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SWTOR State of the game....


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According to community and forums every MMO on this planet is dead, since 4 years or even longer.... in the WOW forums: World of Warcraft is dying, everthing is getting worse, in the Wildstar forums: no one is playing Wildstar, Wildstar is dead, what do we read at the ESO forums: ESO sucks, ESO is dying.

Now the same happens to SW:TOR (and it happened before when it was released, it was pretty much like Wildstar and ESO that everyone said it will not last long) That comes from so many people focusing on the negative things instead of using constructive criticism with suggestions and solutions. Rather so many people cry around because of some nerfs of an AOE skill, that makes me sad.


For me SW:TOR is a lot of fun and it's not too hard to find groups (German PVE server), it has some issues but all MMO's have some issues. It's endgame is way more fun than the boring garison stuff in World of Warcraft: Warlords of Dreanor and I'm not a huge opponent of the F2P system as I love to farm credits to buy some stuff from the cartell market on the auctioneer.


I have friends playing WoW and the feelings aren't that the game is dying like you said. Not even in the forums. Also, WoW have about MILLIONS of players around the entirely world, so, if it dies no one can make a MMO anymore. Therefore, WoW is not dying, not far from it.


This wildstar you said I just never heard about so I can't say nothing. But about ESO, after the new expansion/update they've done, 8 from 10 players are saying the game is better than ever and they finally hit the right things to the game. They improved about 50% of the game, every aspect of it. So, NO, ESO is not dying, again, not FAR away from it.


Both of those games aren't compared to SWTOR. Everything they are doing HERE in swtor is crap. After EVERY update, upgrade or expansion, the forum is bombed with critics and complains about the damm ruined things they've done. And this, my friend, I've never seen in any other MMO around, not as much as here.


That's why I can tell you for sure: WoW is not dying. ESO is noy dying. But SWTOR will in a few years if they KEEP screwing and ruining everything in the game as they are doing since 3.0 arrived. If you can't agree with that, well, it's your right to do, but you should.

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After EVERY update, upgrade or expansion, the forum is bombed with critics and complains about the damm ruined things they've done. And this, my friend, I've never seen in any other MMO around, not as much as here.


It never occurred to you that this "forum behaviour" of the players might tell rather more about the psychology of the players than over the content ?


- Class balancing aside -

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It never occurred to you that this "forum behaviour" of the players might tell rather more about the psychology of the players than over the content ?


- Class balancing aside -


No, never. Because everything or almost all spoken here I already experienced into the game. So, no, the content released in 3.0 all after this were a disaster.

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I have friends playing WoW and the feelings aren't that the game is dying like you said. Not even in the forums. Also, WoW have about MILLIONS of players around the entirely world, so, if it dies no one can make a MMO anymore. Therefore, WoW is not dying, not far from it.




While not many are saying that World of Warcraft is "dying" people are complaining of every little content since Cataclysm was released... there is a huge negativity on the forum and whatever Blizzard does is wrong (in MOP there was a lot of *****torming about Dailies, now Blizzard removed dailies for endgame at WOD and now everyone's complaining about that).... like Alrik said, it's more about the gamers psychology than about the games.... many people enjoy SW:TOR, but most of them don't start threads how great the things are right now, rather the people who don't like it start threads about how everything sucks (and this is exactly the same thing in WOW since Cataclysm), that's what I meant.


Also I have a question to you: If everything SW:TOR does is crap, why are you still playing it?

Edited by ZaphBot
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While not many are saying that World of Warcraft is "dying" people are complaining of every little content since Cataclysm was released... there is a huge negativity on the forum and whatever Blizzard does is wrong (in MOP there was a lot of *****torming about Dailies, now Blizzard removed dailies for endgame at WOD and now everyone's complaining about that).... like Alrik said, it's more about the gamers psychology than about the games.... many people enjoy SW:TOR, but most of them don't start threads how great the things are right now, rather the people who don't like it start threads about how everything sucks (and this is exactly the same thing in WOW since Cataclysm), that's what I meant.


Also I have a question to you: If everything SW:TOR does is crap, why are you still playing it?



Say what you wnat, I just don't care. The numbers of WoW will never ever be compared with SWTOR. WoW has an absurdly amount of players. It's different from swtor that is absurdly less.


And I answer your question with pleasure: First because my subb still up. Second because despite the all odds, I'm a fan of SW saga and there isn't another MMO from SW around, or is there? If it is then show me please? SO, because of that, I keep playing while this game still up, as I am a fan of the saga. Also, to tell you the truth, the matters of why or not I play or leave, isn't your concern, I have my reasons and they belong only to me., gotcha? BB!

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Actually, TOR never launched with 200+ servers. That is incorrect, but I suspect you knew that already.


Arrogant, condescending, and pedantic. Huh. Are you trying to fill Andryah's shoes? You need to work on being more passive-aggressive instead of, you know, straight up aggressive.


The original servers weren't able to sustain the massive influx of people who had purchased the game, and Bioware had to add new servers as the hours or days went by. Again, what you said is inaccurate.


Here is the list of servers that were open on the game's release of 12/20: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=254 You can count them yourself. I may have overestimated, but the number is very close to 200. When I counted in early January of 2012, there were ~215. Regardless of the actual number, the attentive point being the game opened with too many servers, and Bioware had no plan in place when server populations thinned. The game suffered as a direct result.


We had fourteen months without a single new operation or daily area, not to mention flashpoints outside tactical ones... and you talk about content drought in a year when THREE new operations were released, in less than ten months? In addition to two daily areas and a companion? :confused:


The majority of that came between January and April of 2012. Nothing else was released until October - the Cartel Market.


I am discussing the game's core content, not fluff, in case you failed to notice. :rolleyes:


No "core content" was released between April and November. That's seven months - longer than this current drought. (We're currently at five months.)


We are discussing different things it would seem, and in that regard, your lack of attentiveness shows.


One thing is the servers population, while quite another, which is what I contend, is the wealth of content. Once more, reading attentively usually helps.



If servers are empty, no one can access that wealth of content.


For the first few months of 2012, players had three operations, the vanilla class stories, two new flashpoints featuring both SM and HM, a wealth of content outside class stories in whatever planet you got to visit, the on-rails space shooter, new PvP scenarios, etc etc.




Right now, class story quests are gone, you got the fist couple of operations last December, fourteen months after the latest batch, flashpoints were tactical ONLY over a year, GSF has been ABANDONED, just like the on-rails space shooter, and now, both factions get to delve into a UNIQUE story -- again. Not only that, but said story, as before, doesn't even allow group interaction or rolls.


Hell, I can't even remember when they added a new PvP map.


To add insult to injury, the release cadence between major updates was six weeks or so in late-2012. Right now, it's eleven weeks, which is ALMOST twice as long.


An attentive reader would understand that the entire point of my post was that players decided that the CORE CONTENT wasn't worth the cost of playing the game. With a DECLINING PLAYERBASE, Bioware had to CHANGE THEIR FOCUS in order to KEEP THE GAME GOING. If no one is PAYING to PLAY THE GAME, there's no point in MAINTAINING THE GAME'S CURRENT DIRECTION. That's why the class stories were abandoned. That's why the on-rails shooter was abandoned. And that's why GSF was abandoned.


And you claim the game is better now? You gotta be kidding me.


Given its pedigree, SWTOR should have been a rousing success, but, instead, it fell flat on its face. The game was a derivative and disappointing mess, limited in its vision, scope, depth, and technology. It was handcuffed and undercut either by arrogance, stubbornness, or incompetence at every step including design, development, and release. This was all capped off by a series of idiotic comments from EA CEO John Riccitiello. (How that numbskull got to be CEO . . . ) Six months into its life, SWTOR was facing total collapse. At a time you seem to be recalling with rose-colored glasses, the game had crashed and burned. EA/Bioware was forced to shift the game's focus - its "core content." After three years, with no where to go but up, one would assume that SWTOR would be further along than it is. It's not. For every three steps forward, the game still seems to be taking two (or more) steps back. You may find the trickle of new content to be underwhelming, but as long as people are playing the game, the servers will remain open and the game will have a future. And that's far better than the alternative.


I will say that the lack of communication from the community team and the dearth of news regarding new content seems to mirror the blackout during the summer of 2012. And that is disconcerting.


*EDIT* I just realized how utterly absurd this argument is. The game was mediocre 6-months after release and it's still mediocre now. What happened then and what happens in the near future isn't likely to change anything. We're having a pissing match over petty, insignificant squabbles.

Edited by fattymcelbowsa
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Honestly, I'm cynical towards the introduction of both GSF and Strongholds.


Well I also am on TRE and I was looking forward to GSF. My issue is that it didn't quite deliver for me personally, but I do still see guilds occasionally that are actual GSF guilds. My main issues revolve around the GSF screen layout (before going into a battle) and the impossibly uneven teams within the battlezones.


But I do spend a lot of time with Strongholds, so for that was a good thing. Still, it depends on the person and I guess that's my point. In any case it was new stuff to do in the game.


Long story short, anyone claiming this game is better NOW than it was in 2012 has some serious issues, because it simply isn't; the core content is not there anymore, as in, the story-driven one. People now get a UNIQUE story for both factions, and they should consider themselves fortunate apparently -- I imagine chasing down the Emperor with a Smuggler must be exceptionally enticing. :rolleyes:


On that front, the latest story arc only reinforces how much class stories are sorely missed.


You make some very good points and this is the strongest one for me. The class stories are sorely missed and I don't get why they didn't continue what was arguably the most successful part of the game.


I also don't get why it takes so long for them to bring out new races. I want to make a new character, but I have to wait on the togruta and whether or not I'll get more character slots for example. I have 21 toons already.


So I will say, you make some good points. :)

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SWTOR will shutdown no doubt. it was stated by devs on stream & on here. that this year is last of the content TOR will recieve. so that tells us what? the games planning a shutdown seems.


The devs have actually given hints at it & have less & less interacted with us & are trying very hard to get away...


SWG didnt fail that badly. by time it ended it had well over 40,000 players logged on explains why servers were having some of worst lag ever in its time.


However TOR is year 3 & its dead......


US servers have under 5,000 players while EU has roughly 15,000 stated by EA/BW over there.....EU is funding the US servers anyone with a brain knows this & they are s.lowly losing players now who are fed up with way EA/BW is.



as for new SW MMO....um if i recall Disney made a press release stating they were working on a new SW MMO that will replace TOR. even they do not like TOR & know its doomed. SWG was doing pretty well. This game is reason why it was shutdown despite EA first stating both will Co-Exist then telling lucas to shut it off so they gain a influx of Subs. didnt work out to well...as most SWG players left TOR first month

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SWTOR will shutdown no doubt. it was stated by devs on stream & on here. that this year is last of the content TOR will recieve. so that tells us what? the games planning a shutdown seems.


Please provide a source for this, last time I checked they were recording new voices for this game and shifted more funds to develop it.

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SWTOR will shutdown no doubt. it was stated by devs on stream & on here. that this year is last of the content TOR will recieve. so that tells us what? the games planning a shutdown seems.


BS, nothing of the sort was said so provide link or stop making crap up



The devs have actually given hints at it & have less & less interacted with us & are trying very hard to get away...


While I will never defend EA and their under budget, under personal handleing of SW:TOR, once again your just making crap up as some of the devs from now cancelled Shadow Realm were transfered back to SW:TOR.


So SW:TOR actually got more devs, not less in the most recent past



SWG didnt fail that badly. by time it ended it had well over 40,000 players logged on explains why servers were having some of worst lag ever in its time.


Oh spare us your BS already


Your pulling numbers out of thin air with no clue what they mean


SWG was the poster boy for failed MMORPGs for many years because of how poorly it did after initial release.

The FACTS (not your fiction) can be found all over these forums 10000000 times over with links and validation to how poorly it was doing and when


SOE was under contact to run it to such a date and they did, jumping at first chance to NOT renew contract for property because of how poorly it was preforming.


Really wish you SWG fanboys would come outta make belive land into reality when speaking on topic


However TOR is year 3 & its dead......


More BS

SW:TOR under preforming but is stillwell above water financially and making money (something SWG couldnt claim after 2nd year of release btw)


US servers have under 5,000 players while EU has roughly 15,000 stated by EA/BW over there.....EU is funding the US servers anyone with a brain knows this & they are s.lowly losing players now who are fed up with way EA/BW is.


more BS, show us the link to official site with these numbers as you have no credibility on issue


Here is a number that WAS VERIFIED as was submitted in investors meeting for end of last fiscal term

SW:TOR make $162,000,000 in profit last fiscal year


as for new SW MMO....um if i recall Disney made a press release stating they were working on a new SW MMO that will replace TOR. even they do not like TOR & know its doomed. SWG was doing pretty well. This game is reason why it was shutdown despite EA first stating both will Co-Exist then telling lucas to shut it off so they gain a influx of Subs. didnt work out to well...as most SWG players left TOR first month


No such thing has been said by Disney regarding a new MMORPG.

Disney commented on NON MMORPG Star wars gaming ONLY


if you have a OFFICIAL SOURCE (not so random fan boy message board) then by all means link to it and show the evidence


but you and I both know no such evidence exists


Your just making crap up on the fly to troll people

Grow up kid

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SWTOR will shutdown no doubt. it was stated by devs on stream & on here. that this year is last of the content TOR will recieve. so that tells us what? the games planning a shutdown seems.


The devs have actually given hints at it & have less & less interacted with us & are trying very hard to get away...


SWG didnt fail that badly. by time it ended it had well over 40,000 players logged on explains why servers were having some of worst lag ever in its time.


However TOR is year 3 & its dead......


US servers have under 5,000 players while EU has roughly 15,000 stated by EA/BW over there.....EU is funding the US servers anyone with a brain knows this & they are s.lowly losing players now who are fed up with way EA/BW is.



as for new SW MMO....um if i recall Disney made a press release stating they were working on a new SW MMO that will replace TOR. even they do not like TOR & know its doomed. SWG was doing pretty well. This game is reason why it was shutdown despite EA first stating both will Co-Exist then telling lucas to shut it off so they gain a influx of Subs. didnt work out to well...as most SWG players left TOR first month


Everything you've said is complete BS. You won't post sources either because no one on the dev team said anything of the sort and neither did EA.

Edited by Killance
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In other words, due to the fact you have LITTLE next to NOTHING of worth to say which is relevant to the thread at hand, you are revealed for what you are: a little troll who seeks elicit a reaction out of others.


On that front, I can tell you this: you have succeeded.


Off with you now, little moth.




You have no intention because you have no solid footing on where to stand. It is called "overreaching".




Again, the game had over a million subscribers six months after release. :rolleyes:


Last time we heard anything on that front, it had one million of active players, though BW wasn't kind enough to instruct on us on how many of those were subs, preferred or F2P.


Also, lack of content? Are you delusional?


In 2012 alone, we had three NEW operations, two NEW daily areas, two NEW events, in addition to a couple of warzones if memory serves me right.


Last year, we went fourteen months without a single new operation, daily area, flashpoints outside tactical ones, etc etc. Do you have any idea for how long PvP'ers have gone without a new map, by any chance?


In late-2012, the release cadence for each major update was six weeks. Right now, it's eleven weeks.


Seriously, do yourself a favor, step away from the keyboard, and stop spewing BS.




F2P, as the name implies, is "Free To Play". They don't pay for anything, though many of them want the all package nonetheless.




I have no problem with ideas or people who feel differently. I do have an issue with trolls who like to spew BS at every turn, having installed the game two minutes earlier, pretending to know-it-all.


I'd love to know where you are claiming to get your information from. Firstly all the content released between launch and the end of 2012 was actually intended to come out at launch. EA bought biowwre out just so they could have a big name mmo as acclaim (owning WoW) had took a larger share of the market. After buying Bioware EA then strong armed them in to rushing the game out unfinished. The regular updates we got from launch onwards was just the unfinished content finally being released. The slow down in release of content is now in line with the original plans for content release. As for the numbers on active accounts they are way off. The results of an industry organised study into mmo's released in January clearly shows swtor has 15 million active accounts (the repirt didnt show how many are subs or f2p though) by December last year and is also the 2nd highest grossing mmo for the 3rd year running. The majority of your argument so far seems to be composed of made up figures and accusing others of being a troll if the question or disagree with you. That's ignorange and being narrow minded.

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I have to agree this game is fast facing its end. I don't see a future for it past the end of the year or early next year. The lack of players being listened too, content being buggy, easy or just down right lack luster content is sign to me that EA will pull it once all of Revans story is finally over (I expect we will see the end of revan with the end of the emperor). Let's face facts. Disney bought out star wars, the EU became non cannon. Lucasarts etc were shut down and ea were given exclusive rights to all future star wars game but part of that deal allowed them to keep our little corner of the EU alive but as Disney said at the time "for now". Making it clear swtor has a limited shelf life.

Now we know come September this year a whole new EU will launch with 20 new books and some comic series filling in the gap between episodes 6 and 7. There's new star wars games due for release starting at December to coinside with episode 7 and Christmas and whole lot more of them over the next few years. To me its clearly obvious EA have been doing the bare minimum to keep the Swtor afloat and just enough to keep an income coming from it until they cancash in on all the new games. To all my fellow players I say you should fully expect an aannouncement by the end of the year from Disney or ea that swtor will be taking offline. There's a good chance we will see it replaced by another star wars mmo. If it is then I'm sure it will be the big new secret mmo bioware confirmed they have been working on but it won't be anything like this one and will have nothing to do with the old EU so many of us love, grew up a part of or spent our hard earned money on. I believe that the next star wars mmo won't have 1% of the problems we have had with this one due to the fact Disney tend to be very protective of their brands and prefer them to be high quality so it maintains their reputation and they can charge a lot for as they do love their money.

Edited by Vectoi
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I'd love to know where you are claiming to get your information from. Firstly all the content released between launch and the end of 2012 was actually intended to come out at launch. EA bought biowwre out just so they could have a big name mmo as acclaim (owning WoW) had took a larger share of the market. After buying Bioware EA then strong armed them in to rushing the game out unfinished.


More garbage not even worth quoting.


Nice theory but SW:TOR (and this site) was not announced till long after the purchase of Bioware by EA and this game had a 5 year development cycle, all under EA umbrella inside the EA Austin (which they created and then called Bioware Austin to mislead people specifically for this title LONG after purchase of Bioware).


So how does EA buy Bioware for this game when Bioware had not even gotten the right to develope this game BEFORE the purchase


Your time line makes no sense and is nothing but conspiracy theories and nonsense.


The main titles in Biowares stable at time of purchase were Dragon Age:Origins (company was bought months before DA:O released) and the then still in concept phase Mass Effect 2. A Star Wars MMO (no company was attached to project) was rumored as being in talks stage but would be some time before any substantial info would be released and even more time before this site opened up announcing the project.


EA bought Bioware for Mass Effect franchise, Dragon Age Franchise, Neverwinter Nights franchise, but mostly for Biowares reputation as a AAA RPG developer.


And all of this is common knowledge stated 100000 times over in articles and interveiws.

YOUR THEORY is stated no where at all

Edited by Kalfear
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I resubbed this month, played my main through to 60 and I can't stand to log in anymore so I unsubbed. Mostly can't stand to play because the class/spec I've played since launch is incredibly broken now and Bioware flatout said they're not going to fix it so there's no use in staying subbed.
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I have to agree this game is fast facing its end. I don't see a future for it past the end of the year or early next year. The lack of players being listened too, content being buggy, easy or just down right lack luster content is sign to me that EA will pull it once all of Revans story is finally over (I expect we will see the end of revan with the end of the emperor). Let's face facts. Disney bought out star wars, the EU became non cannon. Lucasarts etc were shut down and ea were given exclusive rights to all future star wars game but part of that deal allowed them to keep our little corner of the EU alive but as Disney said at the time "for now". Making it clear swtor has a limited shelf life.

Now we know come September this year a whole new EU will launch with 20 new books and some comic series filling in the gap between episodes 6 and 7. There's new star wars games due for release starting at December to coinside with episode 7 and Christmas and whole lot more of them over the next few years. To me its clearly obvious EA have been doing the bare minimum to keep the Swtor afloat and just enough to keep an income coming from it until they cancash in on all the new games. To all my fellow players I say you should fully expect an aannouncement by the end of the year from Disney or ea that swtor will be taking offline. There's a good chance we will see it replaced by another star wars mmo. If it is then I'm sure it will be the big new secret mmo bioware confirmed they have been working on but it won't be anything like this one and will have nothing to do with the old EU so many of us love, grew up a part of or spent our hard earned money on. I believe that the next star wars mmo won't have 1% of the problems we have had with this one due to the fact Disney tend to be very protective of their brands and prefer them to be high quality so it maintains their reputation and they can charge a lot for as they do love their money.


By the end of the year? Pffffffft hahahahahahhahahahaha, good one. You really need to share what you're smoking. Clearly you haven't spent a day in a corporate entity. This game, by the way, made almost as much money as ESO had by Q3, and this game is 3 YEARS OLD. ESO just released. It should be SLAUGHTERING TOR. And that's BEFORE SoR was released. The devs have all but given us the details of what's going to be in 4.0. They've already said this in streams. EA isn't in the business of just shutting down games that make money, regardless of how much players ***** and moan. And Disney doesn't give 2 ****s about this game. As long as they get their licensing money, they're plenty happy. If they wanted anything to do with the gaming side, they'd have started their own in house game studio. But they didn't. Instead, they gave EA licensing rights for ALL Star Wars Core game titles for the next 10 years. Try again.

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I'd love to see some links to all this data being posted.


While I agree we have a CRAP TON of problems we don't have a doom/gloom pull the plug this year. We might have an exodus underway ATM, but that can change when BW/EA gets act together.


Things I've seen driving people away... (Unsub and/or going Preferred)

  • Better than Cross Server PVP solution promised - Nowhere to be found (Fall 2014)
  • Latest Operations - Hardmarish was a BAD IDEA and costing them fiscally now I'm sure
  • Death of 16m Guilds / 16m Operations - So many issues with scaling DEV's can't seem to get right
  • Population - seems (IMHO) in decline on many servers (Folks losing interest - gee wonder why?)
  • PVP MAPs? I'm not much into PVP, but would like to see some for those folks.
  • GSF has been abandoned alongside the "Legacy" system put in place
  • Gree event is so RARE and promised RED Sphere drop rate increase didn't happen (BW Cantina)
  • Communications - Sith finger pointed at Mgr Musco.. has SUCKED a LOT the last 6 months
  • Slot Machine Debacle - Gee at least you fixed it, but screwed up Cartel Certs w/o communication
  • New Operations OP for Cmdo/Merc and middle finger for mDPS on most fights
  • The "EXPLOIT" and handling by Bioware should have gotten people fired for this flub.
  • Part II of EXPLOIT "Clean-up" - Not removing gear was just BEYOND comprehension
  • My favorite.. People are "BORED" of grinding the new content already.
  • New Operations are so difficult they are already NIM quality for most guilds.
  • The 2015 Roadmap was... actually worse than the 2014 Roadmap and last years wasn't so great.
  • SM 16 man - LOOT was a joke and a bad one for 2-3 months. "Working as intended" CS told me - yea... okay - Let's just hope it's not one they repeat in the future... especially when you can just run one OP and see it's broke.


On the plus side.. Love the Costume Designer and can't wait to see what Ziost has coming.


Honestly, they can turn things around, but communication needs to continue to ramp up more than it is now.

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I don't know if this game will survive past the end of the year. I do know that I have seen less and less people on, even previous supports of the game in my Guild aren't around much and when they are don't have very encouraging things to say. End game content just isn't that good and so while everyone wants to get people into the game what can you do if its not well balanced for the different classes and not very enjoyable and not enough of it. I would think working on TOR would be a great job, though often from the outside looking in things seem better than they are. But on the off chance the team want to take notice there are a number of issues with the game.


Class Balance - The move to Nerf everybody down to the Marauder/Sent level while being unable to make the specs all viable is going to damage the experience for everyone.


Lack of depth - This really is a catch all for both the visual experience and the story after the initial game concludes. The primary meeting point is the fleet which has to be one of the most boring designs, a large circle broken up into traders etc. Check out ESO and see what a real town/city look like; these feel alive not just a lobby while you wait for some queue to pop, They need to make the experience more visually pleasing. The same goes for the story, the tools are there for great story telling but instead we get bland and generic stories with little better for the dialogue. A a galaxy at war and yet there seem to be no massive set pieces where we see armies at war or massive space battles. Even in the cut scenes it fails to grab the imagination.


Horizontal progression - Age of Conan, STO and ESO to name a few, have offered a progression once you meet max level, the Legacy seemed like this but proved to be mostly cosmetic and far too little. The same went with reputation a title and maybe some ugly gear is not a horizontal progression, while the combat team seem unable to balance what they have, something to make continued progression and refinement possible. This would then make running dailies worth something rather than tokens that you don't need and credits that don't purchase anything useful.


PvP and GSF - Seem to be completely ignored except PvP is often sited to nerf classes so they can't complete in PvE, Both are treated as a minor experience bolted on that have very very limited or no (gsf) roll in the rest of the game. By divorcing them it makes them very niche not offering a wider appeal.


Continued Story - This seems to be very badly done. Its mostly one experience for all 8 classes, it seldom ties in with anything else and much like the entired experience no choices have any effect. Which is a real shame cause things like the Black Talon setup the experience so well.


PvE Space, GSH, Conquest, Conclusion to anything - All of this appears to be forgotten. It either makes them a wasted opportunity or pointless additions that didn't really add to the experience.

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This game is about the story.

This game is about the voice acting.


Everything else is trivial.


And yet we keep getting less and less of both, as times goes by.


What began as an experience that featured multiple class stories, planetary story arcs, in addition to a plethora of side content, going from solo to group content, has dwindled into an experience that ONLY features a UNIQUE story for both factions. The VA has also been pared down to minimal levels, going so far as to have mute companions in the latest expansion, and not a single fully voiced side quest.


In other words, claiming this game is about story, voice acting, or both, is the pinnacle of fallacy.

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So what is the general consensus?


Is there new content on the horizon as per road map, or is BW just marking time, keeping the game going enough to call it playable then calling it?


From what I can see the only thing I know for certain is the name of the next batch of cartel packs....

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So what is the general consensus?


Is there new content on the horizon as per road map, or is BW just marking time, keeping the game going enough to call it playable then calling it?


From what I can see the only thing I know for certain is the name of the next batch of cartel packs....


Aside from the upcoming 3.2, all we know is what road map tells us.


That's it.


Also, "the PvP team is as busy as ever". :D

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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1. The current class balance to PVE content is skewed heavily towards ranged DPS. We all know this and while its mainly on two bosses it basically lends itself to a RDPS heavy raid community. Nothing new here so lets move on.


While I can't speak for endgame juggs/maras/guardians/sents, serenity shadows/ assassins aren't bad in SM ops. It's so easy to hit resilience and/or stealth out. I imagine healers hate shadows/assassins because they don't get the 30% dmg reduction versus aoe's like most other classes.

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Nice theory but SW:TOR (and this site) was not announced till long after the purchase of Bioware by EA and this game had a 5 year development cycle, all under EA umbrella inside the EA Austin (which they created and then called Bioware Austin to mislead people specifically for this title LONG after purchase of Bioware).


So how does EA buy Bioware for this game when Bioware had not even gotten the right to develope this game BEFORE the purchase


Your time line makes no sense and is nothing but conspiracy theories and nonsense.


The main titles in Biowares stable at time of purchase were Dragon Age:Origins (company was bought months before DA:O released) and the then still in concept phase Mass Effect 2. A Star Wars MMO (no company was attached to project) was rumored as being in talks stage but would be some time before any substantial info would be released and even more time before this site opened up announcing the project.


EA bought Bioware for Mass Effect franchise, Dragon Age Franchise, Neverwinter Nights franchise, but mostly for Biowares reputation as a AAA RPG developer.


And all of this is common knowledge stated 100000 times over in articles and interveiws.

YOUR THEORY is stated no where at all[/biowaresBW stated in 2005 they had plans to make their 1st mmo. By the end if 2005 lucasarts confirmed BW had by given permission to make a star wars game. It doesn't take a genius level IQ to come to go 2+2=4. Work began on swtor in 2006 and EA bought them out mid 2007. Bioware announced to the public in 2008 that they were indeed working on a star wars mmo with EA releasing a statement out right that their main goal all along was to purchase an mmo that could be brought out quickly to rival WoW. I remember ever single statement and article as I've followed BW since they released baulders gate.

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