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Response to 3.2.1 changes

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The community has spoken, and I believe we have made it woefully clear we do not like these changes, nor the way they were presented to us.


First off, sitting in silence as a response to weeks' worth of player feedback and requests for very specific changes was a great way to set up the ****storm that was the last two days. Bravo. Secondly, taking the community's near-unanimous request and doing the opposite of what we asked was probably a pretty poor choice too. Then, we're told that these changes are for the best, and we just need to learn how to play our class. What!? The manner in which we received the news on our class changes was almost as bad as the changes themselves. Do the developers not see this?


Secondly, the whole purpose for making Defensive Forms passive in the first place was to free up more room to choose other utilities. Even with the current iteration of Defensive Forms active, Sentinels are finding it very difficult to keep up with the level of outgoing damage other classes enjoy for numerous reasons we have likely already complained many times about on this forum. Even after stripping this utility and separating the discipline talents, picking Defensive Forms is still not a choice.


As for Force Melt. Oh boy. No one likes it. We hate it. Remove it altogether for all I care. What you DON'T do is take our least favorite move, tell us it's important, and proceed to make it even harder to use. Albeit some of the changes are merited. The Cauterize change wasn't exactly what we wanted, but it's a start. Putting TST on the set bonus system is also not a terrible idea.


I wholeheartedly believe nothing will come of this rant post, but I personally needed to get it out. If anything is to come of the last few days, just please implement something we asked for, instead of ignoring us for weeks and telling us you're going to do your own thing when you finally do reply. It has been shown in both theory and application that these changes will be nothing but bad, bad, bad for Sentinels/Marauders, so please. Reconsider this patch at least. Please and thank you.

Edited by Trogusaurus
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Yes let's screw over every other class because you want 100% uptime. Gonna need to lose your interrupt and a bunch more then.:cool:


This doesn't even make sense. I don't think you could find any reasonable player from the community to agree with what has happened to marauders since 3.0.


The class has been wrecked.


If the devs planned on making it like a merc "IO" rotation, very difficult - tough resource management- yet rewarded with top end dps--- I think people could get on board with that.


But marauders don't play like any other class- we have to spend a GCD to build resources to use our skills. Which is on a cool down. It is very difficult to manage compared to those classes that regen every GCD a!


Sure carnage maras are decent in PVP- but the changes for annihilation on pts will destroy th spec altogether.

Maybe that's what the devs want.


There is no reason anyone will play annihilation which is sad bc marauders used to be fun to play.


It's hard enough to get into a pug raid atm- it's going to be 3.0 all over again albeit worse.


I guess the devs want to just see mercs sorcs and pts in raids. I guess there is one marauder on the combat team and he is just highly skilled compared to the others and he wrecks them in pvp, decimated them in dps parsed erc.


That's the only plausible reason to destroy the class.

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This doesn't even make sense. I don't think you could find any reasonable player from the community to agree with what has happened to marauders since 3.0.


The class has been wrecked.


If the devs planned on making it like a merc "IO" rotation, very difficult - tough resource management- yet rewarded with top end dps--- I think people could get on board with that.


But marauders don't play like any other class- we have to spend a GCD to build resources to use our skills. Which is on a cool down. It is very difficult to manage compared to those classes that regen every GCD a!


Sure carnage maras are decent in PVP- but the changes for annihilation on pts will destroy th spec altogether.

Maybe that's what the devs want.


There is no reason anyone will play annihilation which is sad bc marauders used to be fun to play.


It's hard enough to get into a pug raid atm- it's going to be 3.0 all over again albeit worse.


I guess the devs want to just see mercs sorcs and pts in raids. I guess there is one marauder on the combat team and he is just highly skilled compared to the others and he wrecks them in pvp, decimated them in dps parsed erc.


That's the only plausible reason to destroy the class.


Incompetence by an uncaring and talentless dev combat team is another.


They most likely just look at some dummy parse and PVP data, completely ignoring PVE and never playtesting the messes they make. So unprofessional.

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Don't forget the horrible DoT-spread and the selfheal nerf. Plus of course homogenizing our class more and more with other DoT classes. Instead of giving us our old self-heal back, they nerf the single target heal of a single target spec and make it require the use of an awful DoT spread to heal the same amount as before. Pathetic.
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Don't forget the horrible DoT-spread and the selfheal nerf. Plus of course homogenizing our class more and more with other DoT classes. Instead of giving us our old self-heal back, they nerf the single target heal of a single target spec and make it require the use of an awful DoT spread to heal the same amount as before. Pathetic.


Yep, and since they moved some important talent to get the passive focus regeneration up "Jedi Promulgator" down to Heroic I am totally ****ed if I even try to dotspread in PvP, let alone getting five people in the Range of Force Sweep :D


Next community stream please show us what 100% of the Sent/Mara Community are doing wrong, as you Devs certainly will outperform people from hardcore progression guilds and are far more knowledgeable.....nope.


Srry, our 14 year old guild chick, the Son of a member, would do a better job at developping the Class :eek:

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I really like my IO dot spread but its a world apart from a mdps dot spread. I can target much easier and keep and ideally pick the right target to get a dot spread. I also have the option to use skills as I please without constantly having to build resource with single target attacks and have some nice AOE attacks and almost full time on target.


What the combat team are trying to do to annihilation doesn't work and I hope they can realise this before it goes live. Mara/sent don't work at the moment and need some serious changes and this isn't it.

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First of all, PvE sents/maras must stop blaming PvP and PvP sents/maras stop blaming PvE. Because NONE of the changes improve any of us! The devs are screwing us, the rest of the community hates us, because regardless of all the "buffing" we always whine and blame the devs for our incompetence. We need to stand together! We must show everyone, players with years of experience cant play the new class, we aren't a bunch of noobs who whine because they lose every wz and die in every encounter.
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