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Subscriber Rewards/events for Star Wars 7?


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I'm just curious what people think the subscriber rewards or events are going to happen (if any) for the Star Wars 7 release in December? I know this game is like 1000 years before the movies (and 8 months away) but I still think it would be cool to have something going on. Maybe a mini Death Star pet, or get the devs thinking about some ideas. What would you like to see happen?
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I'm just curious what people think the subscriber rewards or events are going to happen (if any) for the Star Wars 7 release in December? I know this game is like 1000 years before the movies (and 8 months away) but I still think it would be cool to have something going on. Maybe a mini Death Star pet, or get the devs thinking about some ideas. What would you like to see happen?


honestly, nothing....


Totally separate and independent events by separate and independent companies. I would rather they devote their time effort to actual in-game story and events rather than spend time mucking around with the movies.

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honestly, nothing....


Totally separate and independent events by separate and independent companies. I would rather they devote their time effort to actual in-game story and events rather than spend time mucking around with the movies.

I agree with this. It has my semi-official seal of ^. The new movie is not even on my DRADIS.

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honestly, nothing....


Totally separate and independent events by separate and independent companies. I would rather they devote their time effort to actual in-game story and events rather than spend time mucking around with the movies.


This. I have long grown tired of people looking to get something from one of the movies as an item in this game (traditional Jedi Robes not withstanding). Things like a mini-Death Star pet has no place in SWTOR. I think it's more than enough that we need to deal with garbage like Life Day in the game, we don't need anything more like that.

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Given the exclusivity arrangement for Star Wars based games between EA and Disney, it's certainly possible, personally I think that if a new planet shows up in the films, we'll see it here soon enough, beyond that... Who knows.
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This would be too funny, only because it for sure would happen!


After the Emperor is dealt with, his destruction will cause a massive rift in the time-space continuum of our era, and by some miracle, our heroes will travel in time, and see themselves in 30 ABY or so, ready to look down in the face of yet another evil, twice as mean and powerful as the other one.


Just wait and see. Wait and see.

Of course, this will be just some sorry and lame excuse for BW Austin to introduce the Darth Vader armor set.


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After the Emperor is dealt with, his destruction will cause a massive rift in the time-space continuum of our era, and by some miracle, our heroes will travel in time, and see themselves in 30 ABY or so, ready to look down in the face of yet another evil, twice as mean and powerful as the other one.


Just wait and see. Wait and see.

Of course, this will be just some sorry and lame excuse for BW Austin to introduce the Darth Vader armor set.


Meh. Too close to one of the existing storylines from the books/comics. The Harbinger (No, a different Harbinger) travelled 5,000 years forwards in time to meet Luke & Co.

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My Subscriber reward will be unsubscribing. Star Wars Battlefront 3 will be released around the same time as SW7 and I'll be outskies.


Even if things were going hunk dory, I probably still would leave. Been waiting for a sequel for 10 years and I find it hard to maintain my attention between more than one game at a time.

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It'll be that silly lightsaber with crossguard.

And maybe that balldroid as a pet.


It can get A LOT more absurd than that.


(Also relevant. Imagine if shields/focii/generators were visible and that "shield" was available as a shield option.)


(You know you wish this could be a thing though, if only they could introduce a new class with a play style built around it.)

Edited by Muljo_Stpho
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An option to get fully levelled toons of an already maxed level class.

Gonna repeat that for the grindmonkeys who will jump at my suggestion as if it was a banana.;)

An OPTION to get a fully levelled toon of an ALREADY maxed level class.

Edited by LoverNoFighter
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An option to get fully levelled toons of an already maxed level class.

Gonna repeat that for the grindmonkeys who will jump at my suggestion as if it was a banana.;)

An OPTION to get a fully levelled toon of an ALREADY maxed level class.

Why would anybody want that? Are you talking about the getting another character of the exact same advanced class too? What about gear? Why would BioWare would do that, I mean so far we got to the anniverseries and other special occations always something that served as a memento for that occation, but a whole character is nothing every character gets. And what about the players who have no maxed characters? Don'T get me wrong, I won't mind if BioWare would give you your option in the cartel market, but I don'Tthink that is a good subscriber reward.

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