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Not doing to well in Starfighter


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I have not been doing very well in starfighter and I want to contribute more in the fights. Although I am not feeding and usually in the lower end of the deaths section I also get very few kills if any. I seem to do a lot better on the objective based maps then the kill based ones. I have found a ship I like the Flashfire but have no clue how to customize it to give me a better shot at being more productive. A few things I have noticed about my gameplay:


1. I have a rough time getting close enough to run someone down for a kill.


2. I need faster missile locking. The flashfire seems to be a lot faster at this then the other ship I was using but a little faster would help a lot as I do not seem to be steady enough yet to actively follow someone with unfailing accuracy.


3. My maneuvering seems ok I tend to escape well 70% of the time and a lot of people tend to crash trying to chase me down.


Just a few things I have noticed but I am definitly not good at the starfighter part of this game at all so suggestions would be nice.

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Some good recent threads that address some of the points you mention.


My thread on the order a new player should buy ships and upgrade components: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=804200


How do people get so many kills: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=806136


Encouragement to new or discouraged players and how to approach the game: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=807015


Which servers should you consider for GSF: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=803505



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The other posts address what you should do. Do those things.


I will answer your questions a bit though.


1. I have a rough time getting close enough to run someone down for a kill.


You need to manage your "breath"- your engine bar. Are you in "power to engines" (default F3) when chasing? If you see someone far out, check your purple immediately. You may need to boost to a rock to hide and get your bar back, or otherwise ensure that when you close to melee, you still have enough engine to matter. You don't want to start your hard burn super far out, because when you arrive the enemy will have full engine, and you, none. This means that if your initial burst doesn't down him, he'll simply fly away.


2. I need faster missile locking. The flashfire seems to be a lot faster at this then the other ship I was using but a little faster would help a lot as I do not seem to be steady enough yet to actively follow someone with unfailing accuracy.


Cluster missiles lock the fastest and are generally a good missile for this. The flashfire has these as an option. They are available on other ships as well, but stick with the flashfire. The first upgrade decreases lock time slightly. You will also be helped by choosing an offensive companion with the "extra arc" in this case- the arc will be bigger, so you'll often have a little bit of extra time to get the lock off. As Republic, your companion for this is Qyzen Fess. If you want the extra missiles instead, use Kira Carsen. Do not ever select an offensive companion without the "accuracy" talent.


3. My maneuvering seems ok I tend to escape well 70% of the time and a lot of people tend to crash trying to chase me down.


You can cut corners tightly be toggling throttle to "decelerate" (check your button maps), and do even fancier stuff by toggling it off for just a moment ("toggle throttle" in button map) and then immediately using either boost, "accelerate" or "decelerate". If your speed drops too low, your turning will suffer. Consider switching to F2 or F1 when making very sharp turns as well, as this offers a small decrease in speed.


Remember that your opponent needs to have a line to shoot you or lock a missile, so if you are low on breath or cooldowns, you can break line of sight with your most fervent pursuers to get these valuable resources back- remembering that your opponent will likely be as well.




Good luck.

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for you #2 if using locking missles you should have HK or Corso or ??? (i forget the Imp side version of corso) at offensive.

anyway you want reduced lock on time and improved kill zone. this will help you lock on easier and faster.

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for you #2 if using locking missles you should have HK or Corso or ??? (i forget the Imp side version of corso) at offensive.

anyway you want reduced lock on time and improved kill zone. this will help you lock on easier and faster.


There is rapid reload, which reduces the cooldown between launching missiles, but it does not reduce the lock on time. If it reduced the lock on time, then all of the offensive crew passives would be worth considering. Rapid reload is not worth it in essentially every competitive build.

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Some gunship pilots use rapid reload, because the return on extra arc is marginal. I use extra arc, personally, but I know some don't feel that way.



Rapid reload is definitely not for missiles, doesn't work for mines or pods. Clearing the railshot icon slightly faster is its best use, and it is still a weak one.

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Some gunship pilots use rapid reload, because the return on extra arc is marginal. I use extra arc, personally, but I know some don't feel that way.



Rapid reload is definitely not for missiles, doesn't work for mines or pods. Clearing the railshot icon slightly faster is its best use, and it is still a weak one.


Why would one not use the wider arcs?? Wider arcs are amazing with BLC and missiles....

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with any missile, rapid reload is going to let you get them off faster. and firing arc will make locking on easier. this is to help a new player get more dmg done per match and hopefully add to their kill count. with that in mind one of the first upgrades you want to make on a missile ship is the reduced lock on time (usually the 1st or 2nd tier). that along with the crew change i mentioned above should make your missiles much more effective.
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One thing you might consider is opting for rocket pods on a scout instead of missiles. I alternate between both, but much prefer pods because they are more of a point and click shot. The way my brain apparently processes information tying both primary and secondary weapons to a singular targeting reticle simply makes me more effective.
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with any missile, rapid reload is going to let you get them off faster. and firing arc will make locking on easier. this is to help a new player get more dmg done per match and hopefully add to their kill count. with that in mind one of the first upgrades you want to make on a missile ship is the reduced lock on time (usually the 1st or 2nd tier). that along with the crew change i mentioned above should make your missiles much more effective.


Rapid Reload doesnt help get missiles off faster, it helps them get off "more often" and not a GOOD "more often" either. Especially for Clusters. Cluster Reload times is 3 seconds. the Amount of time a Engine Manuever will prevent some one else locking on to you is 3 seconds. Reducing the Reload times of Clusters is largely completely useless.


Lock on time reduction is always good though.

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Why would one not use the wider arcs?? Wider arcs are amazing with BLC and missiles....


Wider arcs are good with BLC, and very good with missiles. It helps with railgun too, but not a lot. I would assume the pilots that run rapid reload on their gunships are not using their BLCs much and don't have missiles, but do want to charge shots a little more often.

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Wider arcs are good with BLC, and very good with missiles. It helps with railgun too, but not a lot. I would assume the pilots that run rapid reload on their gunships are not using their BLCs much and don't have missiles, but do want to charge shots a little more often.


So they are running a Dustmaker with Plasma and Slug??? Pretty much a non issue.

Except that specific build, every other gunship will have BLC and/or missiles. And a gunship not using his BLC and not fighting if he has the advantage is neutering himself. BLC are powerful enough to ensure victory over anything but bombers and scouts in a dogfight.

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Although I am not feeding and usually in the lower end of the deaths section I also get very few kills if any.


If someone is better than you, then he or she will just look out for enemy fighters with low health, and kill that.

It's described in "How doi people get so many kills ?" : Just wait until you see one with low health - and finish that one off, no matter how much efford another own team member had been putting in into getting this enemy fighters' health down. This anti-social behaviour ensures a lot of more kills, and less efford to get a kill.

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If someone is better than you, then he or she will just look out for enemy fighters with low health, and kill that.

It's described in "How doi people get so many kills ?" : Just wait until you see one with low health - and finish that one off, no matter how much efford another own team member had been putting in into getting this enemy fighters' health down. This anti-social behaviour ensures a lot of more kills, and less efford to get a kill.


Do you really think people are tabbing through all enemies just to see who has the lowest hitpoints and then specifically go for only this one enemy?


Do you have the top damage at the end of every game? If not, you may not have put as much "effort" in as you think.

And if you have "put so much effort" into killing a specific enemy (meaning you fought with him for an extended period of time) but you still can't kill him, it's totally possible you may not have been able to kill him even if you had a minute more time.

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If someone is better than you, then he or she will just look out for enemy fighters with low health, and kill that.

It's described in "How doi people get so many kills ?" : Just wait until you see one with low health - and finish that one off, no matter how much efford another own team member had been putting in into getting this enemy fighters' health down. This anti-social behaviour ensures a lot of more kills, and less efford to get a kill.

First of all, since when is GSF a 'social' game? It is a team-based PvP game, and unquestionably the best way to help your team is to find something with low health and kill it. There is no 'kill-stealing' in GSF because there is nothing to be stolen. Kills and assists are weighted equally when awarding requisition points, which is the only measurable reward with any real in-game meaning. If you are spending great amounts of time zooming around trying to kill one guy, you're not contributing to your team. Kills come from experience, with knowing how to effectively apply damage, and a little luck. You're doing nobody any favors if you're chasing down individual targets. What you are describing is an anti-team approach, not a social one.


You should absolutely be looking for the enemies with the lowest health that are closest to you, and kill them off, if you are playing a role suited to offense and want to help your team win.


- Despon

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