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So Bioware, about people bypassing the locked part on Ziost to fight the OP Boss etc.


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While I understand the comments about the intent behind certain actions, when the same action is required in one area and punishable in another... it blurs the lines a little too much for anyone to suggest it's a black and white or a simple right and wrong issue.



Now wait a minute, they have hidden things in hard to find places for us to explore and find... something is not right here. :confused:


Rationalization is a wonderful tool, isn't it?

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Stop the pretense going in there to loot a boss via GS summons is not exploring. Stop making excusing for them. They know what they did. Now BW is doing there part. Deal with it.


Did you even read the post I responded to? Hello, we aren't talking about defeating the boss and getting the loot. Its a very dangerous precedent to set if they punish people who did not kill the boss and get an item, and ONLY found a hidden area. That's my point. A new planet came out, there are a lot of players that enjoy exploring around and try finding hidden areas. Is that wrong of them in your PoV? Specifically, I am trying to find out if discovering of hidden areas/exploration is a violation of the rules and runs the risk of punishment so I can stop doing that.

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Rationalization is a wonderful tool, isn't it?


Should we not be looking for holocrons? Hell, when you have an achievement yet to be done, doesn't that indicate you have yet to find an area. Then using game mechanics to get to that area, you would think its not breaking any rules. Or at least, I would think not.


So basically, what I am getting here is players should stick to clearly marked paths, less they risk punishment for finding a hidden area the developers actually did not intend to be accessable. Nothing wrong with that picture?

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What is the difference between a hidden area and an area we are not meant to be in yet? The powers that be didn't make any announcement there were areas we are not allowed into yet. There are players out there that like to explore and find hidden areas, just look on youtube, its harmless fun. Hell, there are guilds devoted to this, just look on youtube. So basically, you better not try to climb that ledge, work your way down that cliff, jump around on those beams or you might find yourself in an area that the developers did not intend you to be in.


Now wait a minute, they have hidden things in hard to find places for us to explore and find... something is not right here. :confused:


Hidden area? Nice excuse, but it's just an excuse. Since PTS, that area has been closed off and even on PTS players were not allowed access. The forums have been buzzing about the final bit being closed off and the powers that be did make an announcement to confirm that the area was still closed.


You are trying to justify exploiting. There are no other areas locked in the manner this one was. There are no other "hidden spots" anywhere. Sure, you can jump around on rocks and maybe get to a zone via a path not really intended, but it isn't "hidden" since you can get to it in other, easier ways.


Anyone with two brain cells to rub together knows the difference between exploring and circumventing a block into an area.

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Should we not be looking for holocrons?

"I'm 'exploring' and 'looking for datacrons.' ;) My word, I just made it into an area that is not part of the current game play map. But since I was able to make it in here, anything I do is by definition legit."


Rationalization is a wonderful tool, isn't it?

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Hidden area? Nice excuse, but it's just an excuse. Since PTS, that area has been closed off and even on PTS players were not allowed access. The forums have been buzzing about the final bit being closed off and the powers that be did make an announcement to confirm that the area was still closed.


You are trying to justify exploiting. There are no other areas locked in the manner this one was. There are no other "hidden spots" anywhere. Sure, you can jump around on rocks and maybe get to a zone via a path not really intended, but it isn't "hidden" since you can get to it in other, easier ways.


Anyone with two brain cells to rub together knows the difference between exploring and circumventing a block into an area.


They announced AFTER THE FACT. Even then the announcement amounted to a post in this thread, not really an alert to everyone.

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LOL Exploit?


You crack me up bioware, you don't penalise chess players for outsmarting their opponets. neither should you penalise players for exploring the game and finding stuff out. even if its on purpose. you made the game, you made the rules. so if we find something neat about it. why should we suffer. hire better people.


Nuff said.


Of course it was an exploit. You found a way around the gate...grats! Now get the hell out and wait in line like everyone else. They put up a wall...that's all they needed to do. You should suffer because you bypassed a very obvious GATE that blocked off the content.


And SWTOR isn't chess...but, using your own analogy, what you did was take your Rook and bypassed every rule to capture the King. Games have rules you need to follow, and just because you CAN move your Rook anywhere you want, doesn't mean it's allowed under the games rules. The gate was there for a reason, you bypassed it.

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"I'm 'exploring' and 'looking for datacrons.' ;) My word, I just made it into an area that is not part of the current game play map. But since I was able to make it in here, anything I do is by definition legit."


Rationalization is a wonderful tool, isn't it?


So no, I shouldn't because I run the risk, going out of the way to find them, of ending up in an unintended area. Sorry my rationalization is broken. thanks for the help.

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Obviuosly fault is on bioware but no... Smash the ants... Fuken morons.

They put up a freaking GATE! A gate you bypassed to get in!!! It's OBVIOUSLY the ants fault.


I'm not saying they couldn't do more in the future, but they didn't this time, yet it was obvious to me and the multiple players I was with that the gate was there for a reason.


It's not Bioware's job to teach you common sense.

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They put up a freaking GATE! A gate you bypassed to get in!!! It's OBVIOUSLY the ants fault.


I'm not saying they couldn't do more in the future, but they didn't this time, yet it was obvious to me and the multiple players I was with that the gate was there for a reason.


It's not Bioware's job to teach you common sense.


so far any post by the power that be have stated getting into the area AND killing/looting the boss. People claiming just getting into an area is punishable, well there's a problem with that. Exploration is a big part of the game to many players. Its harmless fun. Now once you get into an area and you find you now have some advantage over others, you should report it. At that point, according to their code of conduct, you are breaking the rules, but not before then, unless there is some advantage gained by those who found a way in that is escaping me.


People are hung up on the guys who actually looted 204 mainhands, who actually did gain an unfair advantage over others, which I agree is wrong. They should have reported it and discarded the item. It would be pretty bad if BW/EA punished those that explored a hidden area. Personally, idk how obvious any gate was blocking of this particular area. Once I finished the last part, I used the teleport, ran into the same roadblock on the space station and searched the forums to find out the quest was over until may 4th. Im not making these arguments because I want to excuse any action on my part, I am genuinely concerned about future exploration. I never considered such things would risk me getting punished. Considering the rules of conduct and the developers posts regarding this, its not punishable if you only got into the area.

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It's good that BW took action against the exploiters. Those people were deliberately and actively looking for a way for get into content that hasn't been released. They knew exactly that they weren't supposed to go there, but they still did and now whine about getting punished for it. Now saying that it's BW's fault because there was an unintended loophole is the same dumb logic and argumentation as when cheaters say their cheats are not unfair because everybody has the option to use them.


And since exploiters like it so much to have things that others can't have, my suggestion is to hit them right there. Make the next promotion rewards extremely nice and desirable, but exclude the Ravagers and Ziost exploiters from getting them. So everybody will have something really nice that the exploiters can't have. Payback time!

Edited by Rithoma
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so far any post by the power that be have stated getting into the area AND killing/looting the boss. People claiming just getting into an area is punishable, well there's a problem with that. Exploration is a big part of the game to many players. Its harmless fun. Now once you get into an area and you find you now have some advantage over others, you should report it. At that point, according to their code of conduct, you are breaking the rules, but not before then, unless there is some advantage gained by those who found a way in that is escaping me.


People are hung up on the guys who actually looted 204 mainhands, who actually did gain an unfair advantage over others, which I agree is wrong. They should have reported it and discarded the item. It would be pretty bad if BW/EA punished those that explored a hidden area. Personally, idk how obvious any gate was blocking of this particular area. Once I finished the last part, I used the teleport, ran into the same roadblock on the space station and searched the forums to find out the quest was over until may 4th. Im not making these arguments because I want to excuse any action on my part, I am genuinely concerned about future exploration. I never considered such things would risk me getting punished. Considering the rules of conduct and the developers posts regarding this, its not punishable if you only got into the area.

I understand your point...and it is a grey area...I don't know what to tell you. I think you're right though, it needs to be taken into consideration.

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i cant believe this happened again


-bw can't release tested content

-a bunch of angry people online trying to chase witches for things that dont impact them at all out of righteous indignation



Edited by Pagy
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i cant believe this happened again


-bw can't release tested content

-a bunch of angry people online trying to chase witches for things that dont impact them at all out of righteous indignation




Some may be chasing witches, but the majority of people calling for action are in the right to do so. BW said it is an exploit and their actions seem 100% fair and taken in a timely manner.


And rumor from the thread is that it was tested. It was fixed. A new exploit was found. The live exploit is being treated as such.


All things considered, Bioware has handled this one right.

Edited by azudelphi
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You crack me up bioware, you don't penalise chess players for outsmarting their opponets.


Wait!? Isn't that the point? Outsmart your opponent in chess. I always thought that was the point.


Btw, if any game has strict rules it's chess.

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Some may be chasing witches, but the majority of people calling for action are in the right to do so. BW said it is an exploit and their actions seem 100% fair and taken in a timely manner.


And rumor from the thread is that it was tested. It was fixed. A new exploit was found. The live exploit is being treated as such.


All things considered, Bioware has handled this one right.

there are laws against jaywalking?


do you know what i'm not doing right now?

staring out my window trying to take pictures of jaywalkers because i have nothing better to do with my time and energy

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Action on those who do it after it was labelled an exploit, completely reasonable. Action on those before it was labelled an exploit, particularly given what some have said about joining a group on the fleet for "a new op" and being ported in, not reasonable.
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What would you do, execute them? It's a very reasonable action.


I would use my old suggestion from UO.


Cage them on fleet, let the player base mock and ridicule them.


The length of time in the cage would be similar to the suspension except it has to be served in-game.


In other words the players toon is stuck in the cage for 48 hours of in game time. If they only log in one hour a day, then that will take them 48 days.

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I would use my old suggestion from UO.


Cage them on fleet, let the player base mock and ridicule them.


The length of time in the cage would be similar to the suspension except it has to be served in-game.


In other words the players toon is stuck in the cage for 48 hours of in game time. If they only log in one hour a day, then that will take them 48 days.


I like MOST of that idea...not the whole 48 hour thing though...we gotta be reasonable. There are several of my toons that are level 60 (or close) that haven't even been played that long.

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Action on those who do it after it was labelled an exploit, completely reasonable. Action on those before it was labelled an exploit, particularly given what some have said about joining a group on the fleet for "a new op" and being ported in, not reasonable.


Ignorance is no excuse!!! Off with their heads!!! err...hands I mean...main hands....main hand weapon.

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"I'm 'exploring' and 'looking for datacrons.' ;) My word, I just made it into an area that is not part of the current game play map. But since I was able to make it in here, anything I do is by definition legit."


Rationalization is a wonderful tool, isn't it?


You mean like the area on battle of Ilum of that isn't on map, but needs to be entered to get the necessary things to do bonus boss?

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I would use my old suggestion from UO.


Cage them on fleet, let the player base mock and ridicule them.


The length of time in the cage would be similar to the suspension except it has to be served in-game.


In other words the players toon is stuck in the cage for 48 hours of in game time. If they only log in one hour a day, then that will take them 48 days.


If we could shoot Lightning at them my Sorcerer would love it.

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