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Referral link abusers?

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Going to start this by saying I have nothing against people who post their referral link in the description.


What this thread IS about it all the players who advertise in gen chat with "Paying 300K for you to click my referral link" who then buy cartel market items and make a fortune which allows them to pay for yet even more referral clicks.


Given that a subscriber get 100cc a month plus 500 instant for the click I have heard of players reaching more than 15K monthly cartel coins alone or more if they go at it for long enough.


surely EA could fix the referral system so it works as it should have for day one, or better yet suspend players who advertise their referral links with large credit bonuses (to a player who is new 350k would be easy money).


Who else is with me these abusers shouldn't get away with this???

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I don't blame the players, I blame EA. It is their referral program after all.


If they are so stupid as to count referrals from players already playing the game and provide rewards for doing so, then so be it.


Just ignore the link spammers (and report them as spam) - or if you want to poke at them to see how they react - call them out in chat about how they are turning the referral into a lot more credits than being offered as well as point out they could be scammers who won't pay out even if someone clicks their link.

Edited by DawnAskham
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I don't care if they're advertising in chat.

If they're obnoxious about it, I'll report them for spam.

If they don't disclose that they get Cartel Coins out of the deal, I'll call them out on it so people can see that someone is trying to take advantage of them.

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Referral-link spammers are way worse than credit farmers since they are real people and not bots. They can sweet-talk you into going for their sales pitch. It also seems like they think they're doing something original or have stumbled upon something that they think nobody has done yet.


I do two things:

1) Spam Report

2) Make an actual ticket for "Inappropriate Behavior", mine look like this:



May 5, 2015 @ 8:12pm PST




This player was spamming their referral link along with a 600,000 credit bribe to anyone they can sucker into clicking their link.


These referral-link spammers will be gone after a few days so I know they're taking action against these losers.


Have you noticed they conveniently leave out the part where they clean up on Cartel Coins for every poor person they dupe and can buy packs and get good stuffs and flood the GTN with the rest?


Since most of us have these referral codes why don't we ALL just flood chat with them? How fun would that be?

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I trolled someone who did that once...


Started haggling about the price...


I mean, after all, he's getting 500 cc immediately, so just that's worth more than a measly 300k (he was offering 350k but still).

And after that he'll get 100cc every month that I stay subscribed, and I plan on staying subscribed for many years... that's 1200cc a year...


I got him to raise his reward to 800 or 900k... don't remember which.


And then I dropped the bomb and told him I've already clicked someone elses link and you can only do it once, so no deal :)


And then I started posting in general that people should demand at least 800k from him because that's as much as he was willing to pay me, and after all, he's getting infinite cc basically.


He then left the game :D



That said, I get thousands of cc from friend referrals... I just don't run around desperately bribing people to click my link :)


I just have it as a sig here on the forum.

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Every night I see someone screaming in chat about people not paying credits, and adding them on ignore once they use the referral link.


Hihihihihi, the best way to combat the behavior would be to demand the credits upfront and then not click the link :)


Although, when I see someone doing what you describe (admittedly I haven't seen it often), I always whisper them and let them know that as long as they remember the name of the guy with the link, customer support can remove you from their referral list, meaning they'll get no coins :)

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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Nope, CS can't do that. I asked. Someone had posted a tiny url link in the community forum that was supposed to be to a painting. It was not. It was a redirect to the no confirmation referral link. I called CS to try to make sure that I was removed from that person's referral list and was told that there was nothing they could do other than take down the post from the forums so nobody else would click it. CS was nice enough to remove the clicked link flag from my account so I could switch my referral so they wouldn't get any further coins.
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I just add them to my ignore list. As far as I am concerned, they are no better then gold or credit spam. And sometimes I report them as spam.
^^ Same here ^^ I agree 100% they are just as bad as the gold spammers...
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I trolled someone who did that once...


Started haggling about the price...


I mean, after all, he's getting 500 cc immediately, so just that's worth more than a measly 300k (he was offering 350k but still).

And after that he'll get 100cc every month that I stay subscribed, and I plan on staying subscribed for many years... that's 1200cc a year...


I got him to raise his reward to 800 or 900k... don't remember which.


And then I dropped the bomb and told him I've already clicked someone elses link and you can only do it once, so no deal :)


And then I started posting in general that people should demand at least 800k from him because that's as much as he was willing to pay me, and after all, he's getting infinite cc basically.


He then left the game :D



That said, I get thousands of cc from friend referrals... I just don't run around desperately bribing people to click my link :)


I just have it as a sig here on the forum.


You sound like someone whos bitter TBH . someone whos up set that they not spamming. I know people with 15k a month allowance and sure they get hated but 30 mil a month for doing nothing is pretty ace

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You sound like someone whos bitter TBH . someone whos up set that they not spamming. I know people with 15k a month allowance and sure they get hated but 30 mil a month for doing nothing is pretty ace


Why would I be bitter? I'm getting around 9-10.000 CC each month from my link... but I've never spammed in chat or bribed anyone or disguised it as something else. I've only ever had it in my sig on the forums.


I just think it's a pretty despicable and garish behaviour to run around spamming chat for referral clicks.

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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