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Stop Making Main Hand Weapons So Difficult To Obtain


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I am inclined to disagree.


The main reason being that in theory the more difficult the content, the more rewarding the completion of said content should be. Regardless of what the rating is on top end gear, what alternative do you propose to highest-difficulty operations to obtain BiS that doesn't trivialize that content?


IT never has to be BIS gear. It just needs to be upgrades somewhere. In this case MH weapons.


We all know the best raiders do not need the BIS gear to finish operations. There good gamers, they do not need the gear or I should say, they do not need the upgrades as other more common gamers do.


What we also know is that for many gamers, no matter what gear you give them, they will never finish or even get close to completing the content where BIS gear is. You could hand out BIS gear and they still couldn't finish the content.


Giving an alternate way to get higher end gear VS what we currently get only makes sense given how games like MMO's are setup.


Take this example if you have been a gamer back this far. Beginning days of wow there was a hunter quest. It gave BIS bow. It was solo content. Hunters couldn't even use their pets. It was a series of quests that tested the hunter class and gamer in all ways of the hunter from kiting to skill use. It was truly an epic experience for an epic bow, quiver and MH staff.


It can be done and made to be a real challenge with a real reward. That being just an example because I can tell you. Back then, if you completed that series of quests, people knew you knew what you were doing.


Edit: A comm grind is not equivalent in challenge... merely a test of patience.


and I agree with that. It needs to be more than a comm grind or crafting but it shouldn't just be raiding either but I see no problem with some dedication to a task to achieve better gear given thats what the game instills in players since day one.

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I don't get why you guys have these things locked up so tightly that they're impossible to obtain unless you run operations. There should at least be something sold for basic, elite and ultimate comms (and not at the insane prices you sold them for w/ the Czerka vendors either on CZ-198)


Not everybody likes to run operations, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be allowed to gear up their characters if they're willing to put in the time and effort to do daily/weekly missions or run flashpoints which are considerably less of a pain to deal with.

You think hand weapons are bad, there isn't a single foot weapon in the game!
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IT never has to be BIS gear. It just needs to be upgrades somewhere. In this case MH weapons.

So your tl;dr seems to be this: hard core raiders don't really need BiS gear, since they are such good players, BiS gear should be easier to get for more casual players, since they need the gear boost. And it has nothing to do with epeenery or "BiS obsession."

Edited by branmakmuffin
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I think there needs to be an alternative to get a full set of Dark Reaver gear without having to do warzones. Just because I don't need PVP gear to enter warzones, doesn't mean I don't deserve a way to get that set. I don't think it's fair that people can walk around fleet in BiS PVP mods when I can't. I'd much rather do something else.



Sarcasm Detected...


If we were talking about BIS you might have a point but since we are not. You don't


The only person missing the point is you. If you are not going to run "hard-mode" content, you do not need "hard-mode" gear. You might want it for, again, BiS obsession or epeenery. To be specific, if all you're gonna do is run 55 HM, tac 60s (and the easier 60 HMs), you don't need anything better than 186s and/or the Ziost 190s. I fall exactly into this category. I do just fine with a mix of 186s and Ziost 190s.


So you've been Jedi mind-tricked by a game.


no you still miss the point because you seem to think it's all hung up on BIS obsession or epeenery.


It has nothing to do with that. IT has to do with what the game drives every gamer to do. Get better gear to make things easier no matter what you are doing. Doesn't matter if it's questing to FP to OPS. There is a need to get better gear. Thats what drives the game and there are too little running ops for it to be the only want to get a slight better MH. It doesn't have to be BIS.


You may be fine with becoming stagnant in character progression but I know that is not the same few as most others. The drive to get better gear is there and it's what MMO's play on.


I say, give other options for it that still offer some challenge that doesn't need to fall on operation as a sole way to get some better gear. In the subject of MH weapons as the post says. There should be a way to get a MH weapon that doesn't revolved around ops only yet still provide some challenge.

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So your tl;dr seems to be this: hard core raiders don't really need BiS gear, since they are such good players, BiS gear should be easier to get for more casual players, since they need the gear boost. And it has nothing to do with epeenery or "BiS obsession."


Many times no they do not. They can in many cases complete content with much less than BIS gear. They, like every gamer wants better gear because it makes all content easier but the difference is, for many no matter what gear you give them, they will never complete BIS gear bosses.


What I am saying and you keep missing is there should be an alternate way to get MH gear that doesn't revolve around ops. IT doesn't have to be BIS MH, but content to challenge a gamer in some way that offers a path to upgrade that is actually obtainable. We know completing ops for many is just not obtainable.

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Many times no they do not. They can in many cases complete content with much less than BIS gear. They, like every gamer wants better gear because it makes all content easier but the difference is, for many no matter what gear you give them, they will never complete BIS gear bosses.


What I am saying and you keep missing is there should be an alternate way to get MH gear that doesn't revolve around ops. IT doesn't have to be BIS MH, but content to challenge a gamer in some way that offers a path to upgrade that is actually obtainable. We know completing ops for many is just not obtainable.


But the only thing missing is a way to get the BiS MH barrel or hilt without doing ops... the mod, enhancement, and crystal can be obtained through comms or the GTN fairly easily.


Basically, right now the only thing you can *only* get from operations is a 198+ MH barrel or hilt. To that I say, it's fine that you have to do operations to get that one specific mod.

Edited by azudelphi
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It has nothing to do with that. IT has to do with what the game drives every gamer to do.




There are tons of player who could care less about getting higher levels of gear:

- RPers care about the look and syle of gear and not the stats

- Many single player only content exclusive players only care that they have the gear they need to get through the content


I could go on, but the point is your assumption makes no sense. I could care less about getting higher level gear in and of itself. That's certainly not why I game. I game to have fun. Higher gear is a means to an end to play the content I find fun, nothing more. It is not the ends it is only the means. That is why people don't understand why people want the means if they don't care about the end.

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IIt has nothing to do with that. IT has to do with what the game drives every gamer to do.

It doesn't drive me to do that. I get the gear I have for my characters via the type of play I do: casual. I don't care what gear rating or set bonuses Johnny Raider has.


You may be fine with becoming stagnant in character progression but I know that is not the same few as most others. The drive to get better gear is there and it's what MMO's play on.]

Stagnant? Do top-tier content, get top-tier gear. In that order.


There should be a way to get a MH weapon that doesn't revolved around ops only yet still provide some challenge.

You can easily get a 186 MH via crafting. If you don't care about running content that requires better than that, the only reason to want better than that is so you can say "Hey, I have better than that." Fair enough, I supposed, since it's just a game, but not very compelling.

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Many times no they do not. They can in many cases complete content with much less than BIS gear. They, like every gamer wants better gear because it makes all content easier but the difference is, for many no matter what gear you give them, they will never complete BIS gear bosses.


What I am saying and you keep missing is there should be an alternate way to get MH gear that doesn't revolve around ops. IT doesn't have to be BIS MH, but content to challenge a gamer in some way that offers a path to upgrade that is actually obtainable. We know completing ops for many is just not obtainable.


Quoted for truth :)

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It doesn't drive me to do that. I get the gear I have for my characters via the type of play I do: casual. I don't care what gear rating or set bonuses Johnny Raider has.




Therefore it's none of your business if someone needs something or not. You may be casual, doesn't mean everyone else is. Other people want to have BIS character or show off their gear.....and you sit there and mock them for it. Well i can turn it around on you and say you're not a proper MMO player. Simple.

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If we were talking about BIS you might have a point but since we are not. You don't




no you still miss the point because you seem to think it's all hung up on BIS obsession or epeenery.


It has nothing to do with that. IT has to do with what the game drives every gamer to do. Get better gear to make things easier no matter what you are doing. Doesn't matter if it's questing to FP to OPS. There is a need to get better gear. Thats what drives the game and there are too little running ops for it to be the only want to get a slight better MH. It doesn't have to be BIS.


You may be fine with becoming stagnant in character progression but I know that is not the same few as most others. The drive to get better gear is there and it's what MMO's play on.


I say, give other options for it that still offer some challenge that doesn't need to fall on operation as a sole way to get some better gear. In the subject of MH weapons as the post says. There should be a way to get a MH weapon that doesn't revolved around ops only yet still provide some challenge.


Exactly. Couldn't have said it better myself.

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Therefore it's none of your business if someone needs something or not. You may be casual, doesn't mean everyone else is. Other people want to have BIS character or show off their gear.....and you sit there and mock them for it. Well i can turn it around on you and say you're not a proper MMO player. Simple.


So wait you want to show off gear and you want it handed to you? Doesn't having it handed to you take away the pride in showing it off? If you want to be proud and show off your BIS gear that's great, I applaud that. Go do the work to get it and stop crying for hand outs.

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I've never been bothered by this. Not much anyway.

Can't you just buy another (offhand or even armor) item, rip the mods out and stick them into your mainhand?


You used to be able too, but they have slot restricted most of those now.


I'm all for some basic Main Hand weapons being sold for comms, even if they are a bit lower rating then crafted/ops drops, if only for the fact I'd like to equip my companions with some not fugly weapons like we get on Yavin.

Edited by MaximusRex
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So wait you want to show off gear and you want it handed to you?

No, what I take away from this thread is that they want it offered to them in a very specific way. Buying it with credits is too easy, getting it from OPs is too hard. Doing dailies for a month (or something comparable) is just right.



You used to be able too, but they have slot restricted most of those now.

Isn't that only the armoring and barrel/hilt or did they extend the restrictions to all components now?

Edited by Astrus_Darksun
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It's a game...not a job. For you it may be a job but for me it certainly isn't


:rolleyes: I wasn't suggesting it was a job. Learn that words have contexts and how to put them in the correct context:




exertion or effort directed to produce or accomplish something; labor; toil.


productive or operative activity.


employment, as in some form of industry, especially as a means of earning one's livelihood:

to look for work.


one's place of employment:

Don't phone him at work.


something on which exertion or labor is expended; a task or undertaking:

The students finished their work in class.


materials, things, etc., on which one is working or is to work.


the result of exertion, labor, or activity; a deed or performance.


I meant the result of activity, that activity being doing the OPs where you get the gear.

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:rolleyes: I wasn't suggesting it was a job. Learn that words have contexts and how to put them in the correct context:




exertion or effort directed to produce or accomplish something; labor; toil.


productive or operative activity.


employment, as in some form of industry, especially as a means of earning one's livelihood:

to look for work.


one's place of employment:

Don't phone him at work.


something on which exertion or labor is expended; a task or undertaking:

The students finished their work in class.


materials, things, etc., on which one is working or is to work.


the result of exertion, labor, or activity; a deed or performance.


I meant the result of activity, that activity being doing the OPs where you get the gear.




You used "work" in the context of it being a job. Unless you're a game tester then that would be a job but for the majority of players it's a hobby.


Use the correct context next time.

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No, what I take away from this thread is that they want it offered to them in a very specific way. Buying it with credits is too easy, getting it from OPs is too hard. Doing dailies for a month (or something comparable) is just right.


Fair enough, I didn't read the entire thread and made an assumption.


I'm interested to hear how you would restrict this to doing a months worth of dailies? You can't just make it daily comms you'd have to have a unique comm or some new quest that's only finished by finishing a weekly 4 times or something. I'm not opposed to that idea. I think it's very odd based on my playstayle, but I don't see any strong argument against adding something like that if there is a group of people that really want it....

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You used "work" in the context of it being a job. Unless you're a game tester then that would be a job but for the majority of players it's a hobby.


Use the correct context next time.


No I didn't...


So wait you want to show off gear and you want it handed to you? Doesn't having it handed to you take away the pride in showing it off? If you want to be proud and show off your BIS gear that's great, I applaud that. Go do the work to get it and stop crying for hand outs.


Same thing replacing the definition I meant.


So wait you want to show off gear and you want it handed to you? Doesn't having it handed to you take away the pride in showing it off? If you want to be proud and show off your BIS gear that's great, I applaud that. Go do the effort directed to produce or accomplish it and stop crying for hand outs.


Using the word work was a lot simpler and easier, but I guess you need things more spoon fed to you, ironically that's what this thread is about, so I guess I should have suspected that...


The real issue is you have one definition for work and you can't see past that. Don't pass your hangups on to me.

Edited by Arlon_Nabarlly
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If you are not running hardest in game content, you don't need BIS gear. simple as that. if you just do dailies/flashpoints 186 will be more than sufficient. If you REALLY want the 192 feel free to craft it or run SM ToS and win it from the 7 or 15 other people in there.


Except there is no 186 MH weapon which is the point I'm trying to make. At the very least, they can put in something to be bought with basic and elite comms and/or have weapons drop from HM flashpoint bosses as well. They don't need to be so damn stingy about them.

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OP... to directly answer your question. They are not available via easier methods because the reward is the incentive to do the content the gear is designed for. Simple as that.


Each tier of content needs to have an incentive for people to work towards, something to achieve. if BIS equipment were available for running say Yavin dailies... what is the incentive to progress/improve your character beyond that point (even though the content at the level of Yavin dailies does not require higher than 172 gear)?


Before you go thinking I am some epeen leeter... I am not... I have not completed hard modes of all ops... but it is my goal...I have no delusions of being the server/world first to clear any boss, I don't write guides, I am not recognized by BW/EA with special plaques... To a large extent i continue to run these ops in order to continue upgrading and improving my character. This is what drives me, keeps me coming back, and improving my abilities... to get to that next level, to earn that next tier of gear. Take away the incentive (and yes, imo making it available via an easy way and a hard way, is still removing the incentive to do the harder content)... I have no reason to continue trying to progress/improve.


We each are entitled to our opinions, of course, which is the tightrope that the devs have to walk...

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Except there is no 186 MH weapon which is the point I'm trying to make. At the very least, they can put in something to be bought with basic and elite comms and/or have weapons drop from HM flashpoint bosses as well. They don't need to be so damn stingy about them.


They are exceptionally easy to craft though... no crafting materials from operations are required for a 186 barrel / hilt.

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