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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Referral link abusers?

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Wow. You're all a bunch of petty people. Either that or just plain jealous.


The irony of you calling other people petty would be delicious if it wasn't so pathetic.


I don't have an issue with people advertising for their links, but it does seem strange to me that there is a benefit to getting current subs to click the link. I think would be more beneficial to the game to try and get more F2P people clicking these links, seeing what being a sub is like, and hopefully retaining them as a sub.

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Going to start this by saying I have nothing against people who post their referral link in the description.


What this thread IS about it all the players who advertise in gen chat with "Paying 300K for you to click my referral link" who then buy cartel market items and make a fortune which allows them to pay for yet even more referral clicks.


Given that a subscriber get 100cc a month plus 500 instant for the click I have heard of players reaching more than 15K monthly cartel coins alone or more if they go at it for long enough.


surely EA could fix the referral system so it works as it should have for day one, or better yet suspend players who advertise their referral links with large credit bonuses (to a player who is new 350k would be easy money).


Who else is with me these abusers shouldn't get away with this???


if you ask me these guys spamming general chat are just like the gold sellers, they should be banned or at least have all their referral grants taken away so they no longer get them every month, then have their referral link taken away.


if you want your link in you sig here on the forums or on your youtube channel or on other forums fine! but no advertising in game spamming general chat or any other chat in game. its just like making a new thread advertising your link here, they dont allow it so they shouldn't allow it in game either


posted this in another thread a few days ago thought it should also go here.

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Wow. You're all a bunch of petty people. Either that or just plain jealous.


Exactly what I was thinking. Oh...bitter you can't get a bunch of free CC's for taking TIME to try and get people to SUBSCRIBE to the game? And god forbid you should "bribe" them as well...I mean...everyone HATES getting free credits in game for doing essentially nothing other than clicking a link. How AWFUL!


Buncha jerks in this game.

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Oh...bitter you can't get a bunch of free CC's for taking TIME to try and get people to SUBSCRIBE to the game? And god forbid you should "bribe" them as well...I mean...everyone HATES getting free credits in game for doing essentially nothing other than clicking a link. How AWFUL!


Buncha jerks in this game.


The most important part of your post is in bold. You do realize that the referral link works for people that are already subscribed to the game as well right? It's probably broken, but you get CC whether a F2P clicks your link and then subs or an already subbed player does it. The only benefit when subbed players click is to the person referring. BW isn't getting anything out of that.

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The most important part of your post is in bold. You do realize that the referral link works for people that are already subscribed to the game as well right? It's probably broken, but you get CC whether a F2P clicks your link and then subs or an already subbed player does it. The only benefit when subbed players click is to the person referring. BW isn't getting anything out of that.


Incorrect...if the person giving the link is offering credits as well the person clicking gets:


7 free days sub time + whatever credits the person offered. it's not "nothing" by any stretch. It's just that you and others are apparently miffed that the person giving the link is getting CC's...FOR DOING EXACTLY WHAT THE LINK IS THERE FOR.


So...what were you saying? Oh yea, nothing important.

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7 free days sub time + whatever credits the person offered


Don't forget the Friends of SWTOR bundle on every character you make, which comes with some unlocks and an inventory slot, and a free server transfer (which cost roughly $20 if you buy them regularly).

Edited by The-Kaitou-Kid
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Don't forget the Friends of SWTOR bundle on every character you make, which comes with some unlocks and an inventory slot, and a free server transfer (which cost roughly $20 if you buy them regularly).


Precisely. It's not "nothing" by any stretch.

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Incorrect...if the person giving the link is offering credits as well the person clicking gets:


7 free days sub time + whatever credits the person offered. it's not "nothing" by any stretch. It's just that you and others are apparently miffed that the person giving the link is getting CC's...FOR DOING EXACTLY WHAT THE LINK IS THERE FOR.


So...what were you saying? Oh yea, nothing important.


Well if you made that argument in your first post, I likely would not have replied. However, you capitalized the point of doing it was to get people to subscribe, I just pointed out the flaw in your argument.


I will admit that it's quite true the clicking player does get the 7 days/creds/bundle, but again sticking to your original post that I replied to, it ain't like people spamming fleet with their referral link are doing it to get players to sub. Come on now.

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There are more benefits to clicking a link than to getting your link clicked. The clicker gets 300k credits + $20 worth of CC in the form of a free server xfer as well as 7 days additional sub time, which equates to about $3.25.


The refer-er gets $6 in cartel coins + $1 in CC every month.


I see nothing wrong here and fail to see how this is worse than a gold seller.

Edited by Jinre_the_Jedi
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There are more benefits to clicking a link than to getting your link clicked. The clicker gets 300k credits + $20 worth of CC in the form of a free server xfer as well as 7 days additional sub time, which equates to about $3.25.


The refer-er gets $6 in cartel coins + $1 in CC every month.


I see nothing wrong here and fail to see how this is worse than a gold seller.



Because some people fail at getting their links clicked, clearly. And whoever said they get links clicked via forums is most likely FOS, lol.


EDIT: I might add, I don't ever spam my link in chat...I've gotten all my referrals via Facebook when people are asking about the game in threads on the SWTOR page, I answer and then offer them the referral complete with details. But I don't begrudge the folks doing it in chat...if the hustle works, it works.

Edited by Bachannal
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Because some people fail at getting their links clicked, clearly. And whoever said they get links clicked via forums is most likely FOS, lol.


EDIT: I might add, I don't ever spam my link in chat...I've gotten all my referrals via Facebook when people are asking about the game in threads on the SWTOR page, I answer and then offer them the referral complete with details. But I don't begrudge the folks doing it in chat...if the hustle works, it works.


I haven't putten my link up anywhere else than on the forums and I get around 9k CC each month...

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i still say these guys are just as bad if not worse than the Gold sellers that spam general chat. i mean its basically the same thing. they should get the same punishment as the gold sellers.
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Wow. You're all a bunch of petty people. Either that or just plain jealous.


i vote both. and someone offering 600k is about 30% more then what refer is worth since most dont stay subed that long....


i dont use refer never have other then hubby. but lol. i see nothing wrong with it. if there offering 250k+ its fair. seems to me i have feeling everyone who is mad isnt lucky enuff to sell it or has failed to and now is part of the if i cant have it no one can crowd

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Well, it depends on the frequency as well. If the same person posts a referral message every few minutes it's IMO spam and should be punished, but a couple of times per day really shouldn't be a problem.

If nothing else the referral link messages push out the PvP-trash-talk/Hitler/racism/etc garbage chat often going on in Fleet/Capital planet chat.

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i still say these guys are just as bad if not worse than the Gold sellers that spam general chat. i mean its basically the same thing. they should get the same punishment as the gold sellers.


no its not. credit selling is done via real money refer buying isnt.

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Well, it depends on the frequency as well. If the same person posts a referral message every few minutes it's IMO spam and should be punished, but a couple of times per day really shouldn't be a problem.

If nothing else the referral link messages push out the PvP-trash-talk/Hitler/racism/etc garbage chat often going on in Fleet/Capital planet chat.


read up what spam is. its considered only spam when it's under every 2mins...if its not then its unreportable thus good *********** luck...lol


look at all 4 pages nothing but bunch whiney 12year olds who cant get a Ref link clicked so they are *mad* your acting far worse then them & thats sad

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read up what spam is. its considered only spam when it's under every 2mins...if its not then its unreportable thus good *********** luck...lol


Perhaps you should read up on what IMO means.


look at all 4 pages nothing but bunch whiney 12year olds who cant get a Ref link clicked so they are *mad* your acting far worse then them & thats sad


My acting? Please do elaborate.

Edited by MFollin
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read up what spam is. its considered only spam when it's under every 2mins...if its not then its unreportable thus good *********** luck...lol


Is that Bioware's official position then? According to myself, it's spam if you spout it 5 or 6 times an hour. Though as I spend very little time on the fleet, I rarely see links often enough to consider them to be spam.

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The fact of the matter remains, people are abusing a system of referrals which was never intended to be used this way. The fault not only lies with Bioware for failing to fix it but the players as well who shouldn't receive an outright ban but a slap on the wrist and docking of incoming credits.


Or at the very least Bioware could implement measures to curb this abuse eg

1. A hard cap for cartel coins granted each month from referrals


2. Diminishing returns for more than 10 referrals



Something should be done about this

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The fact of the matter remains, people are abusing a system of referrals which was never intended to be used this way. The fault not only lies with Bioware for failing to fix it but the players as well who shouldn't receive an outright ban but a slap on the wrist and docking of incoming credits.


Or at the very least Bioware could implement measures to curb this abuse eg

1. A hard cap for cartel coins granted each month from referrals


2. Diminishing returns for more than 10 referrals



Something should be done about this


Bioware just needs to not be so retarded in designing a referral program intended to bring in new players (or get old ones back) in such a way that it provides benefits for referring people who are already paying to play the game.


What other business has a referral program that pays for referring customers who have already bought the product or service?


Not any with a bit of common sense.

Edited by DawnAskham
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Bioware just needs to not be so retarded in designing a referral program intended to bring in new players (or get old ones back) in such a way that it provides benefits for referring people who are already paying to play the game.


What other business has a referral program that pays for referring customers who have already bought the product or service?


Not any with a bit of common sense.


Which falls under the Bioware's fault part, I agree

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It's really a Bioware issue. Allowing current subscribers to click on a referral link is, I think, counter-productive. What's the point of that? I can definitely see the point if you get non-subscribers to subscribe. That makes sense. But doing it this way seems rather incestuous.
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It's really a Bioware issue. Allowing current subscribers to click on a referral link is, I think, counter-productive. What's the point of that? I can definitely see the point if you get non-subscribers to subscribe. That makes sense. But doing it this way seems rather incestuous.


The worst part is that the referrals don't work as intended anyways so this what people end up doing. I tried to legitimately bring new friends to the game using referrals. They would click my link and make new accounts and then I wouldn't get credit. They'd start playing and get no benefits and nor would I. Of course it was great to have new blood in the game, but the referrals literally don't work for new accounts.


Finally when I got my girl friend to start playing I bought a sub for her and then after having subbed we used my referral link and it worked. This was after she had made another account with a different e-mail and it not working without subbing.


I agree it's stupid that you get credit for referring people already subbed and it should be fixed, but as of right now it's actually the only option to actually get credit for referring players. This is after you convince your pals to subscribe after playing a horribly gimped version of F2P. The whole point of the referral was to give people the taste of having a sub and right now it's pretty pointless if it doesn't take affect until after they sub.


This is entirely a BW problem and until they fix it to where referrals aren't bugged I don't see them taking actions on people over it.

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So a new subscriber who wants 500k for a link they care little about? I mean honestly a lot of people don't care what you benefit from it. 500k is a lot, especially for a new player. I can work the GTN with 500k and make millions. Otherwise as a new player they are suffering for months grinding for cash. Not to mention they also get added rewards as well. Otherwise what will they do? Click a link for free? If I saw a link in the forums, and someone offering me 500k...uh, credits please? Why would I do it for nothing. It's one thing someone spamming it as OFTEN as a gold farmer. But I see people spamming "LF 3 healers...blah blah OPS" every 2 minutes, "MY GUILD (Same as every other guild)" spam every minute. "HELLP?" what? every second. WTS/WTT every second. Heck some of the gold spammers can't even outdo a guy selling random green armor, mods that don't even match classes, and bound items from a FP. So other than the ANNOYING factor of spam, I don't care. Keep it to a minimum, don't flood chat with nonsense and move on if no one replies. Don't post your link, just ask, then honestly what does it matter? Just because you realize 100 cc every month forever is unlimited cc. I have close to 30 referrals and only about 25% of those still sub after a year and my CC constantly fluctuates. Just because the potential is good, doesn't mean they wont click it then unsub the next month. Then you really only did get 600 cc. So other than people who spam or scam, who cares?
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