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Someone is making a standalone GSF game -- Starfighter, Inc.


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Still time on this, but it doesn't look like it's getting a huge burst of interest. It's about halfway. There's normally a push of interest near the end- lets see if it is enough.


It looks like it is facing a similar headwind as GSF. A lot of people want PVE, and expect as much when you mention X-wing.


Also they really need to show something besides concept art.

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I actually think claiming it's "like X-Wing" when it doesn't have mission based pve as a core mechanic is actually pretty lame of them. I mean, I would choose pvp over pve, personally, but it's still a silly comparison for a full pvp game. GSF, which legitimately draws a BUNCH of mechanics from X-Wing, doesn't compare itself to it, and the lack of pve missions is probably a huge reason why.



One of the simple problems is that pve is hard to design, takes a long time to get correct (expensive), and is not at all self correcting unless implemented properly from the start, while pvp is endless free content- and if the game has any "rock paper scissors" style balancing, it ends up with a meta that can shift without the devs having to step in much. Vastly cheaper...


...but also not the game a decent amount of the playerbase wants. Even WoW, which has massive roots in pvp, and shipped with pvp, and has huge participation, ultimately lives or dies on its pve content (which is not just raids, but the entire experience). A pure pvp game has a vastly smaller potential audience, making the stunning success of the few outliers all the more amazing.



Anyway, I hope they hit their funding, it sounds great. I'll probably back it, to be honest, because I'd want to be in their beta. But it's very much a shot in the dark- there's no guarantees at all with a game statement like this. At this point I'd predict the game more likely to never exist, than to exist.


Have you checked out GoD Factory: Wingmen? It is a pure pvp space game with some moba style objectives. You and a team compete against an enemy team, and it's all in cockpit stuff with boost and specials and whatever. Even joystick support. The little I've played is actually really cool, but it doesn't have anywhere close to the playerbase to sustain. A real gem of a game, but doesn't seem to swing very strongly in the marketspace.

Edited by Verain
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  • 3 weeks later...

They also plan to make the game regardless of whether the Kickstarter succeeds, according to Polygon.


I just wish it used arcade physics instead of going for realistic spaceflight. I want a standalone clone of GSF so the game has a shot at gathering a player base and retaining developers to keep it fresh. I'll probably give it a shot when (if) it releases, though.



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I play GSF, I play Star Conflict, I play starfleet Command (I and II, frak III!) I play War Thunder and this looks like a cross of all of those!


Physics from War Thunder, fast passed space combat of GSF, Merc style guilds froms Conflict, troop transport, boarding parties, system damage and Electronic Counter Measures from Starfleet with multi player ship controls.


I'm sold :)

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I like both models. I just want the devs to pick one, and they have. This game continues to interest me, but they obviously won't have everything in the world going on in it.


Also, that video 1:02, those are totally Arwings.





I hope they can do a barrel roll!

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OK people this looks amazing and everyone needs to bounce over to KickStarter and contribute. There has been a good uptick in pledges in the last few days, but it still needs around $55k to hit the mark, and the deadline is 11:59pm eastern tonight. If you have a credit/debit card, please get over there & pledge at least the $5 minimum. I pledged quite a bit more than that a long while back. This really looks impressive, let's make it a reality. Thanks. Edited by Enurrsha
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OK people this looks amazing and everyone needs to bounce over to KickStarter and contribute. There has been a good uptick in pledges in the last few days, but it still needs around $55k to hit the mark, and the deadline is 11:59pm eastern tonight. If you have a credit/debit card, please get over there & pledge at least the $5 minimum. I pledged quite a bit more than that a long while back. This really looks impressive, let's make it a reality. Thanks.


I backed them considerably, but I think they have the same problem GSF had. They misunderstood what people liked about X-wing--namely exceptionally designed PVE missions and flight mechanics.


A good portion of their current funding is from people who said, "I'm just funding this for the PvE stretch goals". Those stretch goals didn't even exist initially.


And while I do think realistic Newtonian physics will be fun and will offer a very high skill ceiling, I again to not think that is what most traditional X-wing fans want.


Moreover, their campaign and their messaging has been simply incompetent. It shows they are tone-deaf, lack foresight and common sense, and are even slow to react when they finally realize they've made a mistake.


I still want to play the game they are building, and I haven't withdrawn my pledge, and I hope they succeed. But ultimately, even if they do build the game, they will not have the population to sustain it. Why? Because BioWare already built an awesome free to play space PvP shooter with different classes, and even with the Star Wars IP, population is an issue.

Edited by Nemarus
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Remember, Bioware's GSF population is a subset of Bioware's SWTOR population- with some exceptions. SWTOR being free to play doesn't make it lightweight by any means. I routinely have to wait for hundreds of megabytes of patches to the GSF Lobby.


The fact that GSF reuses a ton of internal assets from the ground game is great- it makes reasonable as an addon and easier than a standalone. But it's not like Bioware either spent the cash for a standalone starfighter game or are drawing from the full population of space arcade sim gamers who like Star Wars.

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I've played around with neutonian physics in Space Engineers multiplayer (when my laptop didn't die from trying to load and render everything, which wasn't very often) and I gotta say, it makes space combat a lot more fun and interesting. Having to worry about people kiting you while firing full forward weapons can get painful. having a capital ship come in full speed sideways on your *** firing full broadside salvos can get to be super painful (and in my case, crash my game before the first salvo even loaded it's textures.) So, although I plan on being hardcore into GSF. I might just invest in this game too.


Now if only Bioware/EA were into crowd funding GSF projects. That would be nice and possibly a solution to their resourceissues.

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  • 3 months later...

I loved my Xwing games and Mechwarrior... They felt like a real simulation... Not some silly games console game like GSF...

I was so looking forward to GSF when Bio announced it... I even had a whole list of friends ready to actually play Swtor for the first time just so they could get into a Star Wars flight sim game again... Aka, Xwing series... Bio really stuffed up by not including a joystick option and dumbing down the whole experience... Alas once it was released my friends took one look and laughed... I too only played GSF a few times... With no joystick support and the feeling of a console game I've nvr played it again

Ive backed these guys developing this game... It's a shame it can't be Star Wars based because if it was I think it would be a home run and would get so much funding it wouldn't need us too pay to support them...

Including PVE content is also what GSF should have had...

Disney/EA should really support/buy the rights to this game and make it a starwars epic simulation...

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You expected a flight sim but GSF is a shooter. It's clear that you're disappointed but that doesn't make GSF "a silly console game".


That's like expecting a real time strategy game when playing Hearthstone and then complaining about the maps being boring.

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