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While I enjoy my time in the game, it is not a game I would recommend to others unless they are hardcore star wars fans simply because one cannot argue that in terms of pvp and pve content the game is lacking. Like the video mentioned raids and pvp ( which he did not cover much )are extremely inconsistent in terms of the perceived difficulty when it comes to the group composition. While it is possible for all classes to compete and at the endgame level, be it pve or pvp the fact remains that the communities perceived limitations hinder player progression for the average person. This is the factor that hurts the game overall, since in short the vocal minatory are speaking out about how some classes perform in certain areas it takes away from the long term enjoyment a player might have with the game, thus preventing that long term investment that will help the game grow.
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I have money to spend, anywhere I want. Jealous?

You must be the only person in the universe who can claim that. You should have your brain bronzed to preserve your genius for all eternity.


While I enjoy my time in the game, it is not a game I would recommend to others unless they are hardcore star wars fans simply because one cannot argue that in terms of pvp and pve content the game is lacking.

I can only speak for myself on this, but I am nothing close to a hardcore SW fan. I liked Eps. IV and V and that's it. I began playing it because I am familiar with the IP and like it well enough. I continue to play because I enjoy it.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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So im a founder.


Played for the first 4 months and quit.


Played some times on the past and decided to come back a month ago to see hows the things are going.


For me at the begining was fun to level, ridiculous to progress and ultra bored when was done. Now looks like the same, but hey every MMO is the same basicaly.


To be honest I love Star Wars, SWTOR is a failure but they have lightsabers, the force, jedi, sith...so its worth it ;)


How can it be a failure and yet you love it? Also how does being a founder give you any sort of credibility?

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All those saying 'unsub if you are not having fun' are nothing short of selfish or stupid, or both. Why? You are missing his point.


Hundreds ARE leaving - thats his point. And Bioware are doing nothing to stop the dramatic decline.


3.0 wasn't tested, pushed out broken. No class balance, LOL Bolster broken, LOLowSlash, Ship components counting in PvP stats - and the game breaking SoR final battle being broken for 2 months - the list goes on with stupid game breaking bugs.


People like SWTOR and have hung on for so long but clearly Bioware are happy just to leave things be. The fact they have hardly said 2 words this week paints the picture - they have given up, so should you.




A wild EA announcement appears!



Please pay attention to... growing player community... yep it's all over guys :i_confused:

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All those saying 'unsub if you are not having fun' are nothing short of selfish or stupid, or both. Why? You are missing his point.


Hundreds ARE leaving - thats his point. And Bioware are doing nothing to stop the dramatic decline.



Well EA recently shut many other F2Play titles stating "they are not as sucessfull as Star wars the Old Republic which has a growing and engaged community something something PR something somethin". Well we can be sure as the Movie Hype Builds any Marketing Guy in his right mind would spam cheap Swtor Advertising around it. Well, you lack the fact that the Ziost Planet is the next part of the Story and has a new Raidzone as I understood it (something like the Makeb one is what I expect 3 Bosses would be the most positive thing I would expect).


I hope we will see Nightmare roll out some point until 3.3. which is due for june I think + some pvp stuff, fps and so forth. August would be the place for an new operation. December with the Filmrelease a major addon which buffs old Operation and adds at least one new one. Well I will stop dreaming;-)




The PR Machine for the new Movie starts to roll out, so I really hope EA counts two things together:


a) We are the only ones with a Star Wars MMO

b) The hype for the new Movie is already is enormous


My conclusion:

--> Lets give Bioware a load of Money to bring out a kickass Addon for the Movie and invest into Marketing Swtor around the Movies....but no unreasonable risks.


Conclusion on people only interested in short time profits not seeing long time orientation is better for buisness:

---> Milk the cow.......

Edited by Atlanis
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Here's the problem. We have no numbers whatsoever.


So everything along the lines of "observation" and "educated guess" is only one thing: speculation.


We do not guess, Timothy. Nor do we assume, presume, guess-ture or prognosticate. We stick to facts and the facts are that we have no numbers, thus we cannot make any form of conclusion.

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Oh it's pretty easy to ratify this: the amount on fleet on login is dwindling sharply. See the number of instances on fleet and the ppl in them is easy to do for all. Where there was 3-4 there is now 1 instance and not much ppl in it (ofc, it varies from server to server.)
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Oh it's pretty easy to ratify this: the amount on fleet on login is dwindling sharply. See the number of instances on fleet and the ppl in them is easy to do for all. Where there was 3-4 there is now 1 instance and not much ppl in it (ofc, it varies from server to server.)


Because people on PVE rarely go to fleet. Most log out at strongholds - that is pretty common. Bounty week you see the fleet numbers up because people HAVE to go there.

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And denials come from the solo story only type...the truth is somewhere in between.


TUX, do you ever get tired of this? You've been predicting this game's failure for two years now, one would think you'd move on at some point.

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TUX, do you ever get tired of this? You've been predicting this game's failure for two years now, one would think you'd move on at some point.

I never get tired of it - because I've never said that. Don't like what I write? Ignore me.

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This guy seems like an elitist d-bag. Total drama, drama, drama, drama. This guy is just all about the extremist drama. This is his opinion, some folks share his opinion and it is easy to sway people to this opinion with they way things have gone lately. If you are a Debbie Downer, Drama Queen this has some meaning to you. I think that people who are really enjoying themselves and have the mental fortitude to fight through obstacles rather than give up when the going gets tough are not being as extreme as this dude is. He seems like a ESO fanboy that has decided to trash the game that he is leaving in favor the game he is moving on to.


His only good points are that the new OPs in SM are unpuggable, Torque, Under Lurker and Sword Squadron are over tuned in both difficulties. He also has a point about the lag, the lag blows. I honestly think that the Bulo fight is the worst at this time. WAY to much RNG in that fight, there is so many big damage abilities that are random and/or unforgiving.

The issues he has with melee DPS (and others too) are BS. We have Melee DPS in my guild that are hitting 4k DPS in my guild. It is about situational awareness, knowing the fight mechanics and not stand in stupid.



I also think that returning a lvl 60 version of the classic ops is a great idea. So what if those ops were difficult back in the day, isn't that the point of Hard Mode and NiM Ops , for a difficult challenge? Give us a Ultra Mode that scales things (including the drops to 192 OPTIMIZED) up to lvl 60.

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Because people on PVE rarely go to fleet. Most log out at strongholds - that is pretty common. Bounty week you see the fleet numbers up because people HAVE to go there.


If the number going to fleet is much less now compared to 6+ months ago, it is safe to say the number of people playing has dropped during that time (unless something in the game has changed like another fleet being added).

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He made some good points.


It is beginning to feel like hoping it will get better is pointless and its more a question of quit or keep struggling through playing the same content not designed for mdps until they pull the plug.


Best will in the world doesn't get over the problems that 3.0 brought or the horrible slow addition of content and then what we get is one story for all classes and both factions that feels very micro with nothing happening in it.

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If the number going to fleet is much less now compared to 6+ months ago, it is safe to say the number of people playing has dropped during that time (unless something in the game has changed like another fleet being added).


Its called strongholds. I rarely goto fleet because of credit spam, just to upgrade mods and that is it. Why do you think DK numbers are usually so high? Because people are in their SH where we can use our own GTN, and vendors then immediately port back to whatever planet we are on.


Regardless, speaking in regards to JC, the fleet is usually packed with multiple instances.

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Its called strongholds. I rarely goto fleet because of credit spam, just to upgrade mods and that is it. Why do you think DK numbers are usually so high? Because people are in their SH where we can use our own GTN, and vendors then immediately port back to whatever planet we are on.


Regardless, speaking in regards to JC, the fleet is usually packed with multiple instances.


Strongholds were there 6 months ago. JM, Harb, POT5 and Ebon Hawk all have less people (fewer fleets, fewer on the fleet, fewer people logging in with 60s, whatever sample # you want to look at) than they did 6 mos ago.

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