones due to me having vast experience playing the game/class doesn't mean that we dont need/deserve more changes to balance our class. Don't make claims attempting to punish players like myself who have invested a lot into the class and can play it at the highest level , and propose for the class not receive the balancing/changes that our class needs. Just because a good sent/mara rolled you in a WZ or got top dmg in a WZ doesn't mean the class is in a good spot at all. Come on now kid.

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If you actually looked at the leaderboards in-depth, you'd also find out that a large part of that difference is because the highest number of wins in the top five is 207 in solos, and three of them don't even break 100... The top sentinels apparently didn't play the class very much last season, and as such, couldn't go as high as people getting like 500-600 wins. Whether they had a lower win/loss ratio is beyond me, but when people aren't playing enough to hit the high numbers, of course there's going to be a huge difference between classes.


I personally think that no, mara isn't anywhere near as good as other classes in solo ranked unless you know the class well and get good match ups, and that's the reason nobody wants to play it, which eliminates competition, driving people to not have to play as many games to get the top spots. The whole point of this post is to say how pointless it is to go by the leaderboards when talking about viability in pvp.


You contradict yourself...

Maras currently suck in ranked = nobody plays them, and even if they do they stop soon because it's too frustrating. That's exactly the data the leaderboards are providing.


@OP: nice try.

Edited by DynamiCtagez
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