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People who undersell by 1 credit.


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I always set my prices to have 99 at the end, I just think it's funny.


If you don't want to be undercut by me don't use round numbers!


You obviously haven't seen a list of 4 pages going ...98....97...96....95 I've seen it go into the 70's doing just that, I've seen 1 person undercut themselves 3 times.

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Undercutting is actually a subtle form of pvp. I love when people do it to me. It's part of a free and healthy market.


A little story where I first witnessed undercutting and people getting mad was on a small server in WOW and there was a player who controlled the auction house. If people undercut him he would mail them and chew them out. I thought it was hilarious. Things like this make the game fun.

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Assuming that the item in question is worth ~10 mil credits, then I would suggest undercut by 2.5-5% 9,750,000 is a 2.5% cut and saves the customer a fair amount (250k) without devaluing the original item too much. Now if 10 people do this then supply > demand so the item *is worth less than 10 mil*. Self adjusting market.
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No thats terrible. Cause if they devalue your item that much that item gets bought and bam your item is left up once more before people notice.


Not necessarily. Extremely rare (and therefore expensive) items can still take ages to sell even with a solid 20-25% drop in price because not many can+will pay millions for a single item.


But a list of 789,999, 789,998, 789,997...like people just stare at it and wait for a deal, .


If people look for a deal on a specific item and see a "list" of this item they will wait regardless unless the cheapest one is already really cheap.


I will always undercut at least 5% of the price, why post 1 credit under when 30 other people are going to do it 3 seconds later, its lame and such a cheap tactic.


Big flipping difference. If "30" people are going to undercut you "3 seconds later", a 5% price drop is exactly as useless for you as a 1 credit price drop, you'll be undercut anyway.

Edited by MFollin
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I will never get why this is such a hot button issue for people.


I pretty much make all my money off the GTN. If your items are not listed first, i.e. cheapest, they will not sell. Period.


Therefore, getting upset about undercutting is illogical, because it'sthe name of the game. I get undercut constantly. You either make the decision to try to wait it out (i.e. make your sales after the person who undercut you) or undercut them back.


And from a seller's perspective? I'd rather have an item undercut by 1 credit than to have a market totally tanked by people trying to be "nice" and pricing for half of what everyone else was selling it for.


Nothing rude about it, just business.

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If you are to fragile to handle GTN PvP then go play Skyrim or KOTOR by yourself. I enjoy GTN battles as much as I do warzones.


^^ :cool:


It's fun, especially if you're playing the same markets as other regular players for some items. Adversely every now and then I'll price higher because prices are dropping below the line of profitability (for example on crafted items).


Either way, the GTN is a longer term vehicle if used properly, but it's still nice to have those battles.


1 credit or 100 credits, makes no odds to me how much someone undercuts me.

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I see on both sides.


As a buyer, I always sort by price and buy the cheapest, without even looking at the next highest priced. And honestly, I don't care as long as the item is what I feel is a fair price. I want to buy a mount. The cheapest is 999,999. I feel that is a fair price so I buy it. I don't care if the next highest was 1 million or 100 million.


As a seller, I hate it when I get undercut at all! I want to be out playing the game, not playing the GTN by relisting my items. If I get undercut, then I may have to relist. I don't try to squeeze every credit I can from my sales, so yes, I am "that" person who will list an item for 7k when the lowest is 10k. I just want to sell it, and sell it fast. I don't craft a bunch of items, or farm mats and try to lower the market. But if I run across a level 30 purple mod, I'll throw it on the GTN to make some extra cash since I'll out level the mods usefulness anyhow.

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Really? Honestly that is a huge *****bag move. Putting an item up for 10 mil for someone to 9,999,999 under me. 1 Credit so t hey can get their item sold first. I personally always buy the person who costs 10 mil and leave that 1 credit person waiting. That's not a deal, thats just cutting out the other persons chance at a sale. If you are going to put something up at least make it 5% cheaper than the original price, or the same price. It's stupid to get back on the GTN to find an item ex: 1,000 credits, then 999, 998, 997, 996...like really 1 credit?


What's everyone elses opinion on this? I think its a weak move, if you want to sell, make a better offer or list the same cause 1 credit out of a 10 mil item is nothing.


I'd like to quote Gordon Gekko for this :


"Greed is ... for the lack of a better word ... good."

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Undercutting is a normal thing to do but undercutting by one credit is just plain retarded.


You understand that this is called Capitalism, right? This is how the real world works. You ever drive down the street and see 2 gas stations across the street from one another? See how they have the big signs with their prices in glowing numbers? Look closely at those, you'll notice they're only a couple of pennies difference.


Where I live in NY we have 2 major supermarket chains: Tops and Wegmans. Those 2 are in such a competition, that they every single one of their stores is across the street or next to one of their competitor, and the prices of all their products are within pennies of each other when you look at the Circulars to decide which to go to that day.


Anyone who calls this "retarded" isn't living in the real world. Is it frustrating to enter a competition like this? Of course, but it's what drives the economy of our real-world country, and most certainly isn't "retarded". In fact it's of HUGE economic benefit for the people AND businesses to have a free market to operate in.

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I'll undercut by 1cr


Better than undercutting by 5%.


Thing is, people will buy for lowest amount possible. The five or so people here who will go out of their way to 'teach a lesson' are a marginal, marginal amount of the game population


This, exactly. Quoted for truth.


It's called Capitalism. Deal with it.

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I see it a lot with augments. Sometimes you're selling them for about 120k, but then 2 people undercut for a lot and then they drop to like 70k in one hour. Everyoby loses, even the ones doing the undercutting for such big margin.


Everybody doesn't lose. If you get materials through Jawa junk or Ravagers/ToS drops, your margin is lower than most.


For example, I made a barrel for a guildie, listed at the prevailing price (1.8 million) which was the lowest price it could be at if you bought transsubstantiators off the GTN. Some guy listed 3 barrels at 1 credit less. Because I was working with no margin, I pulled the barrel and sold at 1.2 precisely because I figured a) no one would undercut, b) there probably was not enough demand to sustain 4 barrels since those have been selling slowly, c) it lowers the price customers are willing to pay and d) it imposes a "tax" of 1.2 million on the rest of the market.


In a capitalist system, one way to guarantee a sale is to go places your competitors won't go. The seller does not have an obligation to other sellers, only to his/her own ledger. I've never understood "normative pricing". I got 1.2 less commission (perhaps less 180k exonium costs depending on how you wish to count old transactions). That's still 800k-900k pure profit. That's a lot better than a returned barrel.

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What bothers me is when someone undercuts me by 50% on crafted items. I mean, that's just dumb.

Then buy them and repost them higher.


As a seller, I hate it when I get undercut at all! I want to be out playing the game, not playing the GTN by relisting my items.

Working the GTN is "playing the game." And if you didn't want to reprice your items, you wouldn't bother. It's your choice.


If I get undercut, then I may have to relist.

You don't have to do anything. What you choose to do is another matter.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Nah, posting at 50% less, driving the market down, buying them all up, and then reselling them even higher....now that's a move. You're dealing with amateurs.


Amateurs dude, you want a toe? I can get you a toe.

Edited by Ultrazen
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In all honesty I price all my stuff with 9s IE 9,999,999 opposed to 10,000,000. Just habit from an old game where you get taxed X amount depending on how much you sell an item. For example you get taxed harder for anything over 10mil. So if I price at 9.9 I am still getting 10 mil, but taxed less. I don't believe this game has that system in place, but I've done that for so long I always just price with 9s. Old habits die hard.
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Really? Honestly that is a huge *****bag move. Putting an item up for 10 mil for someone to 9,999,999 under me. 1 Credit so t hey can get their item sold first. I personally always buy the person who costs 10 mil and leave that 1 credit person waiting. That's not a deal, thats just cutting out the other persons chance at a sale. If you are going to put something up at least make it 5% cheaper than the original price, or the same price. It's stupid to get back on the GTN to find an item ex: 1,000 credits, then 999, 998, 997, 996...like really 1 credit?


What's everyone elses opinion on this? I think its a weak move, if you want to sell, make a better offer or list the same cause 1 credit out of a 10 mil item is nothing.

I think you are a wussy little punk. Doesn't mean that you are one, it is just my impression.

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Some of us clip coupons, others look through the paper for holiday sales and specials, and others barter, haggle and harangue.


Me? I like clicking on the item that is priced for the least amount.

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In all honesty I price all my stuff with 9s IE 9,999,999 opposed to 10,000,000. Just habit from an old game where you get taxed X amount depending on how much you sell an item. For example you get taxed harder for anything over 10mil. So if I price at 9.9 I am still getting 10 mil, but taxed less. I don't believe this game has that system in place, but I've done that for so long I always just price with 9s. Old habits die hard.


Actually, that's real life. Taxes are why retailers sell stuff for 9.99, and not 10.00, because at 10.00 the tax rate is higher. To maximize profits without driving away your customers, price at the maximum your shoppers will pay - including the tax.

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Some of us clip coupons, others look through the paper for holiday sales and specials, and others barter, haggle and harangue.



I saw this and literally LOL..


You see my elderly father is this type. He downloaded a coupon for 25 cents off 2 cans of internationally known brand name soup. He also downloaded some kinda virus with that the coupon to saved 25 cents. Ended up costing almost $1,000 total between trying to get his PC repaired and then replaced. Ahhh, from soup to nuts, or in this thread, nuts (Op) to soup. LMAO

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