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Sniper Penetrating Blasts Bug


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My level 42 version of the ability seem to be broke, not my level 60... I haven't tested Series of Shots on the character but I will do that later, though it's been an odd occurrence and does throw off the rotation even at that level.


I wonder if there is a utility my level 60 has that makes it work as intended? The only other difference I can think of is my Lv42 is a female and not a male like the other, otherwise both are the same spec and rotation used...


It could just be a coincidence I suppose, as I only have been playing my lv60 in my weekly raids while i spent a ton of time this week on the other. :confused:


Overall, an interesting bug! :)

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I too have noticed the animation/sound bug on this ability. It's similar to the bug with the sage's force quake where only the first tick of the sound would play but the damage still occurred.


I do find it rather annoying as it often makes it hard to determine when the ability has completed in the middle of a hectic combat.

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I have female character and Bioware has yet to fix this ON GOING ISSUE.

Another patch 3.2B and total a disregard to paying customers tickets, Bug reports to keep dealing with thePenetrating blast issue. Make me want to forget about play SWTOR

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Bioware had the Sniper Penetrating fix but since 4.0 came out >>> no knock back on Penetrating blast.


I had an issue (BUG) on Star Fortress Heroic 2 Belsavis half way into the heroic I could not crouch.

I would get an Error saying ( Can not use while in air)

Then on the main Boss fight he never left the room to jump up to plat form for final fight.


Please fix

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  • 5 weeks later...
Devs Penetrating Blasts is still firing 4 shots instead of intended 5 atleast 80% of the time. Requesting immediate fix as its been broken like this ever since you changed the animation for penetrating blasts from series of shots animation. So its almost been a year now. fix this already before it turns into an Star Wars Galaxies scenario.
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  • 2 months later...

Before 4.0

Penetrating Blast was working and was knocking back players in PVE and PVP play.

This was one of our main defense when a players comes after Sniper in cover.


After 4.0

Penetrating Blast BUG HAS NO Knock back ( NONE) and this is effecting our PVP & PVE play for Snipers.

We have seen patch after patch with no fix to this on going Bug, (4.4)


Sniper Marksman have to stay in cover for there main shots.

With Not having a knock back , it is making difficult to stay in cover.


PLEASE work on Bugs

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  • 3 months later...

Penetrating Blasts Bug that does not knock back anything and issue is Not fixed


I am running my Sniper Marksman and Penetrating Blasts Bug that does not knock back .

Its making PVP no fun when you have mele pounding on you and shoot Penetrating Blasts does not knock them back. I have put in so many Penetrating Blasts Bug tickets that support tell me it will be fixed in next patch.

I am am still waiting for the fix.


I have a gunslinger and it works. Makes me wonder if its a server issue of game issue since some have it working but others like me the issue continues

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