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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ziost is total rip off


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Well thats your opinion. The use of the word rip off in the context of "lazy, underwhelming" is perfectly valid. But if the op means rip-off from the dictionary definition too, then thats valid as well, because you need to purchase SoR in order to play Ziost. :rolleyes:


Incorrect. But, it is enjoyable to watch you defend something wrong so heavily. Please keep this up. It's getting me through the day.

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Arguments over semantics and who has a different definition of "rip-off" aside, I do think it was disappointing. I had hoped for more story quests and a more satisfying conclusion :(


Though I did like the whole Ziost questline, it felt to short and unsatisfying. I hope we get more story expansions along the lines of RotHC and SoR soon <3

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Arguments over semantics and who has a different definition of "rip-off" aside, I do think it was disappointing. I had hoped for more story quests and a more satisfying conclusion :(


Though I did like the whole Ziost questline, it felt to short and unsatisfying. I hope we get more story expansions along the lines of RotHC and SoR soon <3


You stil might they said they had plans for 2015 and it's only MAY still seven months left.

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Arguments over semantics and who has a different definition of "rip-off" aside, I do think it was disappointing. I had hoped for more story quests and a more satisfying conclusion :(


Though I did like the whole Ziost questline, it felt to short and unsatisfying. I hope we get more story expansions along the lines of RotHC and SoR soon <3


I'm sure fall is the answer for when we get our next sizeable expansion. I also wish Ziost was larger. It's just kind of a let down when you know it's one of two "large" content updates we're getting. Obviously they did say that other things are in the works, so who knows what those will be. I bet we find out a bit more soon. Hopefully. Until then see everyone on Ziost killing the world boss, and the op boss.

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I'd rather sit back and watch you crash and burn. It's enjoyable. Seriously, you're helping me get through my day. As such I do not feel ripped off or jipped in any way shape or form by this thread.


Really? A forum on the internet helps you get through your day? damn...i feel sorry for you...your life must be miserable :/

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So Bioware flat out states before the weekend that the new area is


*Final cutscene

*Daily area

*two new bosses


Now people are up in arms because its: A final cutscene, a new daily area and 2 new bosses? Seriously?? they flat out stated what was coming in this, why is everyone upset about it now?

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So Bioware flat out states before the weekend that the new area is


*Final cutscene

*Daily area

*two new bosses


Now people are up in arms because its: A final cutscene, a new daily area and 2 new bosses? Seriously?? they flat out stated what was coming in this, why is everyone upset about it now?


I personally think the content is great. I like it a lot. I just get a little disillusioned when I realize that it's one of the two "major" updates for the entire year. I think it's a bit light in that context. Quality wise though it's great. I'm pumped to bring my toons through it.

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So Bioware flat out states before the weekend that the new area is


*Final cutscene

*Daily area

*two new bosses


Now people are up in arms because its: A final cutscene, a new daily area and 2 new bosses? Seriously?? they flat out stated what was coming in this, why is everyone upset about it now?


Because they never bothered to do Research or READ up on it!!


It's a common failing among gamers.

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That assumes that there arent anymore "Forged Alliance" type updates coming for 3.2, which is still certainly possible. I am hoping, and probably in for a disappointment, that we will see further updates as we move along.
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I'm sure fall is the answer for when we get our next sizeable expansion. I also wish Ziost was larger. It's just kind of a let down when you know it's one of two "large" content updates we're getting. Obviously they did say that other things are in the works, so who knows what those will be. I bet we find out a bit more soon. Hopefully. Until then see everyone on Ziost killing the world boss, and the op boss.


Not sure if you were talking specifically about story content updates or not, but I wanted to point out that the full quote is "Our plan is to deliver two major updates with this new story direction later this year". Since they are specifically talking about their plans for upcoming story updates, they very well could (and I imagine will) have more content updates for the year that aren't the story updates.

Edited by MillionsKNives
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Not sure if you were talking specifically about story content updates or not, but I wanted to point out that the full quote is "Our plan is to deliver two major updates with this new story direction later this year". Since they are specifically talking about their plans for upcoming story updates, they very well could (and I imagine will) have more content updates for the year that aren't the story updates.


I'm focusing on just the story stuff. It's heavily subjective of me I know. I just don't care about things like the costume designer. It is however content, and it's definitely wrong of me to just not include it. I'm cool with the 12xp though until the fall. I'm pumped to get through a smuggler and a maurader.


Ideally I'd love to see some new pvp maps released that aren't arenas or a horrible hut ball map (the new one not the old one. The new one is atrocious). Class balance stuff/ Healing changes whatever they may be. And then, fall/winter for a 20 dollar expansion to which I'll gladly fork over the money to get in as early as possible.

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I don't think slang terms really need references, they vary from place to place, people have different terms. If you're so sure that "rip off" doesn't mean "lazy, disappointing", please give me a reference disproving this. Someone else already agrees with me on this so i think you should stop trolling because you're upset you're wrong.


Why do you think it's trolling? I have looked at Merriam Webster, Google's built-in definition search, dictionary.com, and to even try and validate your opinion on slang I checked out Urbandictionary.com (which is fairly good at catching definitions that aren't strictly academic). Not one of them substantiates your opinion.


But, to show I am literally not trolling and my sources are leading me to say what I am:

1: an act or instance of stealing : theft; also : a financial exploitation

2: a usually cheap exploitive imitation


1: a fraud or swindle, especially something that is grossly overpriced

2: an inferior imitation of something.


1: an act or instance of ripping off another or others; a theft, cheat, or swindle.

2: exploitation, especially of those who cannot prevent or counter it.


Stealing ideas and/or products to create something of lesser value. To take credit for something that is not their own. To slightly alter an existing idea and product for personal benefit. Disregard the origin of the true creation in attempt to make a quick buck and turn a few heads.


So... again, I ask for a reference to anything that will substantiate your reasoning. [EDIT] I am extremely willing to change my tune with some proof, but none has been provided except for your opinion and a single anecdote. Maybe it is a West Coast thing? I don't know... show me something to help me know. But you seem to be refusing to do that...[/EDIT]


And no... you buy SoR. Ziost is part of the current level cap content cycle, so you aren't paying for Ziost. At best that's an incredible stretch to try and say you are "paying" for this. Besides, OP would have made reference to the purchase of Ziost. He merely made reference to disappointment following the wait. And I again say that I have nothing against him feeling that way, in fact my opinion is similar enough to that... but whoever was the first person to note the issue with the use of the phrasing "rip off" was correct by every source I can find.


If finding sources to substantiate your claims is considered trolling, then yeah... I'm a troll alright :rak_02:

Edited by azudelphi
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Why do you think it's trolling? I have looked at Merriam Webster, Google's built-in definition search, dictionary.com, and to even try and validate your opinion on slang I checked out Urbandictionary.com (which is fairly good at catching definitions that aren't strictly academic). Not one of them substantiates your opinion.


But, to show I am literally not trolling and my sources are leading me to say what I am:






So... again, I ask for a reference to anything that will substantiate your reasoning. [EDIT] I am extremely willing to change my tune with some proof, but none has been provided except for your opinion and a single anecdote. Maybe it is a West Coast thing? I don't know... show me something to help me know. But you seem to be refusing to do that...[/EDIT]


And no... you buy SoR. Ziost is part of the current level cap content cycle, so you aren't paying for Ziost. At best that's an incredible stretch to try and say you are "paying" for this. Besides, OP would have made reference to the purchase of Ziost. He merely made reference to disappointment following the wait. And I again say that I have nothing against him feeling that way, in fact my opinion is similar enough to that... but whoever was the first person to note the issue with the use of the phrasing "rip off" was correct by every source I can find.


If finding sources to substantiate your claims is considered trolling, then yeah... I'm a troll alright :rak_02:


Oh man, you're getting desperate aren't you?


Fact is "rip off" can be used as the dictionary definition and in some cultures/areas of the world like that other guy said it can be used as "disappointing, lazy, underwhelming".


And in fact the underwhelming comes under the


Disregard the origin of the true creation in attempt to make a quick buck and turn a few heads.


that you so nicely quoted for me from urban dictionary (a slang website). The "turn a few heads" part applies to when the OP called it a "rip off", which means he is totally valid in using the term "rip-off" as an expression of being underwhelmed by something because this update was just something to turn a few heads.


Oh and you need to purchase SoR in order to play Ziost so technically it isn't free.


So thank you for proving my point.


Have a good day sir. :rolleyes:

Edited by DartDaya
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I'm focusing on just the story stuff. It's heavily subjective of me I know. I just don't care about things like the costume designer. It is however content, and it's definitely wrong of me to just not include it. I'm cool with the 12xp though until the fall. I'm pumped to get through a smuggler and a maurader.


Ideally I'd love to see some new pvp maps released that aren't arenas or a horrible hut ball map (the new one not the old one. The new one is atrocious). Class balance stuff/ Healing changes whatever they may be. And then, fall/winter for a 20 dollar expansion to which I'll gladly fork over the money to get in as early as possible.


We each have our own subset of content that we actually care about so it's all good. I mainly wanted to draw attention to it because I feel like I've seen around claims that the two content patches they mentioned are the only two we are getting this year.


Your post seemed ambiguous enough in regards to that that I wanted to clarify on what the devs had been referring to about the "two major content patches this year".

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Oh man, you're getting desperate aren't you?

Desperate for you to have a shred of proof for your stance? Yes.... very yes.

Fact is "rip off" can be used as the dictionary definition and in some cultures/areas of the world like that other guy said it can be used as "disappointing, lazy, underwhelming".

Facts have proof... I am still waiting on that.

The "turn a few heads" part did exactly that to the OP and it was underwhelming for him, which means he is totally valid in using the term "rip-off" as an expression of being underwhelmed by something because this update was just something to turn a few heads.

Clearly you didn't read it or understand the quote... because there was a thing called "context" for that phrasing. Selectively choosing 4 words out of the whole definition? Intellectually lazy...

Oh and you need to purchase SoR in order to play Ziost so technically it isn't free.

So thank you for proving my point.

Have a good day sir. :rolleyes:

Again, that is at best... a horrible stretch. Because again... the transaction in question for the use of the term "rip off" would be the one for Ziost, not one for the Expansion. Because as you can clearly see, every real use of rip off is transactional based (Source: See the post you clearly didn't read) Anyways, thanks for playing. Come back when you actually stand a chance of putting together a substantiated argument.

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Desperate for you to have a shred of proof for your stance? Yes.... very yes.

You're arguing over the term "rip off". Does it really matter if Dart feels Ziost was oversold as a "major update" and feels it fell short, therefor he classifies it as a "rip off"? Let it go, call it whatever you like...it was a great story...but very short and it lacks any staying power unfortunately.

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Desperate for you to have a shred of proof for your stance? Yes.... very yes.


I literally just gave you proof that i'm correct. You're getting quite desperate now.



Clearly you didn't read it or understand the quote... because there was a thing called "context" for that phrasing. Selectively choosing 4 words out of the whole definition? Intellectually lazy...


In your opinion. Again, I just proved you wrong and showed you i was correct. Are you having difficulty reading or something?


Again, that is at best... a horrible stretch. Because again... the transaction in question for the use of the term "rip off" would be the one for Ziost, not one for the Expansion. Because as you can clearly see, every real use of rip off is transactional based (Source: See the post you clearly didn't read) Anyways, thanks for playing. Come back when you actually stand a chance of putting together a substantiated argument.


Again, ive proven to you that I'm correct but unfortunately you are so in denial that you simply cannot admit you're wrong.


You paid for SoR, and you need to pay for SoR in order to play Ziost. It's really quite simple really. Therefore the OP was valid in calling it a rip off in which ever context...the dictionary definition (because you techincally paid for Ziost) or the slang definition (underwhelming, turning a few heads, lazy etc) Please reply to me when you have a logical argument to bring to the post. Oh and by the way, your constant whining is very off topic, so if you'd like to continue to embarrass yourself, i'd recommend using the PM system.


Cheers :rolleyes:

Edited by DartDaya
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I'm not entirely sure why we are debating whether a slang word can be used in a certain context or not. I mean everyone else seemed to understand what he was saying without needing to go to Meriam-Webster or dictionary.com so whos really the one without the intellect here?
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I'm not entirely sure why we are debating whether a slang word can be used in a certain context or not. I mean everyone else seemed to understand what he was saying without needing to go to Meriam-Webster or dictionary.com so whos really the one without the intellect here?


I didn't start this chain of events in motion... I don't get why asking for a shred of proof is considered as bad as people are making it out to be.


But whatever. Ignore function does wonders I suppose.

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I'm not entirely sure why we are debating whether a slang word can be used in a certain context or not. I mean everyone else seemed to understand what he was saying without needing to go to Meriam-Webster or dictionary.com so whos really the one without the intellect here?


Exactly. It's amazing that he's arguing over some dictionary definition when everyone else knows that the OP meant. Some people have too much time on their hands...:p OR they think this forum is a haven for their real life frustrations..

Edited by DartDaya
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I'm not entirely sure why we are debating whether a slang word can be used in a certain context or not. I mean everyone else seemed to understand what he was saying without needing to go to Meriam-Webster or dictionary.com so whos really the one without the intellect here?

Right?! It's getting ridiculous.

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