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Season 1 Ranked Rewards


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Heya there everyone, and I hope Bioware might take a gander at this too! I got my Season 1 Ranked gear awhile ago and I still adore it; I'd love to continue to use it as well on other character...however, this isn't an option. Back when Bioware just began doing this sort of thing the armor actually wasn't legacy bound, only to the character in question. I'm just wondering if the devs might make a tiny change and make them legacy instead; it would sure make me and others happy. :) Cheers!
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I kinda had a crazy idea a while ago. Make older ranked rewards available for purchase from a vendor. They'd remain exclusive to the winners until the end of the following season. After that, they'd become available to purchase from a PvP vendor for ranked tokens at exorbitant prices. I'm talking 3000 for a piece of gear, 3500 for a weapons, 4000 for a mount.


"But doesn't that take away from having earned those rewards?" Actually, yes. Players who want to show off their epeen would have to keep playing and earning rewards. It would end up making newer rewards mean much more.


Honestly, I just want Baron Deathmark's helmet for my Mercenary. He has this whole Huttball theme going on but he was only level 30 when season 2 ended.

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That was tried before with WoW back in MoP when you could buy Season Elite gear via conquest if you just earned enough over the course of the season. Needless to say it took away from the 'I earned this' feeling and more of the daily grind. It didn't inspire me, it just kind of was a boring way to earn something 'special'.
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I kinda had a crazy idea a while ago. Make older ranked rewards available for purchase from a vendor. They'd remain exclusive to the winners until the end of the following season. After that, they'd become available to purchase from a PvP vendor for ranked tokens at exorbitant prices. I'm talking 3000 for a piece of gear, 3500 for a weapons, 4000 for a mount.d.


ABSOLUTELY NOT. It takes away the ENTIRE incentive to queue and actually feel like you've accomplished something for actually obtaining those rewards during the ranked season. I (and most all-star pvpers i'd imagine) would be ridiculously against this.

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The "costume designer" coming in 3.2 will allow you have the look while still wearing legacy gear.


Yes, but will it allow me to use it on another character? The Guardian in question has the elite gear; but it is bound to that character. Would it also trigger for my juggernaut? Or must it be on that character?

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I would be for it only if a long break in time from when it was earned to the time when it could be bought had passed. In other words, Season 2 rewards would only be available after Season 4 rewards were issued out. Season 1 would only be available after Season 3 was over. And you couldn't get Season 3 rewards until long after Season 5.


From a design point of view, it seems kind of silly to limit items to just a few players as a reward for a single season of PVP. If you are going to take the time to design the items, it seems like you would get more bang for your buck if you re-introduced them back in the game several months later after the "elite" shine from them has worn off. Especially if you did it from the cartel market and could make some real money off the venture.


Now, would I want them on the cartel market? No, but when you are dealing with a free-to-play game, they are going to go the route of the nickle and dime transactions. So if BW ever did take this suggestion seriously, I doubt you would ever find these items on a game vendor.

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I would be for it only if a long break in time from when it was earned to the time when it could be bought had passed. In other words, Season 2 rewards would only be available after Season 4 rewards were issued out. Season 1 would only be available after Season 3 was over. And you couldn't get Season 3 rewards until long after Season 5.


From a design point of view, it seems kind of silly to limit items to just a few players as a reward for a single season of PVP. If you are going to take the time to design the items, it seems like you would get more bang for your buck if you re-introduced them back in the game several months later after the "elite" shine from them has worn off. Especially if you did it from the cartel market and could make some real money off the venture.


Now, would I want them on the cartel market? No, but when you are dealing with a free-to-play game, they are going to go the route of the nickle and dime transactions. So if BW ever did take this suggestion seriously, I doubt you would ever find these items on a game vendor.


No. /thread

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They are special rewards for a reason, awarded for your prowess in PVP and to show that you've done what it takes. Giving it to people without the criteria of actual ranked rating is an absurd request. I do not wish to see anyone wearing the armor I earned unless they did it the same way I did. It's unique, that's what we like about elite gear in the fact that we kind of stand out. This thread is just asking to make them legacy so I can distribute them more evenly across my characters; that's all. Edited by Eralesa
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  • Dev Post
Heya there everyone, and I hope Bioware might take a gander at this too! I got my Season 1 Ranked gear awhile ago and I still adore it; I'd love to continue to use it as well on other character...however, this isn't an option. Back when Bioware just began doing this sort of thing the armor actually wasn't legacy bound, only to the character in question. I'm just wondering if the devs might make a tiny change and make them legacy instead; it would sure make me and others happy. :) Cheers!


Good suggestion Eralesa! In an upcoming patch (currently planning on 3.2.1) we will be retroactively making all previous Ranked Season rewarded weapons and armor Legacy bound. In future seasons the weapons and armor rewards will be Legacy bound as well.



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Good suggestion Eralesa! In an upcoming patch (currently planning on 3.2.1) we will be retroactively making all previous Ranked Season rewarded weapons and armor Legacy bound. In future seasons the weapons and armor rewards will be Legacy bound as well.




Is there any chance on also granting the other armor sets and weapons to those players as well? The past couple seasons (and future seasons) gave complete weapon and armor sets, some of the season 1 armor for the other classes was very cool, would be nice to have the other sets and weapons as well.

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does this also count for event rewards i have red ranklings from the first event and a kingpin rancor that i want legacy wide. it is not fair that only PVP get those rewards legacy wide and pve don't.
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  • Dev Post
Is there any chance on also granting the other armor sets and weapons to those players as well? The past couple seasons (and future seasons) gave complete weapon and armor sets, some of the season 1 armor for the other classes was very cool, would be nice to have the other sets and weapons as well.


Sorry, no. Not at this time.

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Hmm, would it be too much to ask to get lockboxes with all the sets for season 1 like this season and season 3 got as well? I know that's not how it was originally intended, but if that's the way you're going to do things, I personally like the ability to mix and match that we got with season 3, and it'd be great to be able to do that with season 1 stuff as well.

Edit: disregard, didn't read the rest of the thread and Alex's response hadn't been posted when I started writing this.


Edit in response to this:

does this also count for event rewards i have red ranklings from the first event and a kingpin rancor that i want legacy wide. it is not fair that only PVP get those rewards legacy wide and pve don't.


PvPers don't get mounts and pets legacy wide either. They get exactly one of each that can be activated on one character.

Edited by Skios
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Good suggestion Eralesa! In an upcoming patch (currently planning on 3.2.1) we will be retroactively making all previous Ranked Season rewarded weapons and armor Legacy bound. In future seasons the weapons and armor rewards will be Legacy bound as well.




Is there any chance you could address some actual pvp issues such as queuing without an advanced class?

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Good suggestion Eralesa! In an upcoming patch (currently planning on 3.2.1) we will be retroactively making all previous Ranked Season rewarded weapons and armor Legacy bound. In future seasons the weapons and armor rewards will be Legacy bound as well.




Sorry to bring it slightly off topic but what about the class specific legacy armor from Dromund Kass and Coruscant? Any plans on that?

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Good suggestion Eralesa! In an upcoming patch (currently planning on 3.2.1) we will be retroactively making all previous Ranked Season rewarded weapons and armor Legacy bound. In future seasons the weapons and armor rewards will be Legacy bound as well.




Any chance to do the same for PVE unique rewards? Karagga's hat and Crest of the Dread Masters for example, it makes no sense those items are not legacy bound while Qyzen Kephess customization from Explosive Conflict and Corruptor blade from Dread Fotress are legacy bound :)

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Maybe offer previous season rewards in new seasons as an alternative to the current rewards for people who didn't get a chance to do the first few? Maybe, sometimes its nice having the unique item no one else can no longer get. At the same time, it really sucks for someone who never even had the opportunity to earn them in the first place. Spending comms on it would kill it, people would just farm comms in regs until the season ended then buy it. (That or just afk in ranked for rewards knowing they can spend comms later)


But this is about something to help pvpers...if anything they would make it available to pvers for like 1 elite comm (Or w.e its called) and 1000000 ranked comms for pvpers.

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