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PTS 3.2.1 Closed, Death of Mara/sent incoming

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Thanks for the kind words; I wish I could have done something more to make a difference.


Don't blame yourself for that, the only one who are responsible are the dev team for keep going in the wrong direction, never listening to us, and the community management team which do communicate with us or rely properly our concerns. (and when they do, it's just to tell us "nop we won't change anything deal with it and l2p")

Edited by KaellSolaris
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Thanks for the kind words; I wish I could have done something more to make a difference.


In full honesty, I'm pretty blown away the devs, John especially, have seemed to totally ignore you. You're probably the biggest name in the Sent/Mara community, have always kept a level head, and even try to work in the framework the devs seemed to want. The fact that they just ignored you is...well, I would say worrying, but I think we're past that point now.

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Not to pour salt in the wounds but its a bit hyperbolic to say Death of Mara/Sent is coming due to decidedly awful changes to one spec. While I am with you my fellow marauders/sentinels that its crappy and frustrating that seemingly this isn't going our way, we need to persevere. Keep playing and let the numbers speak for themselves. I've been playing since beta, I've seen ups and downs with this class. My particular spec (Fury) seems to get ignored in most of the changes discussions (perhaps its for the best) but still I go on.


Admittedly I'm not a hardcore PVPer, nor am I in heavy progression for PVE content (I get into a few SM ops now and then) and while I wish some of the changes were implemented that have been suggested by many talented members of our community I accept that I'm a consumer in this paradigm. I can voice my frustration but let's make sure things don't get toxic, let's do what we can to keep them involved and keep trying to get our points across in a way that doesn't make us seem like the bad guys here.


I'll get off my soapbox now, and keep watching things as they unfold, let's keep it classy guys.

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What planet are you living on?


The one where Plasmatech was obliterated in 3.1.1 and fixed in 3.2. After the abomination that was 3.1.1 plasmatech, when it was brought back (and better than before) in 3.2 it gave me hope for the devs when they are given a truly terrible spec to start off with

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In full honesty, I'm pretty blown away the devs, John especially, have seemed to totally ignore you. You're probably the biggest name in the Sent/Mara community, have always kept a level head, and even try to work in the framework the devs seemed to want. The fact that they just ignored you is...well, I would say worrying, but I think we're past that point now.



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Maybe you should L2P mara/sent, the devs know what they are doing, you must be doing everything wrong, mara/sent is fine, fine, fine, they don't need to listen to people that have main'ed a sent/mara since launch and have totally loved it ...until this expac.


/force choke sarcasm.


Been playing mara since lauch, love it, totally love it, now its just a paper weight now, sorry, but way too many crappy horrible changes to the class, and the real reason why I don't play it , just not fun anymore. Before playing a mara was like " AHH KABOOM, KAPOW, WHOO, FUN!" , now..."my noodle is wet and is drowning."

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Yep well annihilation / watchman is now pretty much boned, not content with destroying the old play style they have now just successfully destroyed the dps. Way to go devs.


I cannot believe after all the constructive feedback that the devs just ignored and went well **** you here have this and to top it off have told us all to learn to play.

Edited by WheresMyWhisky
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The SWTOR dev team is less competent at balance than your average modder. They balance around a SINGLE style of PVP for example. I'm sorry, but that's ...so incompetent, even Pakleds facepalm at it.


They just see this as a job they need to do for a paycheck. No passion for the game or for Star Wars in general. So they just do lazy crap to get paid.


And this is the end result. Just reroll a new character. Your marauder is still good... for item storage, role play, mobile target dummy.

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"The SWTOR dev team is less competent at balance than your average modder."

Totally agreed because a modder actually does heavy-testing of the things he changes and actually listens to the community.

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"The SWTOR dev team is less competent at balance than your average modder."

Totally agreed because a modder actually does heavy-testing of the things he changes and actually listens to the community.


And a modder is usually passionate about the game/universe in question , who works on it for free.

For a dev, its just a boring job with a fat paycheck he wants to get with as little work as possible.


My Dawn of War 2 mod needed a big balance sweep, and I had to edit hundreds of files to make these sweeping changes. I can't imagine a SWTOR combat team dev doing the same to fix a problem. :(

Edited by PallyHk
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