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struggling to solo a "2+" quest a sin or jug could clear without thinking about


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all armor broken, long revive times giving me time to think up more reasons to delete my marauder


I feel like this class is a trap. I feel like having a second lightsber is like having a sign that says "I'm with stupid" with an arrow pointing straight at yourself. And the worst part is I knew I would feel this way because years back I played a marauder before moving to jugg when it was apparent they got all the fun genes in the family, and for some reason I'm once again trying something designed only to make players angry.


Juggernaut is a fun enough class I wouldn't mind having two of them. Marauder is such a headache I can't even stomach levelling one.

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Juggs are ridiculously survivable right now.


Your best bet with mara seems to be using your single target prowess and downing individual targets as fast as possible. Cloak of Pain is the first thing I put up when I engage, then I cycle through cooldowns as needed.


Use a healing companion and if you have one, a toon that can craft blue medpacks can help a lot.


Personally I don't even bother with heroics on my mara. Too much headache.

Edited by Svarthrafn
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What's odd was I read many of these threads with marauder being a no good class. Determined I lvl'd one up over the last couple weeks and honestly had zero problems on any heroic 2+ and did most if not close to ALL heroic 4+ solo with Quinn. Some I was over the quest lvl by maybe 2 lvls but it really wasn't too difficult. A few deaths here and there when I made a mistake, but a little patience and it wasn't too bad. Try annihilation spec. I lvl'd up the whole time and it only gets better and better in my opinion
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