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Carnage needs


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Dual Saber Throw has a small chance to proc Executor which doubles the duration of the Marauders' next Gore and increases Ataru Form damage by x% for the next 6 seconds


Bring back some RNG to Carnage. Yes, I know I'm dreaming


an easier/more realistic fix would be to add ataru proc damage to sever, 30% crit dmg

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Dual Saber Throw has a small chance to proc Executor which doubles the duration of the Marauders' next Gore and increases Ataru Form damage by x% for the next 6 seconds


Bring back some RNG to Carnage. Yes, I know I'm dreaming


Absolutely not. Do you realize how broken an increased Gore duration would be as well as an ataru form increase during this? Marauders don't need anymore damage buffs. They are perfectly fine. The only thing they had was trouble with uptime in PvP, which is being fixed as of the current PTS changes. Marauders do not need anything else.

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Absolutely not. Do you realize how broken an increased Gore duration would be as well as an ataru form increase during this? Marauders don't need anymore damage buffs. They are perfectly fine. The only thing they had was trouble with uptime in PvP, which is being fixed as of the current PTS changes. Marauders do not need anything else.


Firstly, I think you missed the jest in my op. Hence the reference to "dreaming". The point was Carnage could do with a slight change to make it a bit more interesting to play, hence the call to bring back a tiny amount of RNG into the rotation.


Secondly, only Fury spec will be getting the right amount of changes to possibly be viable for ranked PvP. The change to predation isn't worth the 2 heroic utilities for Carnage in PvP. You're better off leaving it on Fury system and keeping it on max uptime. Predation off Fury will be more useful in PvE situations in its proposed form.

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What Carnage needs is the following:


Defensive Forms-Needs to be baseline, End of story it must be done.


Expunging Camo: Make this a Skillful ability to replace Defensive forms or make it a Masterful talent and move defensive roll to skillful


I cannot stress how import it is to move expunging camo out of the heroic tree, With the much needed changes to the heroic talents do not make the mistake of hindering us of disciplines that are essential to the class. Heroic we should have the option between super pred/new UD utl/Pred off fury. giving us the option of these to customize our gameplay/build.


EC is essential to the class in regards to roots and QoL if you're not taking this as a mara in PVP you're doing it wrong.

Please move this essential talent to skillful or masterful.


A wish List chang i have is Bio ware deciding if they want us to be burst class with some sustain or Sustained dps with good burst so:


Sustained dps with Burst

Sever increase the crit damage of Ataru from Procs by 30%


Burst class with decent sustained

Sever increase the Crit damage of Ravage (or Vicious throw) by 30%

Edited by Valzanik
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gore needs 1 second more duration. we went from 9 seconds in 2 gore windows ,down to 6.add to that we got gore damaged removed,vicious throw cd increased ,double saber throw damage nerf and ravage damage nerf ,and all of that made carnage a wet nuddle hitter.we need to get 8 sec of gore in 2 windows ,and a slight reduction in the internal timer that VT can proc to get a better rotation and not have to delay gore till VT procs
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You want RNG back in Carnage? Vicious Slash does more damage than massacre IF atayru hits (though the increase is less than 50% of an atayru form hit). So... just use Vicious Slash over Massacre outside of Berserk. You might do more damage. Maybe.


Hell, you could improve your chances by using Vicious Slash over Massacre only if you have the massacre buff.

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No, no annnnd NO. RNG by design is pure garbage. Why anyone would ever want rng mixed into their rotation is beyond me.


Um... To make it slightly more interesting to play than it currently is? It's a lackluster spec and it used to be way more fun to play. What it really needs is another rotational ability at very least

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Um... To make it slightly more interesting to play than it currently is? It's a lackluster spec and it used to be way more fun to play. What it really needs is another rotational ability at very least


Go play something else then. RNG has no business existing in any spec. RNG does not make anything more interesting. Its *********** annoying. I remember when they decided to make the scream proc a 30% chance in 2.0. Holy crap that was incredibly annoying. You could go forever without getting a scream proc. No thanks to that BS.

Edited by Raansu
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Go play something else then. RNG has no business existing in any spec. RNG does not make anything more interesting. Its *********** annoying. I remember when they decided to make the scream proc a 30% chance in 2.0. Holy crap that was incredibly annoying. You could go forever without getting a scream proc. No thanks to that BS.


No. You need to learn to read. There's a massive difference between what I said "bring back SOME rng to carnage" and what you're saying you think I said which would be more like "revert carnage back to 2.x version". Given that most top carnage maras have been complaining that the spec has been too dumbed down since 3.0 and the rotation has become uninteresting to play in surprised you incorrectly interpreted my op. Oh and fyi, I do find myself playing fury spec more than carnage these days because I get to press more than 8 buttons 😉

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People really need to learn to read and understand lol.


No we understand completely. Regardless of what you want rng is rng. Doesn't matter what its attached to its still *********** rng and its stupid as hell.

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No we understand completely. Regardless of what you want rng is rng. Doesn't matter what its attached to its still *********** rng and its stupid as hell.


Calm down lol. You're acting as tho BW would act on my suggestions and as of next patch you'll be fishing for an execute proc that never comes. Either that or you're just trolling. Must be a quiet news week on the forums aye

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You want RNG back in Carnage? Vicious Slash does more damage than massacre IF atayru hits (though the increase is less than 50% of an atayru form hit). So... just use Vicious Slash over Massacre outside of Berserk. You might do more damage. Maybe.


Hell, you could improve your chances by using Vicious Slash over Massacre only if you have the massacre buff.


no, carnage has massacre critical dmg+30% talent, dont think its worth to lose potential burst

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an easier/more realistic fix would be to add ataru proc damage to sever, 30% crit dmg


Pretty much agree with this as it fits in with the devs stated design intention for carnage being a burst class with decent sustained dps. As it stands now the sustain on carnage is what lets it down where it's burst is actually quite good

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