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Taking FORCE STORM off my bar.


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While I totally understand your position, and would likely do the same myself, if I didn't have another solution. I'm going to mothball my sage and just not play him. I've got plenty of other characters to focus on. It was really fun to play (not a PvPer) for a few months. Time to look into a FOTM.


For the record. They didn't need to have the cast, that was uncalled for... Once again, BW makes huge sweeping changes instead of little tweeks. Makes you wonder what's in the water cooler... just sayin.

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Just wanted to say thanks for making force storm completely useless. Thanks for taking an amazing ability and literally make it not worth having on my bar let alone using. Guess it's single target for life now on Sorc.:mad:


Storm went from best 0CD AoE by wide margin to 3rd best and is still the most spammable.


In other words, by your argument whirling Blow, Cyclone Slash, Explosive Surge and Carbine Burst are also worthless. Protip - from that list, only Carbine burst is worthless

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they didnt need to cut it in half like that...its not even worth using anymore >.<


finally i can try dps specs while doing dailies..i didn't have to respec a single time since 3.0. just one button did all solo content for me..nerf on that skill was due. they shortened it so you'll barely notice the damage decreasing

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Good. All you scrubs using only force storm and force quakes in flashpoints and warzones, and thinking you're elite without having to worry about resource management, will now have to actually learn to play the class.


Sorcs and sages are still a great class. And their aoe capacity is still as good as or superior to every other class. It's just no longer a pathetic crutch. I love this change.


The tears about it are great, because all of you force storm fanatics that did NOTHING else the entire wz or fp were so infuriating to watch and so horrible at every other aspect of the game.

Edited by clearsighted
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Good. All you scrubs using only force storm and force quakes in flashpoints and warzones, and thinking you're elite without having to worry about resource management, will now have to actually learn to play the class.


Sorcs and sages are still a great class. And their aoe capacity is still as good as or superior to every other class. It's just no longer a pathetic crutch. I love this change.


The tears about it are great, because all of you force storm fanatics that did NOTHING else the entire wz or fp were so infuriating to watch and so horrible at every other aspect of the game.


^this. Time to L2P peeps.

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I can understand reducing the damage, the slow being removed was dumb, the channel time cut in half was well...


Cant even kill minions with it anymore it's kinda of


"Oh look that's the only ability not on cd it sucks but oh well"

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I was leveling a tiny lvl25 sorc in kdy today and i almost fell of my chair when i saw my beloved force storm show crit numbers as 1700 where it used to say 4200. I did know they intended to nerf it.. but did they have to totaly break it?? Oh and a 2.9s channel time now aswell which is super annoying. Edited by zappito
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I know the pvp whiners had some justification in wanting the quake nerf, but there is a difference in nerfing something to make it less OP in pvp and utterly ruining a class. From a progression pve standpoint, this is not just a nerf, its akin to removing one of a classes best abilities. Sages have never been OP in pve, and for a long time have had to work a little harder to keep up with FOTM classes, however since 3.0 we have had a justified place in pve progression teams. This patch fairly killed that. Ive gone from doing 4.6k dps on torque and taking care of the turrets to now having to single target torque and change the tactics of the entire boss, cos just about every other dps we have has better aoe. For people wanting to be in progression raid teams, there is simply no reason to want to pay sage anymore, while the single target dps is still just about enough on most of the bosses, why bother taking a sage, when every other range class has better single target dps and the one place sage excelled has been reduced to pointless. 4.2k crits down to 2.7k and potency being a waste for this abilty now. Trooper teams ftw, this patch is a major ****up from BW with regards to sage, if you want to destroy sage sustained on tele, you really should have sorted balance out first.
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Due to low slash I decided to try some PvE on Rishi. Figured I could try quake and lololololol. Wow, felt like it hit for a total of 3K. That's a total, not per tick. It's faster to just single target a mob...and single target on balance is pretty ****** in itself.
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Stop this pointless discuss. Screw FS/FQ it was OP and it was good decision to cut channel in half.

The real problem for sorcs/sages is that Madness/Balance still suck (1 sec window on demo... it's arround +15-20 overall dps... way the go bio...).

TK/Lightning as burst spec loose arround 10-15% (depends on crit ratio) on SINGLE target dps. What the hell?! On my mercenary in 186 commendation gear I gain more dps.

Great job BIOFAIL

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