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A Sensible Reply to the Wave Based Inviting Format


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As of this moment, 40 of my guild mates are in the game. They are leveling up and accomplishing quests. They will take down the world boss in Coruscant tonight, or early tomorrow morning; and I will not be able to join them in this. More than likely, I never will have enough guild members to take down that boss from now until SW:TOR closes its doors to customers. This has cost me a significant amount of potential enjoyment with your product because I won't be able to do it with my friends.



Very well written. I don't really care about when I start, but the point I quoted above is what is up setting.


In my case, my guild, as small as it is, consists of people I've played WoW and other games with for well over 7 years. Not having us all start at the same time, as a guild, is what's going to be so hard. But, we shall wait and see what happens. Maybe we'll all be in by tomorrow and kicking some sith ***.

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Whelp it doesn't help that he's probably taking a bath in our money, getting high on the fumes of 100 dollar bills and deciding what mansion he should attain.


Though I understand the sentiment, lets not try to make character judgements against any of the developers, particularly Stephen Reid. Yes, he is the messenger, but that doesn't mean we need to shoot him.

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Though I understand the sentiment, lets not try to make character judgements against any of the developers, particularly Stephen Reid. Yes, he is the messenger, but that doesn't mean we need to shoot him.




What we need to do is continue to keep this thread as visible as possible, since it states all of our concerns collectively.


They have succeeded in ostracizing a portion of their player base, and the logic they are founding their decisions on is faulty at best, as is presented in your break down in the original post. :/

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I have to say, I half-expected to come in here and see another one of the crazy threads that come off as spoiled gripes. On the contrary - this was an excellent post and will give people and idea of the frustration experienced by some.


I have a long work day (which I am blowing off now) and a 1-year old at home so needless to say, I will be somewhat of a casual player and I have no problem waiting to play. Don't get me wrong, I'm dying to get in the game. But it isn't going to kill me to wait for access.


You (and others) watching their guildies level up and away is a valid concern IMO. I know some guilds organize weekly "lowbie" runs but chances are you will be creating your main and have to solo or PUG through depending on the size of your guild. No matter what, I can see how that is frustrating.



But from your post, these two quotes stood out for me:



The hesitation to open the servers up to more players is a clear indication of lack of confidence, and that makes me nervous as well.


Over 90% of those who pre-ordered aren't able to access the game, and your server lists read as, "Full."



I've been watching the server stats a well. Considering the fraction of pre-orders they've waved in, this, as you say, has me nervous (a little). My play time is quite limited so any queue time of significance and I'm hosed unless I want to stay up into the wee hours of the night.


I'm guessing they have more servers to add. And the open Beta was supposedly slammed pretty hard and I managed to get in with little waiting. So, I'm going to remain cautiously optimistic. :)

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A couple things.


First, SR did not contradict himself stating "stress test" a second time in his post.


Second, why is your guild not waiting for you? If they're a stand up bunch, and you all like to play together, why could they not wait until everybody was in, before playing their main characters? Create them, sure, to get the names, but then play alts until everybody is in!


And, if they won't all go back with you to kill the world boss, then maybe they're not such a great group of people to begin with.

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To exploit a meme: First world problems...


Just because other people have more does not mean we have less.


While I'm sitting here wishing mine had gotten pulled into today (Har, my other account I bought as a gift got it) it didn't, as a whole, putting people into the game in waves makes sense in the most technical aspect.


MMO servers are not big trucks, they are not something you just dump all the players on.. Let's say there's 2 million pre orders... People here seem to expect the servers to handle 2,000,000 people logging in at one time.. That's not what the game/servers need to be built to handle. They need to be build to handle a few thousand people logging in at one time, and maybe half that at one time..


I completely agree with the sentiment on the part of Biowares that adding servers slowly is better than just popping them left and right to support the initial flood.


Marketing reason: People get a false sense of what it means when servers get merged.. They instantly start screaming that a game is dying, and then more people quit just because of false sentiment.. Having extra servers added that aren't populated a month after release is pointless.


I want to play, you guys want to play, but screaming here isn't going to make a lick of difference, and come next week when everyones finally in...and a month from now... no ones going to remember this a bit..except maybe when making a post when waiting for the launch of their next mmo and comparing apples to oranges.

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I have never seen the level of frustration in a launch of an MMO nor a community this split.


One thing I have learned is these things feed off of themselves. This will lead to more frustration in other areas.


And one last tip, stop referring to the launch as a success. Even if that is true, it is just going to piss off a lot of people.

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Second, why is your guild not waiting for you? If they're a stand up bunch, and you all like to play together, why could they not wait until everybody was in, before playing their main characters? Create them, sure, to get the names, but then play alts until everybody is in!


Hum, that's a good point too. Now I don't know who's side I'm on...

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I agree with the OP...


I just want to add as well that opening servers on a needs basis is flawed as many users who have preorder have friends/guilds that have already started meaning that they dont have the option of picking a low POP server if they want to play with their guild and friends


its going to cause overpopulation on the original servers and low pop on the new servers that are going to be released later

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I have never seen the level of frustration in a launch of an MMO nor a community this split.


One thing I have learned is these things feed off of themselves. This will lead to more frustration in other areas.


And one last tip, stop referring to the launch as a success. Even if that is true, it is just going to piss off a lot of people.



So you're saying..


Anger.. leads to hate...


Something.. something... DARK SIDE?? OH GOD!

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Agreed amazing posts. I have never seen so many whiteknights defend this kind of thing. Even for well thought posts, if you say anything negative they will bash you and say you're a troll. I don't understand why we can't say anything negative, and this is one of the most well written posts.
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LOL all this whining i wish they would just shut down all Early access and have everyone just start on the 20th maybe then they would just let it be.

I for one think this is a great way to roll out a game. I remember EQ and some of the other games servers up for an hour then down for 6 hours up for 2 hours then down for a day taking 2 or 3 weeks to get everything squared away sucked ***** no thank you keep going like it is please.

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This system has created an artificial queue, one that is not based on log in attempt time, but based on pre-order date. Instead of going through the frustration of waiting through a 1 - 2 hour queue, we must go through the frustration of going through a 1 - 3 day freeze on any and all access to the server. We are still in a queue, the largest and most deplorable queuing system ever deployed by any game in history. This isn't an exaggeration, its the truth.




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