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Healing Merc/Commando need anti-focus ability like other healers!


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Ops/scoundrels get instant stealth removing them from combat and targeting, and sorcs/sages get their impervious barrier that makes them immune to ALL damage for a significant amount of time. The knockback mercs/commandos get is 100% inferior to what these other healing classes get!


Mercs/Commandos NEED something just as useful as what these two other healing classes get. As it stands now, mercs/commandos are a joke in 4v4s because of having no anti-focus ability they can use to give them some breathing room when they get focused.


It sucks getting snared, knocked down, knocked about, then pulverized with absolutely no chance to shake the focus off for even a split second. Utterly ridiculous.


Please. Give mercs/commando healers SOMETHING useful to break focus particularly to make them viable in 4v4s and ranked. As it stands now the class is total crap and this is the primary reason why.

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Ops/scoundrels get instant stealth removing them from combat and targeting, and sorcs/sages get their impervious barrier that makes them immune to ALL damage for a significant amount of time. The knockback mercs/commandos get is 100% inferior to what these other healing classes get!


Mercs/Commandos NEED something just as useful as what these two other healing classes get. As it stands now, mercs/commandos are a joke in 4v4s because of having no anti-focus ability they can use to give them some breathing room when they get focused.


It sucks getting snared, knocked down, knocked about, then pulverized with absolutely no chance to shake the focus off for even a split second. Utterly ridiculous.


Please. Give mercs/commando healers SOMETHING useful to break focus particularly to make them viable in 4v4s and ranked. As it stands now the class is total crap and this is the primary reason why.


Honestly, it's something ALL mercs/mandos need, not just the healing spec. Everyone knows they get globaled in 4v4 dps arenas and they're significantly frowned upon queing for solos. Other than snipers, they're the only class that DOESN'T have an anti-CC DC. No wonder they're both so far down the leader-boards lol

Edited by jcurri
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Honestly, it's something ALL mercs/mandos need, not just the healing spec. Everyone knows they get globaled in 4v4 dps arenas and they're significantly frowned upon queing for solos. Other than snipers, they're the only class that DOESN'T have an anti-CC DC. No wonder they're both so far down the leader-boards lol


one could easily argue the dps spec needs it more of the healers can often heal thru the initial onslaught.. but the point is and always has been valid, mercs in general need something to stem the focus. it is the only thing we need.

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Agree 100% it needs to be DPS and Heals. In another thread I suggested that Hold the Line / Hydraulic overrides needs to have some CC protection built in, and that chaff flare / diversion needs to be redesigned to make you untargetable for a short time and doing direct damage or healing others could break that affect. Edited by leegrisham
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Agree 100% it needs to be DPS and Heals. In another thread I suggested that Hold the Line / Hydraulic overrides needs to have some CC protection built in, and that chaff flare / diversion needs to be redesigned to make you untargetable for a short time and doing direct damage or healing others could break that affect.


Yeah, why healing mercs got nothing with the added buff to chaffe flare perplexes me though. I mean, after years of mercs needing something, they gave chaffe flare a buff, but only the dps specs!


On top of that, it was a feeble half-handed attempt. I realize they don't want to over-buff classes when making changes. But, really?


I find it hard to believe that testing wouldn't have shown how weak and very situational the chaffe flare buff is.


Also, again, why did the healing spec get nothing in regards to chaffe flare being buffed to give them more survivability? The healing spec has the same exact problem in PVP and particularly in ranked.

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If not an anti-focus ability, at least give them DCD's that are closer to the level of Vengeance Juggs. Something that where if you attack them, it can only hurt you... like A LOT. And/or add DR to AR and have it trigger at 50% and let it be able to be used while stunned.
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Honestly I believe they should not give mercs more DcDs, they need to start stripping defensives off other classes. DPS classes are supposed to be squishy, that is why we have tanks and healers.


While I don't necessarily disagree with you, I'd bet BIOWARE does. That being said, since they more than likely *won't* strip defensives off other classes, the only other option is to up the DCD's for Mandos/Mercs, because as it stands right now, some classes do, and other classes don't creating a HUGE imbalance.

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Honestly I believe they should not give mercs more DcDs, they need to start stripping defensives off other classes. DPS classes are supposed to be squishy, that is why we have tanks and healers.


They won't start stripping defensive abilities from other classes for the sake of making merc/commandos more in line with them. Only other answer is to give mercs/commandos a little more oomph to their survivability particularly when they get focused by multiple enemies.

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Actually, the chaff flare things wasnt bad, it just didnt address the need. Its helpful, just not the answer


It's got value in a 1v1 but it doesn't scale well with attacker numbers.


Something that scales well will have an equally negative result for any number of attackers. Typically such things are massive damage immunity or combat stealth which for the most part in PVP can be seen as damage immunity.

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