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Imperial Agent's Got the Moves Like Jagger!


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OK, so I published this video just after the Thanksgiving beta ended, with this video incorporating footage I recorded while playing over the weekend. If you ever had a question of whether the Imperial Agent has all the fun, your question is about to be answered!




Friendly comments on subject and relative to the video are always welcome, however, due to the flaming and spam of a certain guild during the last iteration of this topic before the forum wipe, any posts that are off topic and linking to any other videos or guild websites will be reported to the moderators. This video was produced for your enjoyment, so please keep posts relative to this video and post your own clips in your own thread. Thanks!

Edited by SmokeGSU
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Yeah, the disclaimer really is necessary. If I had the previous forums to link to, I could show you exactly why that disclaimer is necessary. In the last topic before the forum wipe and everything, I had members from some off the wall guild come to the topic with the explicit purpose of posting negatively about my video while also posting a link to their own guild's personal dance video and recruitment page. 6..... pages..... of that crap. Aside from that, they flooded the actual Youtube comments with the same thing and even went as far as to post some really nasty comments on some of my other personal Youtube videos. It got so bad I had to remove voting and add comment moderation. It was just really stupid and childish for absolutely no reason at all.


So to sum it up, it is definitely necessary for me to post that disclaimer. If I hadn't of (after 3 days) notified BW's moderators of what was happening, it would have continued without their knowledge because it seems they monitor every other topic except the one that probably needed it most.

Edited by SmokeGSU
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It's amazing how sometimes the mistakes you make when doing movies like this can lead to some of the best footage :)


I mentioned in the pre-wipe topic that when using Fraps, there was a time when I unknowingly became mixed up with my recording on/off. So half of my clips I set up, I thought I had started recording when I had actually just stopped recording. Using Fraps, where you don't have an overlay that says "recording on/off" or whatever, it can be confusing about when you're recording and when you aren't if you happen to get distracted. You think "did I just push the button to START recording or to END recording?" I went back through my clips afterwards to find that half of them were me just running around to different places in order to set up certain shot.


The scene with the robot turning to face me was one of those shots. Originally, the idea was to "dance with the robot". Its spinning around gives the impression of dance while I'm dancing with it, ya know? It didn't turn out that way though because of what I mentioned before with recording getting backwards. In any event, I think it turned out more funny this way and I wouldn't change it if I could :)


The choreographed dance with the Twilek was kind of one of those moments - just right place, right time to get the sync down. And the final scene after the credits was just a random person dying in the background while I was getting some "stock footage". I thought it was too hilarious to not include :)


Glad you all have enjoyed the video! I'm going to put together another one soonish!

Edited by SmokeGSU
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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Love your video! makes me smile everytime! While looking around I also found this one out there...might be old but kind of fits the theme :)



Yeah I've seen that video before, it's freaking hilarious! One of the best parodies I've seen in a long time for sure :)


Thanks for all the video love guys!

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OK, so I published this video just after the Thanksgiving beta ended, with this video incorporating footage I recorded while playing over the weekend. If you ever had a question of whether the Imperial Agent has all the fun, your question is about to be answered!



Friendly comments on subject and relative to the video are always welcome, however, due to the flaming and spam of a certain guild during the last iteration of this topic before the forum wipe, any posts that are off topic and linking to any other videos or guild websites will be reported to the moderators. This video was produced for your enjoyment, so please keep posts relative to this video and post your own clips in your own thread. Thanks!

Ah, the usual problem when I follow forum links to self-made youtube videos...


Dieses Video ist in Deutschland leider nicht verfügbar, da es möglicherweise Musik enthält, für die die erforderlichen Musikrechte von der GEMA nicht eingeräumt wurden.

Das tut uns leid.



:( I suppose it's the music you picked. The GEMA is like all of us Germans - no sense of humor.


Mustrum Ridcully

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Ah, the usual problem when I follow forum links to self-made youtube videos...




:( I suppose it's the music you picked. The GEMA is like all of us Germans - no sense of humor.


Mustrum Ridcully


I'm sorry about that :(. That's the problem with copywrite laws these days - it's difficult to use commercial music for non-profit purposes (like machima) on YouTube and not have it blocked.

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