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Everything posted by Zor_Prime

  1. Agreed! I don't care that it was a little choppy on the Republic Fleet station...there were 300 people there!! I don't think there have been more than 20 at a time there on my previous server. I spent an hour yesterday just taking advantage of GTM deals and posting items of my own that I thought I would never be able to sale.
  2. That's great! Now someone needs to do the "Four MMOmen." MMOman #1: "Our server was shut down an' we had to go merge onto an i5 desktop!" MMOman #2: "You were lucky to have an i5 Desktop! There were 300 of us trying to run raids on an AMD dual core Laptop!" MMOman #3: "An AMD dual core laptop?" MMOman #2: "Aye." MMOman #3: "You were lucky. We all played on a old rusty server stored in a drippy basement running a Pentium III. We had to log in to the server queue, go to work, and then when we got home, wait three more hours in the queue and then we got in to our game." MMOman #1: "Luxury. We had to wait in the queue 25 hours a day, call Customer Support to tell them how great they were, and pay for the electricity the server used!" .....
  3. Sounds like a classic heat issue. Go grab a graphics tester that will task your video and see if you have the same issues. If you have something that can pull more air through the chassis, try that and see if the anomalies don't reduce or disappear.
  4. You know, that's exactly correct. Let me reevaluate - Hayden Christensen's portrayal of Anakin in "Attack of the Clones" was absolutely superb and in no way as awkward and half-hearted as a first year jr. high drama student. And the love scenes were not at all long and drawn out and did not fail to convey the emotions of a couple in love. And it was quite clever and thoughtful to have Jar Jar Binks be the catalyst, for the Empire taking over. /Jedi business....go back to your drinks... //(cringes)
  5. I agree. And I wish they would change the group loot mechanic to the fastest person who clicks the button gets all the loot!
  6. I'm Armstech and yeah, some mats are quite scarce. I think there is an ok amount of harvesting nodes but there could be more and it would be nice if they were more random.
  7. That's disturbing if true. Right now, I'm making money on sub-50 purple mods. I hope the gear diversity is a little better at 50 but I am worried about lvl50 gear selling because of what you describe. I would hate for it to stagnate. Green crafted gear doesn't sell as far as I've seen. And blue gear rarely sales. Stims sell like mad and you would be crazy to purchase them from vendors right now as they are half the price in the GTM.
  8. Yep. You really have to watch your creds. The crafting missions are horribly overpriced (IMO) and GTM mats are ridiculous...at least on my server. And what's worse is that in specific level zones or specific level mobs, it's the same crafting material over and over so you *will* have to pay for missions to get what you need. If you are going to craft to purple on some items (no way in **** you can do all before level capping) go for mods. Non cap-level purple mods sell quite well from what I am seeing.
  9. I haven't noticed. Then again, I haven't been checking out male Jedi rears. But I think the female rears could be larger. And they should play Sir Mix-a-lot in the Cantinas.
  10. It doesn't remind me of Deep Space nine at all. Back on topic, I wish they would put the Galactic Market kiosk next to Quark's.
  11. Pffft! A "shopping mall". Please. Nar Shaddaa is awesome and incredible. Next time you're in game and on Nar Shaddaa, pause and look around. There are plenty of neat things to see - The massive buildings, the speeders zipping by everywhere, the high-tech inner architecture, the crowds of aliens, the food court, the droids everywhere, the imperial and republic soldiers. It's nothing like a shopping mall!! Every time I finish running quests on Nar Shaddaa, I feel a great sense of accomplishment...and a strange craving for a Cinnabon (but I'm sure that doesn't mean anything).
  12. So does this mean the great speeder race around the station promenade is out then?
  13. I would get it confused at work. Next thing you know, I would be sending out e-mails like - " Client, We're on schedule for your release build. I will upload it to share point soon. Our lead programmer needs to make a couple of changes that require a quick test. I'm also going to send Jorgan out for some Plastoid and Brazing Flux and when he has it I will be able to transmit everything. "
  14. 50 stuff or 50 things? I'm confused.
  15. When I played Beta I started noticing the un-randomness of the mobs. Yes, there are mobs there for quests - if they have to hang around the evaporator because there is a quest that involves the evaporator and it should require a fight, then that's fine. But there are many other mobs and it would be cool to randomize them a bit. Right now, when I am getting around a zone, if I run it enough, I know exactly how to travel without drawing aggro. I know - "stay close to the wall because there's a mob in that corner." "Stay in the center because there are groups of mobs on either side..." And I can see other players taking the same paths. Heck, even when you are new to an area, you can often just follow another player if you don't know where the safe path is located. I think it would be a little more exciting to be on that "safe" path when suddenly there's a group of mobs in your way the next time through.
  16. 12/16 Lvl 33 Trooper. I'm taking it nice and easy. I'd probably be mid 40s right now if was wasn't exploring so much.
  17. It would be nice to have visible ship names. I would like everyone to know when the "HMS Naughtypants" graces their spaceport.
  18. I wonder if they have a former military discount...
  19. That is a lot of keys my friend. For some reason, I haven't altered near as many bindings in this game as I do in others (and I have a freakin' G15). My other MMO transfers over bindings but not the layout for new characters *and* it's saved in game (rather than in a local file) which makes it nice for transferring to another computer.
  20. ...And Inigo Montoya....who, incidentally, would make a **** good Star Wars character. Imagine, Jedi who knows Capo Ferro. Of course, his Sith enemies may know Thibault in which case he will need to study his Agrippa (which he has).
  21. I just wrote mine down on paper. I'm sure there are bigger things to deal with but I don't see anything wrong with adding this to the list. Character templates would be cool.
  22. I have a feeling OP went on a balloon ride...that didn't have a desirable conclusion.
  23. BUT THAT'S NOT ALLLL!!! You'll also receive a 20-volume set of the Encyclopedia International, a case of Turtle Wax, and Rice-a-roni, the San Fransisco treat!! /And yes, the space combat is a blast. I wasn't expecting it when I heard about the rail system but it turned out to be great!
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