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Is assault specialist for mando good in pvp?


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Mando / merc is a poor choice in 4 v 4 unless you go into healing. With no class focus break and no stealth, both groups tend to be on the receiving end of a lot of focus in arena matches. This complaint has been made for a long time now and I really don't see BW correcting this regardless of what the numbers tell them or the complaints of the players.


Also with 4 v 4, your experiences may vary depending on the server you are on, but on mine, I tend to get a lot of 4 v 4 that is DPS only. No tanks or healers. So as a merc / Mando you can expect to be first focus, to get limited to no support from your teammates, and to die quickly. I like to refer to it as the double stun and done.


However, both groups can do very well in 8 v 8. I would even go so far as to say my Gunnery excells in everything but huttball. Huttball is still the realm of leapers, pullers, and burst runners which the Mandos / Mercs don't fit into. The only thing about 8 v 8 you have to avoid with either class is playing defender. Again due to no stealth and weak stealth detection, both classes make for poor defender choices. Your job is to be in the fight killing #$#@ and not leaning on a weapon playing with yourself on "D".

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Mando / merc is a poor choice in 4 v 4 unless you go into healing. With no class focus break and no stealth, both groups tend to be on the receiving end of a lot of focus in arena matches. This complaint has been made for a long time now and I really don't see BW correcting this regardless of what the numbers tell them or the complaints of the players.


Also with 4 v 4, your experiences may vary depending on the server you are on, but on mine, I tend to get a lot of 4 v 4 that is DPS only. No tanks or healers. So as a merc / Mando you can expect to be first focus, to get limited to no support from your teammates, and to die quickly. I like to refer to it as the double stun and done.


However, both groups can do very well in 8 v 8. I would even go so far as to say my Gunnery excells in everything but huttball. Huttball is still the realm of leapers, pullers, and burst runners which the Mandos / Mercs don't fit into. The only thing about 8 v 8 you have to avoid with either class is playing defender. Again due to no stealth and weak stealth detection, both classes make for poor defender choices. Your job is to be in the fight killing #$#@ and not leaning on a weapon playing with yourself on "D".


Awesome ty for the response. :)

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I have been experimenting with this over the last week or so ill offer some info on my findings.

The basic difference is that one is direct damage and one relies more on DOTs. As a result one is more sustained pressure, the other is more burst.

I find assault to be fun, which is unusual to me as i typically do not like DOT specs, however, its a dot spec with a little bite. It does have some non DOT skills that do have good pop.

As it happens Assault is also more popular in many ranked compositions due to the pressure/sustained aspect, and the other is better performing in rags and 8s as well as having the higher overall parse for raiding.

Gunnery is also a very straight forward rotation, while Assault is more proc based and less rigid.

My advise would be to play and understand both, which is exactly what im working on doing now.

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Mando / merc is a poor choice in 4 v 4 unless you go into healing. With no class focus break and no stealth, both groups tend to be on the receiving end of a lot of focus in arena matches. This complaint has been made for a long time now and I really don't see BW correcting this regardless of what the numbers tell them or the complaints of the players.


Also with 4 v 4, your experiences may vary depending on the server you are on, but on mine, I tend to get a lot of 4 v 4 that is DPS only. No tanks or healers. So as a merc / Mando you can expect to be first focus, to get limited to no support from your teammates, and to die quickly. I like to refer to it as the double stun and done.

Listen to this guy, pretty much spot on. Solo-queuing ranked is a bad idea because of the 4v4 dps. However, if you can get into a pre-made with a tank and heals then you can actually become viable. If for no other reason than the other team focuses you and lets the healer free cast and the tank can guard you. Then if you survive their opening burst and you can get your guns going, it's bad news for the other team.


However, both groups can do very well in 8 v 8. I would even go so far as to say my Gunnery excells in everything but huttball. Huttball is still the realm of leapers, pullers, and burst runners which the Mandos / Mercs don't fit into. The only thing about 8 v 8 you have to avoid with either class is playing defender. Again due to no stealth and weak stealth detection, both classes make for poor defender choices. Your job is to be in the fight killing #$#@ and not leaning on a weapon playing with yourself on "D".


Again pretty spot on, if you get stuck defending you'll likely die before help can arrive anyway. Generally if I end up defending I just call out inc and run around trying to stay alive keeping people off the node.


My 2 cents is assault sepcialist and gunnery are equally viable, assault can apply alot damage - mainly over time but when you use the instant charged bolt proc, tech over ride charged bolt, mag shot you have decent burst. It truly shines when you can get a group together and spread your dots though, that much damage group wide is hard for healers to cover. Gunnery is mainly about bursts, so you can focus someone down with a bit less effort than assault.

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I actually don't agree here with above.


People say

Gunnery = burst

Assault = high sustained,


Truth is, Gunnery is a few highly unreliable spikes with quite little killpower, and rubbish sustained inbetween.


Assault played right can pack far more damage into a short window than Gunnery ever can, and it's not a *burst then go limp*, it's a crazy damage spike backed up by amazing sustained.

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I actually don't agree here with above.


People say

Gunnery = burst

Assault = high sustained,


Truth is, Gunnery is a few highly unreliable spikes with quite little killpower, and rubbish sustained inbetween.


Assault played right can pack far more damage into a short window than Gunnery ever can, and it's not a *burst then go limp*, it's a crazy damage spike backed up by amazing sustained.


I'd just like to say that I've been wanting to try Assault Specialist for the longest time, my favorite specs are the ones that combine direct damage with DoTs, and this post motivated me to finally give it a go.

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I'd just like to say that I've been wanting to try Assault Specialist for the longest time, my favorite specs are the ones that combine direct damage with DoTs, and this post motivated me to finally give it a go.


Yes me too I play all those specs with that damage profile ^_^


Vengeance, Watchman, Serenity, Assault Spec, Ruffian, Dirty Fighting

It just feels nicer :cool:

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I'd just like to say that I've been wanting to try Assault Specialist for the longest time, my favorite specs are the ones that combine direct damage with DoTs, and this post motivated me to finally give it a go.

I've played nothing but Assault in PvP since 1.2 or 1.1...one of those 2...I love it.

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I actually don't agree here with above.


People say

Gunnery = burst

Assault = high sustained,


Truth is, Gunnery is a few highly unreliable spikes with quite little killpower, and rubbish sustained inbetween.


Assault played right can pack far more damage into a short window than Gunnery ever can, and it's not a *burst then go limp*, it's a crazy damage spike backed up by amazing sustained.



This guy got it.

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Ok so I've been playing assault specialist in pvp for a while now. While I feel like I'm really getting the hang of the class my biggest issue: ammo. Does anyone have any tips on ammo management cause like halfway thru a big fight I find myself draining of my resources pretty quick especially when I attempt to spread my dots with plasma grenade and sticky grenade.
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Ok so I've been playing assault specialist in pvp for a while now. While I feel like I'm really getting the hang of the class my biggest issue: ammo. Does anyone have any tips on ammo management cause like halfway thru a big fight I find myself draining of my resources pretty quick especially when I attempt to spread my dots with plasma grenade and sticky grenade.


Firstly I'd recommend not wasting too much time spreading DoTs. Sure, if you can guarantee people will stay clumped up somehow, but for 2-3 people it's generally a waste.


When you open with Serrated + Incendiary, use Supercharge for a free 10 ammo cells straight after Incendiary to help offset their costs, and to also keep your High Impact Bolt you're about to do in the upper regen bracket. If you leave the upper regen bracket it's mostly a downward spiral after that.


Save Reserve Powercell for Full Auto which is the most expensive ability, and will then give you 3 seconds of ammo regen.


Don't be afraid to Hammer Shot. It's not even that much weaker than a Charged Bolts. If you know that the Charged Bolts you're about to do won't reset HIB (because of the internal cooldown) then think twice about whether your current ammo can handle it.

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While it is true that AS has good sustained, its ramp up time Is ludicrous. And if your rotation gets interrupted, you are pretty screwed on damage and have to start all over. With gunnery, that is not the case, with gunnery by your third attack, it is very possible to have done over 25 k damage , and with your fourth 41 k. I really wanted to give assault a shot in pvp, but when facing an opponent 1 v 1 ( which happens A LOT in 8v8s ) you almost always get screwed by stealthers if you have that long ramp up time.
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As an IO merc if i'm left alone to get my ramp up off then god help you. Its burst is great but only if you keep it to a strict opening rotation and it relies heavily on supercharged burn which hits like a truck. All things going your way you can kill most classes insanely quick, however if you get interrupted you turn to garbage real quick
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