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Ziost is total rip off


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So we had to wait a week for two cutscenes 5 minutes total and then we got access to some shady boring daily area like Yavin 4 ?


Are you kidding me?


utter joke


Did you pay for Ziost? Nope... as such how do you get ripped off when something is given for free. Kinda like going to DQ on Free Ice cream day and being pissed that you got "ripped off" because you just got a small soft serve.

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this is why tor is going under


ziost has to be one of the worst daily areas ive seen in my whole time as an mmo gamer. more so they couldn't put this in last week? no mobs or combat. this would have been a great area that when you to it you have to get a ops group going to do the dailies and work with other players. or even make it open pvp for fighting the other faction.

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By "ripoff" they mean "disappointing". A rip off can mean something is way overpriced or something is disappointing/lazy/underwhelming etc..


A rip off does NOT mean something is disappointing or underwhelming, you just attach those meanings because you are usually very mad at the game.

Edited by theUndead
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After reading some of the SWTOR books, I knew what the Emperor was capable of doing (as he had done this before), so it wasn't a terrible surprise to see same fate befall Ziost as befell Nathema. Still, it was pretty incredible to see my character just stand there and watch. I can picture his jaw dropping inside his helmet.


I actually enjoyed this set of dailies, it's a nice change of pace. I'm not constantly running through trash mobs and I get that creepy wasteland feeling running around. It's an easy and fairly stress-free way to get some quick money/commendations.

Edited by Kalabakk
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The story was fun and interesting. The quests were also interesting. The ending cinematic was good. Was it worth waiting for? On it's own, no. Had there been more than the relatively boring daily area that also really have no kind of story follow through, it would have been okay. Went in with almost no expectations and was still disappointed.

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The story was fun and interesting. The quests were also interesting. The ending cinematic was good. Was it worth waiting for? On it's own, no. Had there been more than the relatively boring daily area that also really have no kind of story follow through, it would have been okay. Went in with almost no expectations and was still disappointed.


The op was fun, and challenging , but I agree. Lets all be honest here this was by far the laziest add on to date. Yeah, we got a nice cinematic, but the content was 1 cm deep and 2 cm wide. Very disappointing. Then, lets not forget the new area STILL doesn't allow pvp on a pvp server, even though its wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide open, and perfect for pvp.

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The story was fun and interesting. The quests were also interesting. The ending cinematic was good. Was it worth waiting for? On it's own, no. Had there been more than the relatively boring daily area that also really have no kind of story follow through, it would have been okay. Went in with almost no expectations and was still disappointed.


Pretty much this. Not even mad and had pretty much zero expectations and I am still disappointed. BW can do better and they know they can. There really is no excuse for how poorly this was done.

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Ripoff doesn't have disappointing as a definition in any dictionary I've looked at.


Just more grade school drop outs making up new meanings for words to hyper inflate their nerdrage.


Wow, you are SOO cool, I bet ALL the kids in the elementary school you hang out at every day to impress the kids are super awed by your dudeness...



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I'm gonna leave this here:






On a serious note: As someone who is also focused on progression this is all a huge let down. A lot of guild members are allready turning away from the game and only show up for progression. We didnt grind like insane like other well known progression guilds and had a couple of breaks due to people beeing busy in real life. But we are 8/10 on the new HMs and will probably finish soon enough. Whats left after this? Grinding one stupid boss over and over until fall? I don't see this happening and fear that a lot more people i know will quit out of boredom (which is allready happening).

Server only feels busy right after release of something new but gets empty really quick soon enough.



I do like the story, its serious, characters are actually starting to show some development and all. But that is all gone after 2-3 hours.

The areas look like some work went into them, i enjoyed exploring it and the dark tone of the new planet is a nice change. Huge wasted potential though since all the excitment is gone really fast.

The only reason i will revisit the dailies is to get the ice tromper mount on a few more toons. But thats it.


Overall, with the anouncments that a few more recources will go into swtor again, and them trying to keep the second part of ziost a secret i had small hope that there might be more, but in the end it is what most people expected. Really sad.


I still have very very very small hopes that #fallenempire will be something amazing.

Edited by IkarusXY
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I'm hearing a lot of gripes. Click the spoiler tag for my objective take, which is short:


TL;DR: It was a fun diversion while I wait on another story-driven expansion that sees our favorite characters gain even more power, see even more stuff, and cause even more havoc.


Until then, thanks for the content. Anything new is good :)



Well, it is a tad anti-climactic; however, for the money, it was pretty sweet, and I loved that Lana and Theron were in it (I missed Darth Marr, though).


I liked the interactions with Vitiate, who is an intriguing (and mysterious) Sith Lord---he's like an even more evil version of Darth Nihilus. It would have been nice to confront him, especially with my Sith Warrior, whom I feel has a particularly good reason for doing so. Instead, the former emperor just sort of vanishes. I felt as though it all lacked closure, which isn't something I normally expect from the raconteurs at Bioware. That said, I'm not sure it's been chronicled exactly what Vitiate's ultimate fate was (has it?). It may be, therefore, proper that he lives on.


The daily area--even though many are complaining about it--is nice because it's different: every daily area we have had so far has been full of mobs. What's wrong with a little variation? If you hate it, there's other areas you can visit.


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It wasnt free, you have to buy 3.0 to be able to play it.


But rip off or not, the real issue is, 3.2 offers close to zero replayability. What are people supposed to do in two weeks, let alone two months? This is one of two major updates this year, the other one will be 4.0 in Q4 2015.

There is no way 12xp and farming blue 190 gear items for yet another twink will be enough to get us through summer.

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It wasnt free, you have to buy 3.0 to be able to play it.


But rip off or not, the real issue is, 3.2 offers close to zero replayability. What are people supposed to do in two weeks, let alone two months? This is one of two major updates this year, the other one will be 4.0 in Q4 2015.

There is no way 12xp and farming blue 190 gear items for yet another twink will be enough to get us through summer.

Where do people keep getting the idea that 4.0 is coming out this year?


They probably would have announced if there was going to be another expansion this calendar year in the 2015 Road Map (SoR was announced in the 2014 Road Map even though it didn't come out until December of that year). And every expansion has been close to a year-and-a-half in between, which would put 4.0 in mid-2016 if that trend continues. (16 months between 1.0 and 2.0, 20ish months between 2.0 and 3.0)

Edited by DarthDymond
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Where do people keep getting the idea that 4.0 is coming out this year? They probably would have announced if there was going to be another expansion this calendar year in the Road Map (SoR was announced in the 2014 road map even though it didn't come out until December of that year). And every expansion has been close to a year-and-a-half in between, which would put 4.0 in mid-2016 if that trend continues. (16 months between 1.0 and 2.0, 20ish months between 2.0 and 3.0)

I'm not saying you're wrong but i'm still trying to stay positive. If all we get is yet another 3.2 sized update this year and 4.0 wont launch before q2 2016 the game wont survive.

With 12xp until fall we are basically burning through whats left anyway at this point. There needs to be a massive update after it or virtually everyone will have consumed all the story content the game has to offer.


As for annoucements, there is some hope for the june 15th thing. I expect them to annouce the launch of 4.0 parallel to the new movie. If not, they are offically on life support.

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I don't think the daily area is terrible. It IS a dead planet. Honestly didn't expect much gameplaywise from that. What I was disappointed in was the story.


I had hoped that with some of the moves Bioware made earlier this year and their statement that they wanted to return to the core of swtor, story, that the storylines in upcoming content would be compelling and fresh.


While the buildup was interesting, the climax/conclusion made next to no sense from a story/lore perspective.




1. No explanation ever given why the Emperor can't just take control of non-force using PCs. See Jedi Knight storyline for full explanation.

2. Why would shocking people free them of the Emperor's connection? Shock collars, force lightning, etc. suddenly become super effective.

3. Why would someone as powerful and cunning as the Emperor change his plan and sick all his forces at one person over a taunt on a holovid? The only way that makes sense is with the Jedi Knight since they were the one who originally struck him down. Maybe the way to defeat Vitiate is to introduce him to the internet, he would constantly be occupied.

4. Despite being hailed and promoted at the end of SoR, the PCs, particularly on the republic side of things, are essentially left in teh dark between Theron and the Supreme Chancellor. While NPCs screwing everything up and PC rides in to save the day is a common formula in games, here, it's just NPCs screw everything up and PC rides in to accomplish nothing before shrugging and walking away. I thought the dailies were going to be the investigation into Vitiate's ritual, but they weren't.

5. Could the Jedi Consular not use the force shielding technique from earlier in the storyline on those possessed?

6. If the end was supposed to be a surprise, having a hanging quest and a nonfunctional terminal was probably the best way to ruin it.




Just felt like a kind of lazy way to try and force the conclusion to what they wanted. I know this is not an official expansion, but I would gladly pay a higher sub fee or one time price for an expansion that did the story justice.

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So we had to wait a week for two cutscenes 5 minutes total and then we got access to some shady boring daily area like Yavin 4 ?


Are you kidding me?


utter joke


Its pretty piss poor. We do get it for free however so its not really a rip off. I think BW are trying something but it just didn't work. there needed to be more interaction with Vitiate and probably with Lana prior to the explosion.

Edited by Morrolan
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Let me say that while I do not find this a rip-off (as I noted it cost us nothing) I do think this content patch shows that BW has entered a confused stage.


Up until SoR (and I would say including) they seemed to have a direction of sorts. They udnerstood that this was an MMO and that an MMO rises and falls on its PLAYABLE content. I get the feeling like this was a "okay lets shut up the people who wanted a BW:TOR game and not an MMO with a story that has a dramatic ending." Now most of the "playable" content was in FPs and OPs but it was there.


The problem is that kind of a direction change causes issues... especially when you look at the iron clad fact that it was only when they stopped focusing on the story and went to playable content that turned the game's population drop around.


I feel like there is, in general, a lack of direction atm. Now maybe they are devoting a lot of resources to getting 4.0 out before Episode VII hits theaters but if that is not a "knocked out of the park" home run... I think the mixed feelings expressed here in this thread will only get worse.

Edited by Ghisallo
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If you want to see 60 bucks for very little content go check Warlords of Garrisonville. If you want to see how wonderful a B2P game's content is go play GW2.


I played GW2...it's a kiddy game that bores the crap out of me. I guess it's still a matter of preference. I actually like the new dailies area. I do agree that story wise this last addition was very small and that is a shame. I would've expected a bit more story here.


I also don't understand the decision to have the SM boss drop 192 gear and the HM boss 204...that's better than Revan HM which I'm sure 99% of the population hasn't completed yet and now people are going to want that 204 main hand instead.


So it is a bit confusing, but the dailies are definitely different from previous ones and I appreciate that. The Ashen world is kind of a cool thing to me, but yeh, as much as I see positives, I did also expect a bit more from the story side.


When BW said "STORY IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", it's like announcing that there's going to be a big *** full pie size story line...so naturally people will be a bit disappointed if we only get a small slice. I liked the story part we got last week, it was pretty cool but the story was 3 quests basically. That's not enough to announce that story is back.


So it's not a rip off to me, that's a silly extreme that defeats its own purpose, but it does feel like they fell short on their promises of story is back....they didn't quite deliver there for me.

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On the plus side, an entire planet was destroyed and STILL the mailbox works!


Such is the way of the force.


10/10 for survivability and resilience of the mailbox.


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