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Which Race(s) would you like to see added after Togruta?


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Once Togruta are released all my faves will be included...Chiss, Twi'lek being my other two.


But if I had to vote I would say Duros or Tradoshans, only reason I didn't say Nautolans is cuz it's what all the cool kids are saying. :D


oh...and FYI...Twi'leks and humans can't interbreed, if you listen to Vette she even says "or us adopting our own little hoard.".....but either way still had snoo-snoo. :cool:

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True. BTW you should be jumping up and down with joy. Rodians ain't doing that bad on the poll they are not number one but they're not last either. :D


Perhaps. I really have little good to say about the current race selection so perhaps better to say nothing.


Perhaps not.


All I can really say about it is that I wholly disagree with those that say to buy up all the species that they release to show support for more. I say withhold paying for anything except what you want. Don't go buying whatever crap they puke out for the slim off-handed chance of getting offered something you want later. They'll either get the message or they won't.

Edited by Bluerodian
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I didn't add them to the poll because I felt they have a conflict within the class stories that would disqualify them as an addable race.



Plus they're just boring and awful, and who the heck would want to play them? lol

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I actually wish Nautolans came before Togruta. Kind of surprised Togruta are coming out before them given that we already have a Togruta companion option in one class.


Regardless, anything to break up the monotony of the races we can play is a good thing imo.


I think support for nautolans and togruta was pretty even. Could have gone either way. Personally, I like them both. BT3 Nautolan males look intimidating as all get-out, man. I can definitely see myself rolling a mean darksided BT3 Nautolan if they ever get released.

Edited by Raphael_diSanto
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I think support for nautolans and togruta was pretty even. Could have gone either way. Personally, I like them both. BT3 Nautolan males look intimidating as all get-out, man. I can definitely see myself rolling a mean darksided BT3 Nautolan if they ever get released.


My nautolan of choice if they make them playable and they have a face tat like this.



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I love the way Nautolan females look and she looks bad[censored]!


She definately looks like a woman you wouldn't want to piss off. I love the skin tone, that face tat, and the dress is rather interesting as well. :D

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I'm not holding my breath for any new races to be added but it'd be nice if they could add/fix more options for the races we already have. The hairstyles from the Human Hairstyles pack taunting me whenever I open the appearance change window on my alien characters is getting old.
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Nautolan is still holding strong in the number one spot with 38 Votes

Kel Dor is still holding second place with 27 Votes

Bothan and Kaleesh are tied for third place with 17 Votes a piece

Rodian is holding fourth place with 14 Votes

Zeltran is sitting in fifth place with 12 Votes

Mon Calamari currently hold sixth place with 8 Votes

Farghul are holding seventh place with 6 Votes


Is it just me or is this sounding more like a race with cars? :p

Edited by Anaesha
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I'm intrigued that Zeltron are getting votes at all as a 'new species'.

They can just as well put a "Zeltron Skin Pack" for humans on the CM with some appropriate skin&hair colours, et voilà. :p

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I'm intrigued that Zeltron are getting votes at all as a 'new species'.

They can just as well put a "Zeltron Skin Pack" for humans on the CM with some appropriate skin&hair colours, et voilà. :p


Possibly but each race gets it's own unique racial skill just adding a skin pack might not be good enough for some.


I'm also surprised they got as many votes as they did, I was expecting them to be in last place tbh. :o

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the nautolan, simply because they are a decent race as well as simple looking.

kaleesh as a close 2nd however

kel dors seem unlikely to happen because they aren't humanoid enough, and i don't really care about the others enough to want them playable.

if it was on the poll i would wind up voting for the voss, simply because i like them:cool:

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Nautolans for me


For more "difficult" species, I've had this idea for a while; cross faction with neutral avatars. Basically, you would choose a second avatar that would replace yours when you join a cross faction occasion. It would open the door to less human species since there's no issue with romance and your class is very rarely mentioned in flash points. Only real issue is that certain species can't use the Force; they would need to craft new animations for those abilities and/or make species available on a class by class basis.

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And like I said "how this = a BW rule is beyond me."


Not really rules they're the criteria BW said they would be following to determine if a race would be made playable or not.

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I've played smuggler and I don't remember ever getting Cathar 101.


Then you skipped that side quest on Ord Mantell, or you did do it and didn't chose the right dialogue option to hear the response.


My nautolan of choice if they make them playable and they have a face tat like this.




I always liked the Kit Fisto concept art where he has face paint on. Hopefully Nautolans have some markings options like Twilkes do if they ever become a race.




I think support for nautolans and togruta was pretty even. Could have gone either way. Personally, I like them both. BT3 Nautolan males look intimidating as all get-out, man. I can definitely see myself rolling a mean darksided BT3 Nautolan if they ever get released.


While I like the BT3 body type, I personally don't really like what the face morph does when going between BT2 and BT3 for Nautolans.


Body Type 2 Nautolan - http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130308230642/starwars/images/a/a2/BengelMorr.jpg


Body Type 3 Nautolan - http://24.media.tumblr.com/10f01c509a90ed799022a32fc8261ce9/tumblr_mlxy3xXP6u1rqpqo3o2_1280.jpg


To me, BT3 just adds to many wrinkles and a weird roundness to the face. I'm hopeful that if they do ever add them as a species I have the option of choosing a face/head that looks more like BT2 on my BT3 character.

Edited by Darth-Obvious
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It's more likely that the races you want to see aren't actually doable within the game's limitations.


The only real limitation is how much work Bioware is willing to do. Technical limitations can always be overcome but there isn't much anyone can do about the "I don't wanna!" fault.

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