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So... xferred here but haven't seen a pub PVP guild yet.


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You came here for pub pvp?! You poor bastard...


Unless you do progression ops, guild affiliation is kinda meaningless on this server. Just remember names of people you've seen do well and invite or ask if they have room in a group. If you play well enough someone will notice. The one elite guild on this server doesn't openly recruit far as I know. (Or maybe I just suck, lol...)


TLDR: Just try to make friends.

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Not really true PvP guilds in the sense of only PVP but here are some guilds that do well on pub side PVP wise in my experience:

Working as Intended

Knights of Havoc



stim addicts (not sure if they still play)


Also welcome aboard!

Edited by FerkWork
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stim addicts definitely plays, and they're the main guild I tell people about when they ask on fleet. Hellbent is basically PvE. spaceballstheguild -- are they PvP? I see them and they're not terrible. I think the Intergalactic Banking Clan is PvP, though they have wildly varying skill levels.


Other guilds you'd want to be in don't, as far as I know, take people off the street. Basically, people will play with you, see that you're good, and start talking guild stuff.

Edited by flem
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Thanks for the info. The IMP guilds really dominate here and the pubs are struggling bad. A decent sized Pub pvp guild would do really well here given all the good IMP competition. I was hopeful that a solid pub guild would pop up but I had a few Pub v Pub matches with some mentioned in this thread and I didn't see the talent.


Ugh, Bioware, now have to pay to xfer back to a dead server.

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Thanks for the info. The IMP guilds really dominate here and the pubs are struggling bad. A decent sized Pub pvp guild would do really well here given all the good IMP competition. I was hopeful that a solid pub guild would pop up but I had a few Pub v Pub matches with some mentioned in this thread and I didn't see the talent.


Ugh, Bioware, now have to pay to xfer back to a dead server.


Honestly the guilds mentioned above, most of the players in them all have Imp toons as well and most spend their time Imp side. So it honestly just depends on whos queuing and what side they are queuing on. When core pvpers are queuing from Working as Intended, Knights of Havoc, stim Addicts, and a few other guilds, then it can be pretty fun. But for instance, WAI has so many players in their guild, that you cant really predict whether ppl from their guild are good at pvp unless you have been around for a while bc they have skill levels all over the place in that guild. Also, LD-fifty is somewhat active pub side and their pub guild is <Lethal Dose Fifty>.

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Thanks for the info. The IMP guilds really dominate here and the pubs are struggling bad.
Actually what happened yesterday was that the better pubs roflstomped imps all afternoon, then didn't q much or switched to imp alts.


Anyway, door, butt, way out, etc.

Edited by flem
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I do kind of wish pubs were more active as I'm getting bored playing imp all the time =/. pot5 is dead so I moved back here since my cousin said the server is well populated still. Course when I left like two years ago the server was heavily dominated by pubs. Strange seeing it the other way around now. Maybe I'll pick up raiding? lol
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  • 3 weeks later...
Just did a night of regs. Saw lots of 1k expertise folks and all that.


Is there a handy list of solid pub side pvp guilds?




Pubs get steam rolled in PvP on Jedi Convenant. My suggestion is to re-roll imp side. A lot of PvP and Pve/PVP guilds on the IMP side.


Orchestrated Chaos, LD-50 , Unicorn Stampede, Symphony of the Forsaken and AV ( An Vod'ika ) off the top of my head.

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Pubs get steam rolled in PvP on Jedi Convenant. My suggestion is to re-roll imp side. A lot of PvP and Pve/PVP guilds on the IMP side.


Orchestrated Chaos, LD-50 , Unicorn Stampede, Symphony of the Forsaken and AV ( An Vod'ika ) off the top of my head.




But yeah regs lean towards imp side most of the time. Imo it's because more imps queue groups, and know how to play, than pubs.

Edited by Jojomagro
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Contrary to the theme of this thread JC has the 2nd highest Ranked PvP population of all the US servers (according to TORCommunity.com), so someone xfering here for a better shot at PvP is understandable. That being said, I'm really sorry to say that PvP is still really light.

If you are playing this game solely for PvP I would suggest a PvP server like Bastion. They probably have at least a little more PvP happening than we do. There are some good Pub PvPers around, so don't give up hope.

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Pubs get steam rolled in PvP on Jedi Convenant. My suggestion is to re-roll imp side. A lot of PvP and Pve/PVP guilds on the IMP side.


Orchestrated Chaos, LD-50 , Unicorn Stampede, Symphony of the Forsaken and AV ( An Vod'ika ) off the top of my head.


Wut? Pubs have good teams. Knights of Havoc, Crimson Sky, Stim Addicts, Working as Intended...


Unicorns I believe doesn't run anymore, and besides LD 50, I have never seen those Imp teams in queue unless it's regs we are talking about

Edited by FerkWork
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Unicorn Stampede, Symphony of the Forsaken and AV ( An Vod'ika ) off the top of my head.


Huh? I've been called a regstar by every salty imp player in existence on this server and I have never seen Symphony of the Forsaken and AV ( An Vod'ika ) in regs or ranked ever. Or if I have, those players must have been complete nonfactors and therefore never show up on my radar. US has been dead since ages ago.


In any case, Imp side still has the advantage. Only a very specific selection of players from WAI and a tiny handful of assorted other pub players can compete with LD50 and Resurgum which generally possess the strongest pvpers on this server. Add to the fact that the average pug on imp side > average pug on pub side = uphill battle for pubs. Advantage for imps yes, but not totally lopsided or dominant as some would leave you to believe.

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Huh? I've been called a regstar by every salty imp player in existence on this server and I have never seen Symphony of the Forsaken and AV ( An Vod'ika ) in regs or ranked ever. Or if I have, those players must have been complete nonfactors and therefore never show up on my radar. US has been dead since ages ago.


In any case, Imp side still has the advantage. Only a very specific selection of players from WAI and a tiny handful of assorted other pub players can compete with LD50 and Resurgum which generally possess the strongest pvpers on this server. Add to the fact that the average pug on imp side > average pug on pub side = uphill battle for pubs. Advantage for imps yes, but not totally lopsided or dominant as some would leave you to believe.


Was just thinking the same lol. Who exactly is Symphony of the Forsaken?

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those players must have been complete nonfactors and therefore never show up on my radar. US has been dead since ages ago.


In any case, Imp side still has the advantage. Only a very specific selection of players from WAI and a tiny handful of assorted other pub players can compete with LD50 and Resurgum which generally possess the strongest pvpers on this server. Add to the fact that the average pug on imp side > average pug on pub side = uphill battle for pubs. Advantage for imps yes, but not totally lopsided or dominant as some would leave you to believe.


the lists I've seen here don't match up well with my experience at all. Unicorn Stampede? really? what is this, 2013? there's like 1 player with that tag I see maybe once or twice a week. I saw one person from the AV today. only person I've ever seen, and the name looked familiar. really, though, one person.


as for that pub list...someone besides wise queues from crimson sky? because it's not noticeable. definitely not a guild that belongs in a pvp roundup. reminded me of someone saying spaceballstheguild was pvp in another thread because they have like 3 ppl who sometimes pvp.


for pub, it looks like a lot of the LD guys went RP in the gravy brigade.


pub side really is pretty sad. when danbert queues, he tanks like a boss. sometimes you'll get a few uncensored guys on pub toons and the occasional kind of a big deal grp (I think that's resurgem??). but yeah. lol good luck pub.

Edited by foxmob
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My pt just hit 60 earlier this week. Every legacy slot is full DR, just need to get Dr for ear implants and relics :D


:rak_03: I moved my main pt to Harb but I finished leveling another one earlier this week as well. I only have tank gear for this one, but we can make it work

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Look back far enough and there was a "RIP pub pvp" thread posted here like back in 2012/2013. the recent weeks on pub side for pvp has made me want to necro the hell out of that thread XD. I'm only speaking about regs of course, as I haven't done match ranked the past couple seasons to know firsthand how good/bad it was for pubs Edited by UrbanSaint
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Look back far enough and there was a "RIP pub pvp" thread posted here like back in 2012/2013. the recent weeks on pub side for pvp has made me want to necro the hell out of that thread XD. I'm only speaking about regs of course, as I haven't done match ranked the past couple seasons to know firsthand how good/bad it was for pubs
Dude, you just won two ranked matches with us the other day... :p


My PT is in the middle of a long 1x slog, but if y'all want to troll with 4 VG tanks on Pub side, I'm game.

Edited by flem
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pub side really is pretty sad. when danbert queues, he tanks like a boss. sometimes you'll get a few uncensored guys on pub toons and the occasional kind of a big deal grp (I think that's resurgem??). but yeah. lol good luck pub.


Danbert needs to start a new guild to wake the sleeping pub giant like Vps did with postmortem a few years back

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Danbert needs to start a new guild to wake the sleeping pub giant like Vps did with postmortem a few years back


Pub side has great players fragmented over various guilds. Forming something like that would be virtually impossible considering that the personnel does not really exist anyway.

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