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Lack of respect for healers in MVP voting?


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It's because people vote for their crappy friends. You can be unguarded all game and out-heal the guarded premade healer 3 to 1 and they'll still vote for that other guy.


As a healer I'm voting for tanks followed by objective score (unless the obj scores comes from stupid trades).

Edited by MidichIorian
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I will ask a question in return friend... Does 1 commendation really matter that much to you?


Good job you are playing the game like you are supposed to. You shouldn't NEED to be rewarded for doing what you are supposed to.

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voting depend on what the leader board say. for me i would vote

- healers if they give good healing , not dps that can self heal even top heals still wont get my votes

- killing blows or solo kills , i would votes this more than higher dps numbers

- protection numbers

- objectives point --- i would votes for people guarding nodes ( even they dont get high dps etc) , or people that actually scores the huttball


this is my main voting if i play solo, if i play with gildies i vote for gildies and friends

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I would get it buried deep inside your head right now that MVPs are utterly irrelevant. Forget it. It means nothing.


People vote for their friends, for guildies, don't vote at all, or my personal favourite, voting for the player at the bottom.


Forgot about voting for second best dps, or the best off healer.

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Obviously there are a lot of mixed feelings about the importance of healers. However the best argument I have seen is Tanks...Tanks are obviously very underappreciated also but I also see healers and tanks as kind of a combo and usually when I see an underappreciated healer in a match there is for certain an underappreciated tank in the same match. As I have said damage dealing is important but the objectives are the most important thing in warzones period and there are an insane amount of damage dealers that play the matches for kill counts rather then the objectives where as hardly anyone rolls a healer or tank in pvp unless they have the intention of playing as a team.


Overall it still takes a TEAM to be regularly productive in warzones but I still see healers as getting a lack of credit. It may be because I have yet to play the higher levels of pvp as some of you have said they get a lot of MVP votes but I have yet to see that. Tanks are probably just as underappreciated if not more though, that I would have to agreee with because several times a tank has carried a team in objectives and just keeping the healers alive and several times I have seen them get 0 votes for it just because the stats didn't reflect just how good they really were.

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So I have not been playing long but I would say at least 90% of the time I have always been the top healer or the top objective player in my matches. I have only played about 20 matches so far but out of 20 matches I may have gotten 2 MVP votes. Not saying I am elite or anything because I am sure I have a lot to learn and I know that a good majority of the PvP community is better and more experienced then me...but it does seem like Healer and Objective players get absolutely no love in the MVP voting. I recognize that kills and damage matter also but this just seems a bit unfair as I have literally saved many damage dealing players from sure defeat.


Anyways just venting a little....is this pretty normal with the MVP voting?


. It is a FF14 Video, but valid across all MMO's.
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Yeah don't worry too much about the votes. People usually vote for their mates first. Make no mistake ... you will get noticed and appreciated for healing. People always notice you if you are keeping them alive. When you see "great heals man!" or "thanks for the heals!" whispered to you, that is really all it takes to feel appreciated. I know after a match I hit the vote button so fast sometimes that I forget "oh man I should have gave it to that healer who was doing a great job, oh well i'll get him next time." it happens a lot.
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Voting for MVP is complicated because every scenario is different.


For example, in most arena matches you end up with four DPS. So the highest DPS person will likely get my vote. But if you are fortunate to get a tank or a healer, one of them will get it unless they are completely below par.


Take most 8 v 8 outside of Huttball. I look at healers first before anything. On the Repub side of PoT5, healers are a rare thing to see in 60 bracket. So if I see a non-dedicated healer push over 100k in healing, that tells me somebody made the decision to offheal instead of DPS because the team needed those heals. Sure it could all have been self healing, but by doing it you make the decision to not do what you are best at for the overall good of the team.


As for dedicated healers ... considering all the matches that lack a full team or poorly geared players, if a dedicated healer did over 350k they did their job in my book and should be considered for MVP.


As for tanks ... I do look at their guard numbers. Most in regs seem to have little to no guard numbers at all. But if you have somebody pushing 100k they definately get considered.


That leaves just DPS. If we had no good healers or tanks, then DPS is looked at for the MVP. And sadly, again because of the Repub makeup that is currently on PoT5, this tends to be looked at the most. So more often than not, I will give them the vote.


As for Huttball, I look at two things. The healer numbers and the objective numbers. Odds are the highest objective player is the one who defended the most or scored the points for the groups. Odds of a DPS middle scrapper getting highest objective is slim. So unless the group had an outstanding healer (>750k) I give the MVP to the highest objective.


The reality is, I am usually one of the last people to leave a match because I'm looking at all the variables before voting. Sometimes this plays in my favor because I'll get a default MVP because I'm the only one left most people can vote for. But in most matches, at least half the team won't even vote. The drop and requeue as soon as they can hoping to get back to back matches.

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Healers get more votes than anyone. You know who DOES get the shaft? Tanks. The ones that keep "healers" alive, my friend. I bet you've never given a protection vote in your 20 matches either?

I see great tanks gets slighted all the time in favor of average (or below average) healers.

I am to the point where I will almost NEVER give my vote to a healer anymore. I see so many healers getting 4 and 5 votes per round its silly....so I vote for tanks when I can.

Basically, I vote tank, friend, or not at all most rounds. Healers have it easy when it comes to getting MVP votes.

Votes aren't saying much though since they mean absolutely nothing. :)


Very true but a tank without a healer is just a meatbag to be burned down lets be honest. But true tanks are always left out of the mvp voting alot.

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Most of the time when I solo queue, I look at people at the start of the round. If someone is in PvE gear still but has 2018 exp (or very close, sometimes working the MH/OF still gets people), and they have less than lvl 40 valor (for com conversion), then I give the MPV vote to them to help them get to that lvl 40 valor. I figure the extra boost helps them the most, and I feel they deserve the time it takes me check and vote, because they took the time to work though the confusing bolster system and not be an automatic detriment to the team. If they all have lvl 40 Valor, I give it to one that has some PvP pieces, and is obviously using their coms to try and replace their 162 PvE pieces.


If someone really stands out to me for peels, heals, protection, or ball coordinating in huttball, I will vote for them, but that isn't that often really. Of course if I'm queuing with friends, we vote for each other.

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Healers get more votes than anyone. You know who DOES get the shaft? Tanks. The ones that keep "healers" alive, my friend. I bet you've never given a protection vote in your 20 matches either?

I see great tanks gets slighted all the time in favor of average (or below average) healers.

I am to the point where I will almost NEVER give my vote to a healer anymore. I see so many healers getting 4 and 5 votes per round its silly....so I vote for tanks when I can.

Basically, I vote tank, friend, or not at all most rounds. Healers have it easy when it comes to getting MVP votes.

Votes aren't saying much though since they mean absolutely nothing. :)


When I vote, which isn't all the time, I vote for the following groups in this order

People who call Incomings

People who stay at nodes and defend




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This is more of what I am talking about...as I said I am not perfect nor am I even that good of a player but I am usually pretty high on Objectives and healing and hardly ever get any love. :(


Please look at all stats, as a healer I usually rearrange it to focus on the healers and look at what others are doing to compare which is why my name is on top on this screenshot.




Hopefully this changes when I get higher levels or maybe by then I won't even care being as I still tend to win a lot on WZ anyways. Sometimes I guess you just got to ignore stuff

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I vote based on who contributed the most. If a guardian or shadow had by far the top DPS, along with a lot of protection because they used their taunts, they're getting the vote. If its a huttball where a scoundrel uses his roll to score multiple goals, he's getting the vote. If a healer does a lot of healing, while actively avoiding incoming damage, instead of trying to facetank two marauders, they'll get a vote too.


Point is, just because you did some healing doesn't mean you deserve a vote. Sometimes you might, but don't get hung up on votes. They mean next to nothing. And as has been mentioned, if there's a premade on your team, their votes are going to each other.

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This is more of what I am talking about...as I said I am not perfect nor am I even that good of a player but I am usually pretty high on Objectives and healing and hardly ever get any love. :(


Please look at all stats, as a healer I usually rearrange it to focus on the healers and look at what others are doing to compare which is why my name is on top on this screenshot.




Hopefully this changes when I get higher levels or maybe by then I won't even care being as I still tend to win a lot on WZ anyways. Sometimes I guess you just got to ignore stuff


I played 5-10 WZ last night on my Sentinel and came in close to top for objectives nearly every game, capped nodes, capped hypergates, stole an enemy node or two, stun/mez comboed huttball carriers in fire burners or whatever on the Nar Shadaa huttball map, and got a grand total of 2 mvp votes the entire time, and they both came from 1 Novarre Coast map.


Stop crying about it and expecting to get a pat on the back.

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I vote in this order


> Good tanks

> Someone that did something exceptional.

> DPS who have better kills and killing blows than me.

> Healers


I vote healers last only because there are too many healers wandering this game with a excessively high opinion of their own worth.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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People should look at mvp votes kind of like receiving Christmas cards. They're nice to get, but really, who gives a sh*t.


With the amount of oblivious people running around warzones, it is ludicrous to expect a lot of people to actually notice who made a substantial contribution to a match.

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People should look at mvp votes kind of like receiving Christmas cards. They're nice to get, but really, who gives a sh*t.


Then you must be fairly young. For older generations, Christmas cards really have something with it.


What I also notice is that people who write in the chat often get some more votes than those who are silent.

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The MVP system is NOT pointless. It is an opportunity for players to show appreciation for other players. When a player has 22 medals at the end of a voidstar it wasn't because he was sitting around doing nothing. Sadly sometimes the person who does something truly heroic and game winning, like preventing a cap (or capping a node) that otherwise would have lost the game goes unnoticed because no one was there to see it.


But sometimes everyone sees a guy kill an enemy ball carrier just before he scores the go ahead goal and then holds onto the Huttball for dear life while the entire team beats on him, then as he's dying passes to a teammate who sprints away as time runs out for the victory, and he gets 6 MVP votes for a truly heroic act in the WZ, especially since he joined against a premade from his own guild who focused him the entire match and killed him like 12 times while mocking him in guild chat because he had to solo queue. After the victory, the guildies were a little upset at the hero, who kept asking them who won that last huttball match.


The moral of the story is, don't worry about getting MVP votes. Worry about being awesome. When you're awesome, you get noticed. When you're trying to get noticed, you're not being awesome.

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Sidebar- over the weekend was in a voidstar when the off node guard was a snoozin' and allowed and uncontested cap- I called him on it- more like "wake the hell up ffs" the sleepyhead proceeded to diffuse the bomb to which I immediately replied- "mvpmvp"


If it is huttball I usually vote for the top objectives

In quesh huttball I vote for the dude who waited on the middle ledge for me to pass the ball everytime

Then I usually vote for protection

I vote for heals if the guy was totally leet or tried to keep me alive for some reason

If we have two nodes in novarre or civil war and I am guarding with another person the off node I vote for him

If there is a solo guard who makes precise calls (number and class inc- etc) and we keep that node the whole game

But I will call out in chat the "node guard" who cries wolf (off node has 3 defenders and only 1 enemy inc)

Edited by Daxy
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But sometimes everyone sees a guy kill an enemy ball carrier just before he scores the go ahead goal and then holds onto the Huttball for dear life while the entire team beats on him, then as he's dying passes to a teammate who sprints away as time runs out for the victory, and he gets 6 MVP votes for a truly heroic act in the WZ, especially since he joined against a premade from his own guild who focused him the entire match and killed him like 12 times while mocking him in guild chat because he had to solo queue. After the victory, the guildies were a little upset at the hero, who kept asking them who won that last huttball match.


Sounds a little personal...

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