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12x exp


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Does anyone know when 12x class story experience will start and end?


May 4th is when it's supposed to start last I heard as for when it ends who knows.


Edit: I'm hoping it lasts through the release of the new race at the very least myself.

Edited by Anaesha
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may 4th until end of fall so still have alot of time


Not quite...


It just states "until fall".


Might be until end of fall or until beginning of fall.


Fall starts on september 23rd and ends in december sometime... (I think, don't remember exactly when it ends), so at the very least, we'll have 5 months of 12xp

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I love the 12x xp boost but till fall... I find that as a epic fail and the loss of getting into any 10-55 Flashpoints and Tacs since everyone is doing the Story XP boost Flashpoints are going to be empty and barely used... they should of made flashpoints and Tacs as part of the story so they aren't empty!! I was expecting the boost to last like a week that's awesome amount of time now its till fall! People say good bye to fp ques and tacs since the Story XP boost doesn't work in them! :(
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I love the 12x xp boost but till fall... I find that as a epic fail and the loss of getting into any 10-55 Flashpoints and Tacs since everyone is doing the Story XP boost Flashpoints are going to be empty and barely used... they should of made flashpoints and Tacs as part of the story so they aren't empty!! I was expecting the boost to last like a week that's awesome amount of time now its till fall! People say good bye to fp ques and tacs since the Story XP boost doesn't work in them! :(


Yes excactly. PVP leveling will still somewhat survive from this, but PVE, will pretty much die off. And its sad. I think they said they are increasing the class story basic comm rewards to 8. What they should have done, was to decrease it to 0, and increase the rewards given from flashpoints and heroics. That way you would need to support you character via gtn, crafting or doing flashpoint or heroics. At least that way leveling grouping might somewhat survive. I like class stories, but I just like them. They are not end all and b all to me. Im not a fan of this at all.

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Yes excactly. PVP leveling will still somewhat survive from this, but PVE, will pretty much die off. And its sad. I think they said they are increasing the class story basic comm rewards to 8. What they should have done, was to decrease it to 0, and increase the rewards given from flashpoints and heroics. That way you would need to support you character via gtn, crafting or doing flashpoint or heroics. At least that way leveling grouping might somewhat survive. I like class stories, but I just like them. They are not end all and b all to me. Im not a fan of this at all.


No it won't. It just means I'll start doing it again. I won't have to grind through capturing King Ulgo another half-dozen times, or deal with those stupid Killicks again. Instead, I can level my character and do the class stories at a reasonable rate. I'm a BIG fan and I like it a lot. And if someone doesn't like it, they can turn it off for themselves.


It's win/win for me. I couldn't care less about flashpoints. And I'm not going to bother to level anyone until next week.

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A win/win for you ... an me (with my 15th toon) ... but not for a newbie that starts the game


Yes no a "lot of people" just want to play endgame. I have friends that want to play but leveling up a toon from 1 to 60 turns them off. So this will help granted the level grind from 1 to 60 is not bad but still a turn off.


PS for the reading challenged I did not say ALL I said A LOT..

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Finally our screams have been heard. Love idea! Well done! I cannot wait for the boost, love the game but I can't bring myself to grinding it again after doing each side twice! This way I can finally max level the rest of the classes, and maybe even make a toon or two on other servers :) happppyyyyyy!!!!! Please Please Please, make this a permanent function!!!!!!! ^_^
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The thing is, experienced players will not want to tell newbies how to do operations, which will deter a lot of experienced players from playing the game.


The main reason why BW and EA are doing this is to get back old players, have lots of new players come, and from this, they will make a **** TON of money.

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But don't get me wrong, I love leveling super fast, I can't take the side quests any more, especially since I have done each of them 3 times on either side. Also, I feel BW and EA have lost sight of pubs vs. imps. Rise of the Hutt Cartel had nothing to do with imp vs. pub, and with SoR, they team up. Like ***!!!
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They should have tied it to a legacy level. Probably around 30-40 which is one toon with a decent experience about the game.


Na if people can't comprehend what skill to push then.... Does not need to be gated behind legacy 30 to 40 only thing midly hard in this game to learn is tank aggro other then that it's a standard MMO play wack a mole with health bar for heals and dps don't stand in stupid

Edited by Curbhunter
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Loving it! I'll get to level alts & do ONLY the class missions, planetary stories, & FP's I enjoy. And it's till fall at least, so I've got plenty of time. :D Now I'll roll on a few other servers, see what life is like there. I might even roll some toons on a PvP server just for kicks lol (possible...but not likely ;) )


Life with 12XP is gonna be

! :cool:
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Let's put away the doom and gloom here guys.


FP's won't be more empty than they are now, because despite the 12x xp, there will still be people playing the FP's for the story or the loot.

Ops won't change much either... some of you say that "vets" won't play because they don't want to teach "noobs" how to do ops, but that's what they're doing right now anyway... it's not like it's only "vets" playing ops.

People will play Ops for the exact same reason they do now, to get the loot and comms.

And there will be no more "noobs" than there are now since the vast majority of the people taking advantage of this 12x boost are old players who just want to roll some new classes. They're not noobs, they're just playing a new class.

Sure, some of them might not be 100% on top of the way to play the class, but then they wouldn't be even if they played without the boost.



So stop playing the "nobody will play FP's and Ops" card, because it's completely false.


Heroics, however, are a different matter.

They're pretty much dead right now, so the 12x boost won't reinvigerate them... but then that's more a case of "same old same old" so you can't blame the 12x for that.

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:eek:why is it until fall!?!?:eek:

one month of 12x would be great for people to get soem more lvl 60s, but 5 months is just rediculous and will completely break the pve concept of the game whle lvling. personally i'm ver yexcited for 12x, as i can cap a lot more characters but 5 months is far too much. please make 12x only last about a month or so :D

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One of the major reasons I quit, was because of how bogged down, repetitive, and boring leveling became in the 40s+. This change has brought me back to resub. I'm sure a lot of people feel that way, and I'm sure that was a big part of the motivation to implement this.


This allows me to play through *all* of the class stories, which are far and away the best thing about the game. At the very least it will keep me subbed for a few months, which is better off than what they had from me, which was the game being uninstalled.


This game has been limping along for a long time, I applaud them for doing something meaningful enough to actually entice people to come back.

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Yes excactly. PVP leveling will still somewhat survive from this, but PVE, will pretty much die off. And its sad. I think they said they are increasing the class story basic comm rewards to 8. What they should have done, was to decrease it to 0, and increase the rewards given from flashpoints and heroics. That way you would need to support you character via gtn, crafting or doing flashpoint or heroics. At least that way leveling grouping might somewhat survive. I like class stories, but I just like them. They are not end all and b all to me. Im not a fan of this at all.


Agreed this will be a huge pve killer a good exacmple is world of warcraft.

They made pve to easy every idiot can have all classes on max level within few days nowadays without putting any real effort in to it. Leading up to having a load of un-experienced people forming poor progressing pugs for end-game contents they can not clear, eventually nagigng the devs to nerf it by adding features such as a looking for OPS tool or flex groups destroying all challenge within the game.

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