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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

White Acute Module


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I know it is intended for alts, but what about brand new players that want to play the game without it? Just level up a character you don't care about to 10?


Well... actually... yeah, why not? With 12x XP that would take, what? 15 minutes?

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I was honestly surprised that they didn't send out mail to every character in the game on May 4th when the 12x XP started to explain it and with the White Acute Module attached, that's what they really should have done.


Well now that would have made sense and we know that just can't be done!

At least with being BOL you can take your new character to your Stronghold and grab one out of storage.

(Providing you have a previous character that is)

Better than nothing. Interesting that they can't put a vendor on the starting planets though.

Edited by Kianabamin
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Hi all,


After further negotiations with the Gree, I have been informed they do not have the required representatives to send to each of the starting planets. They do however have the technology to update their White Acute Module, allowing it to be bound to a Black Bisector's Legacy. The negotiations have been agreed upon, and we expect the new White Acute Modules to be present with 3.2.1 as previously mentioned!


This doesn't help first time players or people starting a new legacy on a different server. Putting them at the starting areas is a much better solution. This one still has holes. Ugh... Sometimes it seems like you try to not have polish...

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I know it is intended for alts, but what about brand new players that want to play the game without it? Just level up a character you don't care about to 10?


For me, if I started playing a new game and found out in order to have a normal first play through experience I had to do this level of extra work arounds, I'd quit the game right then and there. If just playing is that complicated it's not fun and the devs put that little forthought into me as a player, why should I bother playing their game. I don't want to have to do complicated work arounds just to play.

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For me, if I started playing a new game and found out in order to have a normal first play through experience I had to do this level of extra work arounds, I'd quit the game right then and there. If just playing is that complicated it's not fun and the devs put that little forthought into me as a player, why should I bother playing their game. I don't want to have to do complicated work arounds just to play.


Yeah... But I bought the 2 months bundle on amazon lol Ill give it some more time to see if they make it possible to do from the beginning, otherwise eventually I will just make the quick level 10 then delete it or something. But really have no interest in making a throughaway to remove the boost.

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Today's patch was patch 3.2b was it not?

Yes, it was. I haven't checked when 3.2.1 goes live, although if I recall correctly, I think the devs mentioned its drop date when PTS 3.2.1 closed... I could be wrong about that, though.


Edit: Never mind, all they said was:

Just as a heads up, the next build available on PTS will be 3.3, not 3.2.2.
Edited by idnewton
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Actually, there is a way to use the legacy cargo to give out the module to a lvl 1 player. Dunno if it's a bug, but tried that kind of by accident and turn out it works :


-Go to the fleet with another of your character in the legacy and buy 2 white actue module, so they are stacked.

-Go to you legacy cargo, shift clic on your module stack to split one out, then drop it in the legacy cargo. Should put it there without any issue.

-Log or create a new character, go to a stronghold with the legacy cargo and pick it up

-Enjoy playing your new char without getting so many free lvl.


Only work when stacked with at least two, if you have only one module, it'll say it's bound to you. Tested on a new character.


Hope this will help until the modules get officialy bound to legacy. I'm aware this is kind of working around the games ruleset, but as Bioware already plan to make it so it can be traded that way, figured it'd be ok to share. ;)

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Mmmh, didn't try with other stuff, yeah, but figured that might be the case... But if it's only BoP and stackable, shouldn't concern too much important stuff and it'd stay in legacy anyway, that method doesn't goes out of legacy. But if the staff think it's best to edit it, will do that.
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Actually, there is a way to use the legacy cargo to give out the module to a lvl 1 player. Dunno if it's a bug, but tried that kind of by accident and turn out it works :


-Go to the fleet with another of your character in the legacy and buy 2 white actue module, so they are stacked.

-Go to you legacy cargo, shift clic on your module stack to split one out, then drop it in the legacy cargo. Should put it there without any issue.

-Log or create a new character, go to a stronghold with the legacy cargo and pick it up

-Enjoy playing your new char without getting so many free lvl.


Only work when stacked with at least two, if you have only one module, it'll say it's bound to you. Tested on a new character.


Hope this will help until the modules get officialy bound to legacy. I'm aware this is kind of working around the games ruleset, but as Bioware already plan to make it so it can be traded that way, figured it'd be ok to share. ;)


Yes, that might work but if your a brand new player that doesn't really help your problem unless you want to make a char to be able to do this with, I think they should just mail it or something so new players dont have to do anything extra to turn off 12x XP and be able to play the game the default way.

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Probably already suggested, but anyway: Just mail the item to all eligible characters, including a short description of what it's for, just as you do with many other items. Include a short passage mentioning the vendor at the fleet, should the item ever become displaced. That way you don't need to change anything else. Simple.
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  • 2 months later...
I agree with this and I may be in the minority on this but I want and like the ability to turn off/disable the 12xp boost and I think its kind of dumb like feeding us levels like hand holding I want to level my way without the xp boost
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  • 2 weeks later...
There's just no satisfying some people.


Yeah funny thing is according to his sig he has put in "a full-time job" amount of time into the game for over a year (napkin math says about 32-33 hours/week) and yet here he is... complaining.


So yeah, you got this one right.

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